Seeing Michael

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Today was the day that Melissa was going to fianlly get to see Michael since waking up. It's only been a day since she'd woken up but it felt like months not seeing Michael. Jason was able to convince Michael to come back from Sonny's Island to see his family who he hadn't seen in three months. He'd left because he could no longer deal with the thought of Melissa never waking up.

"How are you, Michael?" Sam asked as he walked into the Penthouse.

"I'm...better. I still think about her. I have nightmares of losing her but other than that I'm okay. I mean it could be worse." he says.

Melissa stood with her back against the wall as she listened to Michael's voice. It had been a long time since she heard his voice. And he sounded so sad. He spoke of her as if she was no longer alive.

"I'm glad you're doing better than before you left. Michael, I really am sorry about everything." Sam says.

"Thank you, Sam." he says.

Just then, Sam's phone rang and she answered it. It was Jason telling her that it was time to let Michael and Melissa see each other now. So, once she was off the phone, Sam glanced up at Michael,"That was Molly. She needs my help with something. Mind locking up for me?" she asked as she slipped on her coat.

Michael nods,"Sure. Tell Molly I said hello." he says.

"I will." she says before walking out the door.

With a low sigh, Michael loomed around at the pictures of Sam, Danny and Jason. They looked so happy. He wanted that. He wanted to be happy with Melissa. He could see himself waking up to her every morning. Kissing her, hugging her, smelling her. Her smile, her laugh and her eyes were the first things he wanted to see and hear in the morning.

Closing her eyes, Melissa took a deep breath and let it out through her nose before turning the corner and quietly decending the stairs. She stared at Michael's back. She didn't know what to say or how to say it. She's always known what she would say when she spoke to Michael but now...she had not a clue as to what to say to him.

Shaking her head, she turned around to rush back up the stairs only to stumble on the first step,"Who are you?" Michael had turned around at the sound behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Melissa straightened her back and slowly turned around, revealing herself,"It's uh, it's me." she says meeting his wide eyes and parted mouth. She noticed that he had a scratch on his right cheek."It's uh, it's been a while." she says, taking a step in his direction.

"This can't be happening." he says.

"What do you mean?" she questioned him.

"It's been weeks since I've had nightmares of you. Why are they back? Did I do something wrong?" he askes himself.

Melissa took a step in his direction,"Michael, I'm not a nightmare or a dream. I'm real. I'm really front of you." she says.

Michael shakes his head,"You say the same thing in ever nightmare. Everytime I believed you. Not this time. I can't. It only makes it hurt more when you leave me. I can't do this anymore." he says, his voice full of sorrow.

Melissa shook her head and moved to stand directly in front of him,"Michael, look at me." he kept his head down,"Look at me!" he slowly lifted his head and met her gaze,"I am real. I am as real as your heart beating in your chest. I am as real as your mother and your father. You have to believe me." she says, taking his hand and placing it on her cheek.

He shook his head,"I can't." he says as he steps around her and towards the door.

"Michael, wait, please!" she cried out.

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