Meeting Her.

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Two weeks have passed since Michael began to wonder if Melissa, too, had been raped. She's been avoiding him lately and it was not sitting all that well with him. His family and those who knew Michael could see that. That something was nothering him.

"Let me guess...Mom?" Michael states with a sigh. 

Shutting the door, he nodded, "She said that she was worried about you." Jason states moving to sit beside him.

"I'm fine. Mom worries too much, you know that." Michael states.

"Yes but she's right, this time. Everyone has noticed the difference in you, Michael."

"What difference?" He questioned as he rose to his feet.

"You've been angry a lot lately. Michael, you punched Morgan the other day. What's going on?" Jason asked as he moved to his feet.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Michael moved to stare out the window, "It's been two weeks and she barely even speaks to me. " He says.


"Melissa! She's avoiding me and I don't know why!" He groaned, running his fingers through his hair. It bother him greatly that Melissa was not speaking to him. She seemed to be the only person he couild talk to and not feel pressured to reveal how he feels. When he was with her, he felt as if he WANTED to tell her everything.

Jason moved to stand in front of Michael, taking in his frustrated expression, "Have you tried asking her?"

Michael shook his head, "No. Everytime I come near her she gives me this fake smile before excusing herself off to class or somewhere." He explained.

"Maybe she's going through some things and needs time. Michael, don't read to much into this or you'll drive yourself crazy." Jason advised.

Sighing, Michael ran his fingers through his hair, "I guess you're right. I should just give her time." He says.

One Week Later: Michael's Birthday: He Turns 18yrs. Old.

Everyone had thrown a suprise birthday party for Michael and boy was he suprised. He'd expected much but the amount of people that showed up for him is what suprised him. 

"Happy Birthday, sweetie." Carly squeals, pulling her eldest son into an embrace.

Michael smiles,"Thanks, mom, for everything." He says, tighenting his hold on her.

Carly tightened her hold also, "I love you, so much. I'll do anything for you and your brother nad sister." She says.

Pulling away, Carly cupped his cheeks in her hands, "I know, mom," He says with a smile.

"Michael, Happy Birthday." Sam says, pulling him into a hug once Carly let him go. 

"Thanks Sam. I apreciate you and Jason coming." He says.

Sam waved him off, "Of Course we were coming. You mean a lot to the both of us. We couldn't miss out on your eighteenth birthday." She laughs. 

"Still, I really apreciate you coming." He says.

She smiles, "I'm glad to be here." She says before Michael is being pulled into an embrace by someone. He stiffens at the sudden closeness and pushes the person away before realizing that it had been Kristina.

"Michael, I'm sorry." She panics, "I forgot you don't like being touched." She states, taking a step back.

Taking a dep breath, Michael moved towards her and pulled her into an embrace, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. You just caught me off gaurd." He explains.

Because We BelongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora