Baby Talk

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It's been four and a half months and Melissa and Michael are still going strong. Michael is so excited to be a father to Melissa's baby that he's already started thinking of baby names.

"So, if it's a boy I was thinking about Jacob Corinthos Morgan, Carmelo Jerome Morgan or Nathaniel Corinthos Jerome Harris." He says, reading off the piece of paper in his hand.

Melissa smiles,"And if it's a girl?"

"Melinda Jerome Harris, Sarah Corinthos Morgan or Jenna Jerome Corinthos Morgan." He finishes with a wide smile.

Melissa reaches over and takes his hand,"I love you, so much, Michael. You have no idea how much I love you." She says, a tear slowly rolling down her face.

Michael reaches down and wipes away her fallen tears,"I love you, too, far more than you will ever be able to comprehend." He says softly,"I can't wait to start this family with you."He says before lowering his lips onto hers.

"Awwww, Jason, aren't they just the cutest little family you've ever seen?" Carly squeals softly.

Michael pulls away from Melissa blushing "Mom." He groaned.

Melissa chuckles, "Hello, Mrs. Corinthos."

"What have I told you about calling me that?" Carly scolds her.

Melissa laughs, "Sorry, Mrs. Corinth - Mom. Habit." She says.

Carly smiles before leaning down and kissing her hair, "It's okay."

"How are you and the baby?" Jason asked her, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

Melissa looks over at him, "They're very active yet very calm." She chuckles,"Thanks for asking, dad."

Jason places a hand on her hair and pulls her close before pressing his lips to her forehead, "I love you. I'll always want to know how you and the baby are doing."

She smiles,"So, how does it feel to be a soon-to-be grandpa?"

Jason chuckles, "I'm excited to have a baby around the house. It's been a long time since a baby has been around."

"Michael told me that you took care of him his first year as a baby."

He nods, "I did. It was one of the best years of my life."

Michael smiles,"I don't remember much but what I do remember was that Jason loved me. He took care of me like I was his own."

Melissa nods,"Can I ask a question without things getting awkward?"

"Sure.  Ask away," Carly said. 

"Why Was Michael raised by Jason for the first year of his life?" She asked.

Carly and Jason shared a look before Carly some up. "Well, sweetie, it's a bit complicated and it's a long story but," she started. "...long story short though, Michael's biological father and I didn't really get along so I asked Jason to be a father to him."

Melissa turns to look at Jason. "You became a father to a child you knew wasn't yours," she said in awe.

Jason nods. "It was the right thing to do,"

"Not many men would do that."

"It's possible to fall in love with a child that isn't yours," Michael's voice sounded in the room. 

Melissa turns her head to look at him.  He's staring at her apprasingly. "Michael - "

"Even though that baby isn't here yet,  I know I will love him or her like they were my own flesh and blood." He crosses the room and sits down beside her. "Just like Jason loved me."

Melissa lifts a hand to cup his cheek. "How can you say that?"

He chuckles before leaning forward and pressing his forehead against hers. "Because I'm madly in love with their mother and every part of you." He draws back to meet her gaze. "This baby - our baby - is a part of you. I will love them with all that I have."

A tear slipped and rolled down her cheek. "Oh,  Michael." She leans forward and captures his lips in a kiss.

Michael wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer. "I love you, Melissa." He says against her lips.

"I love you, too, Michael."

"Awwww. The two of you are just so cute!" Both Carly and Sam squeal.

Melissa and Michael draw back with a chuckle. "Mom." Michael says.

"I'm sorry. It's just - the two of you are going to be parents soon." She says. "I'm going to be a grandma!"

Melissa laughs then tilts her head to the side. "Carlina Samantha Corinthos-Morgan." She looks up at everyone from Jason to Sonny. "After my late mother and my new family."

Everyone smiles. "What if it's a boy?"

"Michael Carson Jerome-Morgan." She says with a wide smile.

"Carson?" Michael questioned.

Melissa looks to Carly and Sonny. "It's a mixture of Carly and Sonny."

Carly and Sonny smile at her before both moved to kiss her hair. "We would be honored to be named after your beautiful baby boy or girl." Sonny says.

"Now,  god-parents." Sam says.

Melissa chuckles. "Molly has to be the God-mother. She'd kill me if I didn't pick her." Melissa says.

"Okay, Molly it is." Sam says. "What about the God-father?"

Melissa looks at Michael. "You want to do the honors?"


She nods. "Absolutely."

He smiles. "How about Donte? Or Patrick? They both saved your life. If it weren't for them you wouldn't be sitting in front of me right now." He says, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

Melissa nods. "How about both of them?"

Michael smiles. "That would be great."

"Now, you have to pick another God-mother." Carly says.

"How about...Jenny? I haven't seen her since I got out if the hospital four and a half months the ago,  since she left to stay with her dad for the rest of the school year but," She swallows the lump in her throat. "She's my best friend."

"Does she know about the baby?" Sonny questioned.

Melissa shakes her head. "No. I want to tell her face to face and not over the phone."

"When is she coming back?" Carly asked.

"We talked yesterday and she said she'll be back in three days."

"Do you want me to be with you when you tell her?" Michael asked.

She nods. "Please?"

He nods. "Of course. We're in this together." He squeezes her hand.

"We all are." Sam says.

Carly smiles and nods. "We're all family and family sticks together." She says softly. "We're all here for you."

Melissa smiles. "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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