Abby meet Melissa

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Melissa had been sitting at Jake's for about fifteen minutes doing homework when she felt hands on her shoulder. Rather quickly, startled, she jumped out of her seat and spun around to face whoever had touched her. She'd had her fists raised ready to defend herself.

"Whoa!" Someone said from behind, touching her arm.

Again she jumped back with fists raised.

It had been Donte who had touched her shoulder while sitting and Sonny who'd touched her arm,"Melissa, It's just us. Donte and Sonny." Donte says.

Melissa, with her heart beating in her ears, forced a smile,"I'm terribly sorry, Donte, Mr. Corinthos. I was so lost in getting work done I was startled by your touch." She says.

Donte and Sonny shared a glance,"Are you sure? You seemed startled...scared even." Sonny says.

"I haven't been sleeping very well since I was taken. Nightmares keep me awake at night...or the use to, anyway."She says.

"Patrick prescribe you sleeping pills?" Donte asked.


"Then what's helping you sleep?" Sonny asked.

She meets his gaze and smiles,"Michael." She states,"Sleeping in Michaels arms help me sleep. I know that I'm safe and that no harm will ever come to me while in his arms." She says.

Sonny and Donte smile at her,"You seem to be really in love with my brother." Donte says.

Melissa turns to meet his gaze,"That's because I am really in love with Michael. He means the world to me." She says before she frowned a bit,"I honestly don't know WHERE I would BE right now without Michael. I'd probably still be lost." She responds truthfully.

"Not as lost as I would be without you." Michaels voice came from behind her.

Turning around Melissa came face to face with Michael. He was gazing down at her with such intensity that her heart swelled,"How long have you been standing there?"

"I walked in on I really am in love with Michael part." He says with a smile.

Melissa blushed,"Why didn't you say anything?"

He moved to stand in front of her,"It feels like a dream whenever I think about you telling me that you love me. Hearing you say it out loud reminds me that I am awake and that you feel for me what I feel for you." He responds.

Melissa, shaking her head, leans forward on her toes and presses her lips on his. Michael cautiously places his hands on her hips and pulls her closer, leaving them chest to chest. Melissa slid her hands up Michaels chest and cupped his face before pulling away. She lifted her gaze to meet his,"I love you, Michael Corinthos. I'm so much in love with you that it's not even funny." She says.

Michael can't help but smile at her. She was so beautiful. She was perfect in his eyes,"I don't have a clue as to what I did to deserve you but," he cupped her face and stepped closer, gazing down and directly into her green eyes,"I love you. I love you more than I thought was humanly possible. Ever since you stood up for me at school almost two years ago my life has been amazing. I've NEVER been as happy as I am when I'm with you." He states truthfully."

"He's right, You know." Dante's voice sounded.

They'd forgotten he and Sonny were standing around them.

"We've never seen him so happy."

"And that's because of you. You make my son happy and that's all I ever wanted." Sonny says, placing a hand on Michaels shoulder.

Melissa smiles at them,"Thank you, for saying that, but Michael makes me vistas happy as I make him."

"Either way, thank you for making my brother happy." Dante says before pulling her into an embrace.

Melissa resisted the urge to pull away from him and instead returned the gesture,"No thanks is needed." She says pulling away.

"I'm going to thank you anyway. I wouldn't see him so happy if it weren't for you." Sonny says hugging her.

"Same here, Mr. Corinthos."

"Call me, Sonny."

Melissa chuckled,"That would be rude of me, but I can start calling you Mr. C.
He smiles, his dimples showing,"I'll take that." He says,"Well, I'm off to meet Carly at the house. She has a surprise of some sort."

"I'll see you Dad." Michael says.

"Be careful, Mr. C." Melissa says.

"You do the same." He says.

"I have to go pick up Rocko, So I will see the two of you around." Dante says.

"See you around." Says Michael.

"You be careful, too, Dante." Melissa says.

Dante smiled at her,"Always."

By now Melissa and Dante were sitting at one of the tables outside of Jake's when Abby took notice to Michael sitting with some young woman.

"Michael, hey." She says, walking over.

Michael lifts his gaze to meet hers,"Abby, hey." He stands and embraces her,"How have you been?"

"Good actually. How are you?"

He glances down at Melissa and smiles,"I'm doing great, better." He says before reaching for Melissa's hand and pulling her into her feet,"This is my friend Abby, Abby...THIS beautiful young woman is Melissa Harris, my...."

Abby smiled, look from Michael to Melissa,"Girlfriend." She says.

Michael kisses Melissa's hair,"Hi, It's nice to meet you." Melissa holds out her hand,"Michael has told me a lot about you." She says with a smile.

Abby smiles at her and takes her hand,"It's nice to finally put a face to the woman who stole Michaels heart." She states,"Michael has told me a lot about you, too." She says.

"I hope nothing but good things."

"That's all there was to tell." He says.

Melissa shook her head,"Would you like to join us?" She asked Abby.

"Are you sure? I don't want to burden you -"

"Oh, you're no burden. I would love to get to know the woman who was here for Michael when I wasn't." She stated with a sad smile. She's always felt guilty about not being there for Michael. He'd always told her not to be but she couldn't help it.

Michael noticed her expression and cupped her cheek,"Hey, don't do that. Don't blame yourself."

"Michael is right. What happened wasn't your fault. If you could have been here you would have. So, don't punish yourself." Abby says.

Melissa smiles at her,"Thank you, for saying that. You don't even know me and you felt the need to say that. Thank you."

Abby placed a hand on her arm,"You're seem like a great young woman. You've helped Michael in ways no one else has. You deserve to be happy...not filled with guilt"

She nods,"Again, thank you for being there for him when I couldn't."

Abby smiles,"He makes it easy."

Melissa nods in agreement,"That is very true."

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