Chapter 19- I'm Drunk In The Back Of The Car

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May 2nd 2016

"I really don't know if this is a good idea?" Taylor has always been nervous before public appearances but even more so lately. Its the first Monday in May which means the most important night of any high profile celebrity's calendar is tonight. "Taylor, I know you've been through a lot lately but this is the Met Gala, you can't just not go, it'll make the public think you have something to hide."

She looks up to Tree as she sighs, the singer running her fingers through her bleach blonde hair. "But people are going to ask questions and I don't know how to answer them. Am I still dating 'calvin'? How am I coping after my miscarriage? Why does the whole fucking world think they're entitled to my personal life?" She's been hiding out for months and she's really starting to grow tired of her whole life being public knowledge.

"After the Formula 1 concert I'm taking a break, Tree, I need to figure out what I want in life and focus on my family," Taylor sighs and Tree nods, she knows that if anyone deserves a break then it's her boss, Taylor has been on the clock constantly for ten years. "That's fine, and I'll make sure of it, but today you need to be at that event."

Taylor nods in agreement and pushes herself up from the couch, "can you get my team? I wanna go and check on Bella," Tree agrees so Taylor slips out of the room in search of her daughter. It's only been a few days since the incident with Adam and Bella running off so Andrea is here to stay with Bells while Taylor is gone, and the teen has been pretty content with having someone new as company.

"Hey," the singer smiles as she walks into Bella's room, the teen sat against the headboard as she scrolls through her phone. "I thought you were getting ready for your thing?" Taylor flops down onto the bed beside the teen and Bella puts her phone down, "Tree is rounding everyone up, but I wanted to come and check on you."

There is an unspoken anxiety on Taylor's part and there has been for weeks now. She worries about Bella and if she's okay, and for some reason it's just been worse since she went back onto her medication but the doctor insists that her body is just getting used to it again.

"I want you to have fun tonight, you deserve it,"    Bella lays her head down on Taylor's shoulder but glances up to the singer, "I'm fine with your mom, you don't have to worry." She knows that Taylor is going to worry anyway but she should have one night off with her friends, especially after everything she's dealt with lately. "The last time I had a night off I ended up pregnant, remember?" Her laugh is pained and Bella sighs as she hugs her Foster mom tight.

Everything is so up in the air right now, Taylor isn't sure where she stands in her relationship or what she wants to do with her future. She loves her job but she loves Bella more and lately her career has just been making her life more difficult. Until she figures things out she just needs to prioritise the wellbeing of her family.

"Maybe just stick with Karlie and Blake then," the teen laughs too, squeezing Taylor tight as the singer smiles. "LA will be a nice break after this," Taylor has another awards show next week so they're going out to LA tomorrow and they're both looking forward to getting away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

"Taylor?" The singer groans as she hears her publicist calling out, making Bella laugh, "go and let them turn you into a robot, I'm not going anywhere." Taylor sits up, kissing her cheek before getting up from the bed, "I'll be down the hall if you need anything."

Bella watches as Taylor leaves and then the teen pushes herself up, crossing her legs as her hands go to her bump. The baby has been so active the last few days and the more she feels him the harder it is to stop herself getting attached.

"Hey Jenny," she picks her phone up as it starts to ring beside her, "is this a good time?" The woman on the other end of the line is smiling and Bella looks down to her bump as she nods, "yeah, what's up?" Jenny sends a text every other day or so to check in but Bella doesn't typically have much contact with her other than at appointments. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for lunch with us on Wednesday? Will and I would like to get to know you better."

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