Chapter 2- Don't Wanna Hurt Anymore

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January 11th 2016

Isabella felt sick as Taylor left, her heart fell into her stomach but she knew that she had to keep her mouth shut. Her foster home is far from perfect, but she doesn't need to involve Taylor in that. Her mind is racing throughout her scans, the doctor checking to make sure there are no serious injuries, but she just couldn't stop thinking about what awaits her when she gets home.

When she's taken back to her room, she's barely there for five minutes before she hears the nurse telling her that her foster parents are here. They're led to her and the teen keeps her arms wrapped tightly around her body, silently trying to reassure herself that it would be okay. "Izzy, what on earth have you done this time," the man's condescending tone makes her flinch and she takes a shaky breath as she looks to the couple, "I was on my way home and I got into an accident." She doesn't go into detail because she knows they don't really care, she can already see the anger bubbling below the surface.

"Mr and Mrs Lowell, we just took your foster daughter for some tests and once we get the results of those back she'll be discharged," Bella can read the anger on her foster father's face and the feeling in her stomach tells her that whatever happens when they get back home, it isn't going to be good.

After being told that she'll likely experience some intense headaches for the next few days, Isabella was discharged into their care. They left the hospital and she could feel the tension as they walked to the car. Her hands were sweating and her body was almost in a state of paralysis as she sat in the back seat, waiting for the onslaught of her foster father's short temper. This is a scene she's all too familiar with, waiting for him to explode as her foster mother sits by and doesn't say anything.

The car shuts off and the teen is still too scared to even think about moving without permission. "Get inside and go to your room, I don't wanna see your face again until it's time for you to make dinner." The young girl takes the opportunity and scrambles from the car and into the house, rushing past the other kids and into the sanctuary of her room, it's the only place that is really hers but she still doesn't feel safe. She hates this place, she has since they put her here, and she counts every day until she can get out.


Taylor got home shortly after leaving the hospital but she couldn't shake Isabella from her mind. She could still see the fear in the teenager's eyes when the doctor mentioned her foster parents, it was almost as if Taylor witnessed the girl's heart falling. She can't begin to imagine what the girl has been through. "She's in trouble, dibbles, but I don't know how to help her," the blonde sighs as the little cat crawls into her lap and nuzzles into her owner's chest.

Taylor gets up and walks around the apartment, finding her way to the music room and sitting down with the cat at the piano. She's been working on her next album for the last few months having just finished the 1989 world tour, so she's been writing a fair bit. She's so conflicted, she just wants to help Isabella but she can't do that until Isabella lets her and it's so frustrating.

Her phone pings on the top of the piano and she grabs it immediately, hoping to find a text from the teen but instead it's from her boyfriend letting her know that he's here and he's on his way upstairs. The singer sighs and slips her phone into her pocket again as she put the cat on the floor and ventures out to open the front door.

The pair have been dating for nearly a year now and she loves Adam but lately things have been a little rocky. "Hey you," the blonde smiles sweetly as she opens the door, wrapping her arms around his neck as she greets him with a kiss, "how are you?" He smiles at his girlfriend as he follows her into the apartment and Taylor plops down on the couch, "I got into a bit of an accident last night," his eyes bug as he sits beside her and the younger girl gives him a reassuring smile, "I'm fine, I wasn't hurt, but a teenage girl ran out in front of my car and I hit her. It was pretty scary but she's fine, I left the hospital a while ago."

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