Chapter 15 - I Tried To Pick My Battles Till The Battle Picked Me

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April 16th 2016

Karlie's plan for them to get away for a bit to help Taylor destress was working for a little while, but a couple of days before they were due to come home, the blonde started to go into full on panic mode.

Stories started surfacing online about her pregnancy about two days into their trip, but none of the three knew until two days later. They enforced a no technology rule but that meant that it took a fan coming up to Taylor for them to find out. She wasn't too panicked in the start; rumors are rumors, but then Adam spoke out online and confirmed it, even though he knew that wasn't what she wanted.

On top of that, Bella woke up with a fever and after speaking to her doctor, they knew they had to get back to the States as soon as possible.

They got home last night and went straight to see the doctor. She told them that as long as the fever is handled appropriately then it shouldn't harm the baby, but it is lucky they caught it when they did. That means Bella has been in bed and Taylor has been doing everything she can to make sure she gets better quickly.

"You need to sit down for a minute, Teff, all of this stress can't be good for the baby," Karlie refused to leave them, knowing that Taylor was already stressed and with Bella being sick now too, she knew it was just a matter of time before her best friend hit her peak. "If I don't keep moving then I'm going to freak out, he still isn't answering me."

She's been trying to get in contact with Adam since he spoke out about the baby, but he isn't answering her calls or texts. He definitely knows that she's upset about his actions and it's getting harder and harder for her to stop herself thinking that he did it out of malice.

"I know, but who's more important right now? Adam or your baby?" Karlie gives her a disapproving look and Taylor sighs as she gives in, it's just so hard for her not to panic in this situation. She's worrying about the press and her family and her fans on top of worrying about Bella and the baby, she's always worried about others before herself and now she knows she can't do that.

The model pulls her best friend into a hug as Taylor sinks down into the couch and the blonde releases a deep sigh as she holds a hand to her stomach. She has the smallest hint of a bump at this point. "I never even got to tell my parents, Kar, he knew I wanted to wait until the end of the first trimester," she was on the phone to her parents the second she saw Adam's tweet, a sobbing mess about the fact that that was how they were finding out.

Karlie has been pretty restrained because she knows her anger isn't going to help anything, but the next time she sees Adam she isn't going to be so nice. "The only thing that matters is that they love that little baby just as much as you do, they don't care how you tell them because they're happy for you either way."

Taylor nods against her shoulder but she's still so annoyed and scared. She didn't want the world knowing about her baby, especially not this early into her pregnancy, and Adam knew that better than anyone.

"I need to be in LA for the vogue shoot in a few days but I don't know how up to travelling Bella is going to be," Taylor sighs as she changes the subject and Karlie squeezes her friend, "I can stay with her if you need me to." Taylor looks up to her best friend with a sigh as she smiles, "thank you."

Karlie has been her rock lately, she doesn't know where her or Bella would be without her help.


Since finding out how risky this fever is for the baby, Bella has been even more terrified than she already was. Taylor had tried her best to help her calm and worry less, but she knows Taylor is just covering up how stressed she really is too.

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