Chapter 16 - No Other Sadness In The World Would Do

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April 17th 2016

Taylor's tests all came back with the same results - she's miscarrying. Her mom arrived hours later, Tree having arranged a flight for her, and she found her daughter in a mess of tears and pain.

Andrea spent the night in the hospital with Taylor, updating Karlie throughout the night. She's allowed to go home this morning, but that means having to explain everything to Bella and facing the public who are now going to twist this and turn her loss against her.

"How are you feeling?" Karlie is already waiting as the pair arrive back at the apartment and Taylor gives her best friend a tired smile. "Tired, empty, sore," she sighs as she falls into her best friend's arms and Karlie squeezes her gently.

"How's Bella?" she's been through hell in the last twenty four hours but yet she's still more worried about her Foster daughter than herself. "Her fever broke and she's doing a lot better, she doesn't know anything." Taylor nods as she wraps her arms around herself, "I'm going to go and take a nap, I'm exhausted."

She barely slept a wink through the night, she feels guilty and confused. Her baby was healthy, every single one of her appointments was good. She doesn't know what went wrong.

"Of course, take all of the time that you need," Andrea rubs her daughter's arm and Taylor gives them both a small smile before heading upstairs.

She doesn't want to worry Bella and she doesn't feel like explaining everything right now, so she bypasses Bella's room and goes along to her own. "Hey Dibbles," the singer smiles at the cat stretched out on the bed and sinks down beside her, groaning in pain at the intense cramping her body is going through currently.

The cat curls up at her owner's feet as Taylor tries to find a comfortable position in bed, but her whole body is wracked with pain. She cuddles a pillow tight as she wills herself not to cry anymore, the silence and lack of anyone else enabling her overthinking to skyrocket.

Was it the travelling? The stress? Did she do something wrong? Eat something wrong? Does God not think that she deserves this baby? Did the one person that is meant to love her even through the bad think that she wasn't good enough to be a mom? Is she being punished?

Her tears rolls down her cheeks until the exhaustion is eventually too much and her body gives in, letting the distraught and heartbroken singer fall into a deep sleep.


Karlie was nearly as heartbroken by the news as Taylor and she wanted to do everything she possibly could to help, but Andrea convinced her to go home and spend some time with her boyfriend. She's been spending so much time with Taylor and Bella, and she needs to remember to take care of herself too.

Andrea knows that her little girl is in so a lot of pain and she's filled with so much anger and confusion, but she can't let her fall into her sadness. Taylor couldn't handle being alone in the darkness of her pain and especially not with Bella to worry about, so Andrea is determined to help her girls until Taylor can feel okay again.

"Bella," the teen is still feeling a little off but overall she's better than before. "Andrea?" she frowns as she opens her eyes to see Taylor's mom sitting beside her on the edge of the bed. "I made lunch, do you want to come down and eat with me? It'll do you some good to move around a bit," still confused about why the woman is here, she nods in agreement and Andrea gives her a soft smile as she helps the teen up.

"Is Taylor back from her meeting?" Karlie didn't tell her much, just something about a forgotten briefing with her publicist or something. "She is, but Tay isn't feeling well at the minute so I hope you don't mind me sticking around for a few days." Bella nods as she follows the woman downstairs, but she's more concerned for her Foster mom.

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