Chapter 36 - Dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light

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October 8th 2016

The last couple of weeks have been rough. Leo is definitely his mama's son and is very picky. He loves to be held but he does not like his bassinet, so Taylor and Karlie have had a very grouchy kid since she's not getting much sleep but she hasn't let it impact the love and attention and patience she shows Leo every day. Taylor is incredibly proud of Bella for the way she's stepped up to make Leo her biggest priority.

"Hey buddy, do you want your bottle?" The singer coos as she lifts him out of the baby bouncer that's sitting in the middle of the island where she can see him. "Your mama has gone to shower so you're having breakfast with Grammy this morning, huh?" She smiles as she kisses his little smiling face, he's definitely a happy baby and she thinks that really helps Bella - waking up to his smiling face every day.

Karlie has been in Paris for just over a week for work and Taylor misses her so much when she's away, but watching her take over the world makes the singer incredibly proud. They parted on good terms after their little hiccup the day Leo came home. Taylor explained her insecurities and her anxiety and Karlie took every step to reassure her girlfriend and calm her worries. After all, Karlie hasn't been with another woman in years so while she's not exactly new to the dynamic, it is still an adjustment for her too.

"Be nice, Mere," the singer warns the cat as she jumps up on the couch beside them. Olivia has been so curious about Leo whereas Meredith tries to act as his bodyguard, even though he scares her a bit sometimes when he cries. "I don't think Mere knows how to make friends, little man, but she'll definitely fight anyone who comes near you," Taylor laughs, shaking her head at Meredith who sits like she's standing guard over the baby.

Taylor talks to Leo as she feeds him, the little guy staring up at her with his big blue eyes. She loves these moments with her grandson, even though it still freaks her out that she has a grandson. It makes her happy to see how much Bella loves being a mom and it's made the teen all the more keen to engage in her therapy and treatment. She wants to be better for Leo.

"Hey, was he good?" Bella comes downstairs shortly after, finding her mom and Leo on the couch as Taylor watches Good Morning America and feeds the baby. He's always up early which didn't go down well with the Swift girls who typically like to sleep in, but they've gotten into a routine with him now so it doesn't hit as hard. "He was a little angel," Taylor smiles at Bella as the teen sits in the empty space beside her.

"We've just been having a chat about what we're gonna do today and how he's having his first sleepover with mama and great-grammy tonight and how it's going to be so much fun, huh?" She coos at the baby and Bella laughs, shaking her head at her mom who is totally enamoured by Leo. "I see you're excited for Karlie to get home then," Taylor blushes a little as she smiles.

She kept her promise to Karlie and they've had a date night every week, and they had one over FaceTime the other night but Taylor wants to surprise her when she gets home. She arrived in New York last night and she could've come straight home but it was already late and it would've been super late by the time she got to Nashville, so she went to the apartment to get some sleep and she's flying home this afternoon.

"Are you sure you're okay staying with my mom? You don't have to," Bella was the one that suggested giving the two women the house to themselves and going to stay at Andrea's for the night. "Of course, you two need some time alone and it'll be good for bug to spend time with his great-grammy." Taylor laughs again, she's still not over the whole grandma thing so when Karlie suggested that she could be Leo's Grammy, Bella thought it was hilarious. The name has kinda grown on her though and her mom thought it was genius so she's over the moon to be a great-grammy.

Bella takes Leo back to finish giving him his bottle so that Taylor can make them both some breakfast, and the blonde smiles as she leaves her daughter on the couch. Bella really was her light in the dark and she can't imagine her life without her any more.

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