Chapter 5 - This Daydream Is Dangerous

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January 17th 2016

"Bella, come downstairs and get some breakfast," Taylor calls up the stairs to the teenager who was meant to be down a solid fifteen minutes ago. "Bells?" When she doesn't get a response, Taylor goes in search of the teen to find out what's taking her so long. She walks along the hallway until she reaches the bedroom, knocking and getting no response before walking in.

"Bella, is everything okay?" The bathroom door is closed so Taylor knocks and on the other side Bella sighs as she stands in front of the mirror, calling out to Taylor and telling her to come in. When the singer opens the door, she observes the scene in front of her and then meets Bella's eyes in the mirror. "You're showing already?" She gives her a sympathetic smile and Bella nods, "it was bound to happen, honey." Bella's bump isn't huge but it is definitely noticeable now compared to the last week or so.

"Do you think people can tell?" She frowns as she looks to the singer and Taylor shakes her head, "if you wear a sweater or a loose shirt then nobody should be able to tell, sweetheart," it's the middle of January so it shouldn't be too obvious if she's covering it. "Jaime is bringing the boys over later on, but you won't see anyone else today," they've been in Rhode Island for a couple of days now and Jaime decided to come out so that Taylor can see the kids for a bit since they've both been so busy and they just wanna spend time together, but it's also the first time Bella is meeting anyone other than Karlie so she's pretty nervous.

"We can worry about that after breakfast, come on," she kisses the girl on the forehead and Bella follows her out of the bathroom and downstairs to eat breakfast. "I kept it simple, I hope you don't mind French toast again," Taylor laughs but she's been trying to keep it to what she knows Bella can stomach currently and the teen is grateful for that.

They sit down and when they both have food and they're both content, Taylor notices the distant look on Bella's face. "Is everything okay, honey?" She gives her a soft smile and breaks Bella from whatever daze she was in, "yea, I'm just feeling a little weird but I'm fine," she holds her hand to her stomach as she frowns and pushes herself up so she's sitting up straight. "Are you sure? Is something wrong?" Bella shakes her head, "I'm just cramping a little, it's not a big deal, apparently it's normal."

Taylor is wary but Bella seems convinced that it's nothing so she doesn't wanna push her, "just make sure and let me know if it gets any worse, okay?" The teen nods in return and Taylor opts to keep a close eye on her for the rest of the day, knowing Bella won't wanna make a fuss if she thinks she can avoid it, but with another little life to think about then they can't take any risks.


"Hey, baby man," Taylor coos as she kneels down to lift her godson out of his car seat, "he's missed you," Jaime laughs as she watches her friend pick up her littlest baby. Taylor dotes on Leo and James, it's absolutely adorable. "How are you?" The blonde laughs as she balances the baby and reaches out to hug her friend who is holding her toddler, "I'm good, we've been getting along good, huh little guy?" Leo is six months old now and Taylor hasn't seen him in far too long, "how have you been?"

They move through the house to sit down and Taylor nods in response, "I've been okay, hiding out a bit and recuperating from tour life," the people closest to her in her life know about Bella and the basics of the situation, but Taylor is trying to be super careful about who she's telling things to so that the paparazzi don't find out. "How are things going with Isabella?" The singer nods as she sits down with her godson in her lap, "we've been taking things as they come and working around each other, but she's just a really sweet and innocent girl who's been through so much."

Jaime was surprised to hear that her friend was fostering a teenager but at the same time she really wasn't surprised, because that's just Taylor in a nutshell. Her heart is kind and she's so open and loving to everyone, and she always takes her generosity a step further than she really has to.

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