Chapter 13- If A Man Talks Shit Then I Owe Him Nothing

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March 21st 2016

Things haven't been great the last few weeks. With Adam taking little to no interest in her pregnancy and Taylor trying to be as present as she can for Bella whilst also taking care of herself, things have been far from easy. She hasn't ended things with Adam even though everyone around her keeps pushing her to, but some part of her is still hoping that he'll change his mind and she'll get her traditional little family with the husband and kids.

She planned to keep him as far away from Bella as she can, she doesn't wanna put too much pressure on her so soon, but then she made plans to come out to visit her parents and totally forgot she had an antenatal appointment. She told Adam that she made the appointment, offering an olive branch since he's had time to calm down, and surprisingly he agreed to be there. However, she's now dealing with the issue of her parents having no clue she's pregnant and Adam being around Bella with all the hostility between the couple, and she has no idea how she's going to handle the situation.

She's nervously typing away on her phone as they head towards her house and Bella can feel just how tense Taylor is. "I don't mind him being here," she's not really sure why she said it or if she even means what she said, but she doesn't like this version of Taylor and she wants it to stop. "Bells, I really don't think that's a good idea," Taylor looks to her with a worried frown and Bella rolls her eyes, "it's not like he's going anywhere any time soon, I'm going to have to get used to having him around sooner or later. So we might be better starting now before the baby arrives and we're thrown in headfirst."

Taylor has to admit that Bella has a point but she still isn't sure. "How about he comes to the house and I meet him and we see where it goes from there, if I'm not comfortable then we can see if I can stay with your mom." Taylor shakes her head, "it's your home, so he can book a hotel and stay there if you're not comfortable." Taylor really doesn't want this to set Bella back in her recovery, the girl has come so far but the singer is constantly aware that any small thing could set her back months, and Bella's therapist is constantly warning her of this.

"It'll be fine, I promise," Bella smiles at her foster mom as she strokes gentle patterns over her bump, "I'm sorry about all of this, Bells, I know this can't be an easy situation for you to handle," Taylor feels so guilty about all of this being thrust into Bella's already adjusting world, she knows it's not going to be easy for Bella after she hands over her own baby just to watch Taylor have hers. "You don't have to be sorry, you're having a baby and it's a happy time. I really am happy for you."

Bella truly is happy for Taylor because any child who gets to have her as their mom is so lucky, and Taylor deserves to be happy about this, so as hard as the coming months are going to be, Bella knows that Taylor definitely has nothing to apologise for.

"And I apologise for Adam, before you even meet him, I just know I'm going to have to apologise," the singer sighs as she holds a hand to her queasy stomach. She's been incapable of keeping anything down for longer than fifteen minutes these days, the baby really doesn't appreciate her attempts.

"Don't worry about him," Bella brushes it off, knowing exactly how awful her Foster mom is feeling right now. "Maybe you should try some of that ginger tea when we get to the house, it'll help," Jaime gave Bella the same advice and the teenager was surprised that it really did help. "Thanks honey," Taylor smiles as she reaches for Bella's hand, she knows this is difficult for her but she's been so amazing.


"Here, sit down and drink this," Bella's voice startles a pacing Taylor, and the singer smiles softly as she takes the mug of tea from Isabella. "My stomach is in knots," she nervously makes the admission to Bella and the girl nods, "it'll be fine, I promise." Bella sips at her tea as Taylor stares at her phone sitting on the table, holding the warm mug in her hands.

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