Chapter 35 - Feels like coming home

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September 23rd 2016

"I know it's selfish, I didn't even want to say anything-" Taylor cuts Karlie off as the model fusses, "hey, don't be silly," she sits up as she takes Karlie's face in her hands, "I'm not mad at you for having feelings, Karls. You're twenty three and you've basically been thrown into playing happy families here." Taylor sighs as she runs her thumb over the model's cheek, she knows this isn't exactly the normal relationship you'd expect from your early 20's.

"We'll make time every week for us, even if you're away we'll have a date night over FaceTime or something, I promise," Taylor smiles sweetly as she tries to ease Karlie's stress, the model is always a rock for them and it's only fair that Taylor makes her and their relationship a priority. "Bella's our kid, Tay, and I love her more than anything - I don't want you thinking that suddenly her and the baby being around bothers me because it really doesn't. It's just that things are changing between us and with the baby coming into the picture too we're going to be even more distracted and I don't want us to get so caught up and forget to actually be in a relationship."

Taylor nods as she takes Karlie's hand, intertwining their fingers as she brings the model's knuckles to her lips and plants a soft kiss on top of them. "Before you leave for Paris I'm going to take you on the best date of your life and from that day I promise to never go more than a week without us having some time for just the two of us, okay?" Planning to have a physical date every week isn't practical with their careers, but promising to set aside a little time for each other even when they're apart is.

Karlie nods, a soft smile on her face as she falls back into the pillows and pulls Taylor down with her, the singer laughing as she curls into Karlie's body and takes a deep breath - savouring every second she's in the model's arms.

"We have nothing for a baby," Karlie sighs as she looks down to Taylor, relaying Bella's worry from last night. "You underestimate me, Kloss," the singer rolls her eyes as she smirks, leaving a trail of soft kisses along Karlie's jaw until she connects their lips. "You always manage to surprise me, Swift," Karlie laughs, pulling the blonde on top of her as Taylor laughs against her lips.

Karlie slips her hands under Taylor's shirt, running her fingertips along her sides as Taylor deepens the kiss, "it's still early, Bells won't be awake yet," Taylor pulls away, looking down at Karlie as she straddles them model's waist, biting her lip as she takes in the sight of the woman underneath her.

"Are you sure?" Karlie frowns as she pushes a curl back behind Taylor's ear. They've never gone past second base which isn't surprising with everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks. "I'm sure if you are? I don't wanna be that girlfriend that makes you do something you're not ready for, especially if neither of us has done this before-" Taylor starts anxiously rambling and Karlie laughs, "what makes you think I haven't slept with a girl before?"

Taylor frowns as she climbs off of the model, crossing her legs as she grabs a pillow and hugs it. "Have you?" Karlie sits up as she observes Taylor, the blonde seems upset. "Yeah," she shrugs, "when I was first starting out I kinda had a brief fling with another girl I was working with." Taylor nods as she looks down to the empty space between them and Karlie reaches for her hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was a big deal? I would've told you earlier if I did."

Taylor shakes her head, "it's silly, I just thought we'd be figuring it out and learning together, you know?" A lot of people are convinced she's been in relationships with women before, but Karlie is her first and in moments like this it's painfully obvious. "I'm sorry," Karlie strokes her cheek as she coos, "but I'm a pretty great teacher," Taylor rolls her eyes as they both laugh and Karlie pulls her into a soft kiss, "come and take a shower with me? No funny business, I promise."

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