two. meet

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After his shift was done, between avoiding Mingyu but having to crowd the dogs, he was still energetic. Maybe it was because of another worker playing with the baby puppies. Chan, was his name, they met while Seungkwan accidentally bumped into him while making sure he won't bump into Mingyu.

"Sorry I—"

"You don't have to apologize! Work here is pretty exhausting sometimes so let's hang out after work!" Chan offered with a smile, his hair still frizzed from chasing the puppies. Seungkwan pat his hair down and was about to apologize before Chan interrupted him. "Thank you Seungkwan!" He bowed before sitting down on the bench, watching other coworkers struggle with the dogs in the washing area.

I guess everybody's friendly here, from what I see mostly, Seungkwan thought as he approached Jeonghan at the receptionist desk chatting with Jihoon. "Hey Jeonghan, so do days just go along like this?" Jeonghan turned around and thought for a bit before talking, "Mostly, except for the days everybody dreads, cleaning the shit around the potty area." Seungkwan scrunched his nose.

"When will I have to do it?" He questioned before Jeonghan explained, "Well we have a system where for each day, three emoloyees are supposed to clean the.. area. So you'll probably be grouped with the day that has the least amount of repeats or people in the day." He reassured Seungkwan.

Seungkwan nodded and thanked him before feeling a gaze through his back, he turned around and saw Mingyu sitting with Chan. They were just at the bench, their backs turned to him. He shrugged before heading to the front desk and asking Jihoon. "Can I have my phone, please?" The older nodded before uncharging his phone with an light orange case and handing it to him.

"Oh does Hoonie seem scary?" Jeonghan teased as he rested his elbow on the other's head as he leaned on Jihoon. "Don't worry, he's not that scary if you become his favorite" Jeonghan winks. Jihoon's ears were visibly red. Seungkwan laughs a little. "He just wants to seem scary to newcomers so they won't talk to him, but he's really adorable." Jeonghan adds.

Seungkwan nods, taking his phone from Jihoon's hand and turning around, walking towards Chan. He could still hear Jihoon and Jeonghan bickering, more of Jeonghan cooing at Jihoon and Jihoon sighing. He tapped on the younger's shoulder and grinned.

Chan looked up at Seungkwan and patted on the other side of him to sit down. "We're all just waiting for the rest the finish their shift so we can all hang out" Chan mentioned as Seungkwan agreed. Going on his phone and texting his best friends that he'll be home late.

guys i'm hanging out with my coworkers so i'll come home late. do whatever you want, just don't be really loud that the neighbors will call the cops or smth.

yeah sure, thanks and have fun kwan! - your favorite of seoksoon
no i am!

are you okay soonyoung?
are you on something with seokmin?

we're just fighting over the phone, the first thing was from my beloved

cheesy but okay, bye you two

Seungkwan looked up from his phone and glanced to the left and saw Mingyu looking at him behind Chan's head. Kind of creepy. But okay. He stretched and groaned as his bones popped, "Haven't done that in a while"

"Oh my god can you do this all at once?" Chan got up from the bench, popping his knuckles from feet to his hands. Seungkwan stared and nodded, "Yeah sure." He laughed nervously as Mingyu laughed, leaning onto Seungkwan's shoulder and slapping his own thigh.

Chan sighed, "You guys always clown me! Now Seungkwan's going to also!" He whined as Mingyu chuckled. "I mean at least your boyfriend doesn't" He teased as Chan whined even more. "Wonwoo does! Oh by the way Seungkwan, Wonwoo's gonna be coming also, he works at the cat café near here." He grinned, probably thinking of his boyfriend, Seungkwan thought. Chan got up and told them he'll be gathering the others.

They were quiet for a little bit before Mingyu sighed, "I'm so single I feel like I'm gonna cook for myself forever" he whined as Seungkwan turned to him. "Oh, at least you're alone, I'm sharing my apartment with my best friends who love eachother. Trust me you don't want to experience what I have—"

Mingyu laughed and Seungkwan felt warmth prickle from his arm hairs as he smiled along. "You should hang out at my place, I cook the best food ever" Mingyu assured the other as Seungkwan questioned, "Didn't you say you cook for yourself? Aren't the reviews biased?" He got up close to the one with canines and put his index and thumb under his chin.

"I'll cook for you and you can be the judge of that!" Mingyu stuck his tongue out as Seungkwan giggled, "Okay okay—"

"Oh hello newcomer! Welcome to the best family you'll ever have!" A person shouted with an accent. "Jun!" Chan tapped his shoulder, he whispered into the older's ear as Junhui nodded. "Oh sorry lovebirds."

Seungkwan wore a confused look as Mingyu was beet red, hiding his face by looking away. "Huh—"

"It's a joke we play sometimes!" Mingyu made an excuse as his cheeks were still dusted with red.

"Okay, well Seungkwan, meet me, Junhui, Minghao, Vernon, our boss Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jihoon, and Joshua!" Chan introduced the eight boys standing together.

"Mmm. So I'm Seungkwan, nice to meet you all!" He grinned and bowed.

"Let's go!" Joshua jumped into the conversation and then sparked up voices on where to eat since Seungkwan's the new coworker. "Hotpot?"
"No! Let's get Kimchi stew!" The voices overlapped each other. Seungkwan just watched in content to see the people bicker. He felt comfortable here.

"They do this all the time." Mingyu brings up as Seungkwan nods. "Reminds me of my best friends fighting over where we should go for the weekend." Seungkwan talked. "Oh, who are your friends?"
Mingyu asked curiously.

"Their names are Seokmin and Soonyoung. Seokmin's a sweetheart and Soonyoung's very rowdy. I usually bicker with Soonyoung and then they gang up on me." Seungkwan rambled. "That's
not nice," Mingyu joked, "You should invite them with us sometime! We could be an even bigger family!"

Mingyu and Seungkwan were in their own world, chit chatting that they didn't even notice that thee others have decided on where to eat. "You two! Let's go!" Minghao signaled the two as they silently closed the dog daycare.

They all just got in separate cars as they tailed each other.m while getting out of the parking spot. "Oh I don't have a car so do I just—"

"Come with me, Hao, and Vernon!" Mingyu offered as Seungkwan thanked the taller before sitting in the back seat with Vernon, who had earbuds on and was probably jamming to music. Seungkwan just rested his eyes as Minghao and Mingyu got into the driver's and passenger's seat. Minghao started the car and followed Seungcheol's car to the restaurant.

- A/N
are you guys liking the story so far? please vote on my story ^^ but i'm excited to see where this fic goes.

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