seven. thoughts

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After Mingyu finished his shift, he was really thinking hard about if he should go to Seungkwan's place. But he had no idea where the place was. Maybe Jihoon had information since he's a receptionist...

"Jihoon! Do you know where Seungkwan lives?" He asked, the other shrugged, "I'm not a creep. But yes." The other pulled up Seungkwan's address on the computer as Mingyu typed up the address on his phone and thanked the older. "Thanks Jihoon! Bye guys!" He grinned and left the place.

"He seems so whipped for Seungkwan." Jeonghan went to Jihoon and leaned on the counter. "I bet he is." Jihoon snickered. "Stop laughing as if you aren't whipped for me Hoonie!" Jeonghan stuck his toungue out as Jihoon frowned, looking away.

Mingyu got into his car, or, Minghao's car, since he'll be with Vernon. So he drove to the location, it seemed like it was the apartments Seungkwan lived in. According to his memory, he has two roommates, so Mingyu will ask them.

He entered the building and knocked on the door, two people opened the door. "Hello?" One with a sharp nose spoke. "Do you know where Seungkwan is? I'm Mingyu, his.. coworker" Mingyu smiled. "Well we're his roommates, I'm Soonyoung, and he's my Seokmin sweetieheart" Soonyoung crossed his arms and poked his tongue out.

Okay I know what Seungkwan meant with living with a couple.. Mingyu thought. "Well he's staying at his parents, we're just worried..."

"Isn't he sick?" Mingyu asked. "What? When was he sick? He wasn't sick yesterday.." Seokmin noted, Mingyu was very suspicious..

"Do you know their address?" He asked, "Yes of course! We've helped Seungkwan multiple times, Seungkwan wants to handle his family on his own, but we're just worried.." Soonyoung answered. "After all, his family is.. very emotionally abusive towards him.." Mingyu's eyes widened, he handed Seokmin his phone. "Please type the address in."

Seokmin complied and typed the address, Mingyu thanked them and raced down the stairs. Almost tripping in the process. The only thought in Mingyu's brain was, Seungkwan. He was worried about Seungkwan. He ran to his car and immediately started to drive. When there were no cops on the road, he started to speed. He arrived at the place and got out of his car door shutting it.

Mingyu knocked on the door, hearing just screaming as it stopped once he knocked. The door opened, revealing Seungkwan's parents with Seungkwan in the background, his eyes were big and round like he wasn't expecting anyone. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Boo, can I please take Seungkwan?"

He entered the house and made a bee line towards Seungkwan, grabbing and holding his hand. "But Seungkwan needs to talk over some things with us—"

"I'm taking Seungkwan, I'm his boyfriend, nice to meet you." He glared at them, Seungkwan had two bear plushies he held as he was pulled along by Mingyu. He felt really happy, Mingyu was here.. His mother grabbed his other wrist. "You can't just take him-"

"But you can't just emotionally abuse him." Mingyu talked back, his eyes felt cold, in Seungkwan's opinion. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side. His mother was left speechless. "Seungkwan's a grown man with his own decisions. If they affect you so much, you have your priorities wrong." He continued and once he heard a silence from the both of them, he rushed out of the house with Seungkwan.

He helped Seungkwan into his car and drove to his own apartment. "Mingyu.. I want to thank you.." The other looked down, holding the two bears tight. Mingyu wanted to pull over and wrap Seungkwan in a bear hug, but then he'll crash the car. So he continued driving and stopped at his apartment parking lot.

Mingyu unbuckled his seatbelt and reached over to hug Seungkwan, who had tears falling down his cheeks. "Oh dear.. Nobody deserves to be through what you have.." He comforted the other lightly until Seungkwan popped his head up. "Did you just call me dear?" He plastered a smile that lit up Mingyu's day.

Mingyu was blushing like a bride on their wedding day and nodding. "If that's okay with you."

"Yes of course! If it means I get to call you Gyu bear" Seungkwan teased, "just kidding! I'll stick with Gyu." He smiled until he saw tears under Mingyu's eyes, they were sparkly. "Gyu.. You okay? You're like crying glittery sparkles." He wiped the tears for Mingyu. "Also nice glasses." He winked and put the glasses back on Mingyu's face.

The other was pouty, Seungkwan wondered why, "You miss me?" He smiled and held Mingyu's face together with two hands, his squishy cheeks were pushed together. "Yes, and I want to help heal right here." He pecked Seungkwan's cheek. It looked a light shade of red, but still red.

"Oh don't worry! It'll be gone in one day!" He reassured the big puppy. "You remind me of Luna" Seungkwan made a joke to ease the air of Mingyu's concern. "Oh really? Am I that cute?" Mingyu put his hands on his chin like a flowerpot and fluttered his eyelashes.

"Uhh... yeah." Seungkwan smiled and booped Mingyu's nose. "Let's go inside so we can hang out again! And you can treat my slap if you are that concerned." He walked outside and waited for Mingyu, and grabbed his hand. Holding it while they were headed to the taller's apartment complex.

Seungkwan felt warmth in his heart, like Mingyu belonged there, but he didn't know how to tell the other. What if Mingyu rejects him? He worried himself as Mingyu looked over and pouted. "What's wrong Kwannie?" He held the other's hand tightly and turned fo face Seungkwan. "Do you feel sick?" He asked.

Seungkwan shook his head, "Just waiting for your ten million star chef's food." Seungkwan flirted and Mingyu blushed. Suddenly wrapping Seungkwan in a hug. Seungkwan was shocked, slowly patting his back. "Mingyu were you worried?" He asked as the other hummed, making a sad sigh. "I thought you were in danger."

"Yes I was.. But you saved me and I'm okay" Seungkwan pulled away from the hug and kissed his cheek, running off and giggling while heading to Mingyu's apartment. Mingyu just stood there, stunned. Seungkwan just kissed him on the cheek.

He felt like his whole body was blushing.

happiness!! mingyu and seungkwan are safe boys! also the lucky danchant T^T my hand hurts after doing the lightstick swirl thing. but very proud of chan for making the danchant <3 i feel like this story will be over in around ten chapters or less, but there will be and epilogue for sure!

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