five. sights

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"What do you want to do? Before you head to work early?" Mingyu looked down at the other as Seungkwan shrugged. "Maybe go on a bus and see where it takes us" He suggested with a twinkle in his eye as Mingyu nodded, reaching for his hand again and pulling him along with the taller.

Seungkwan blushed as they waited at the bus stop, sitting with their hands intertwined. He breathed in and stole a glance from Mingyu as the other was already looking at him. He got even more flustered. "You're so cute." Mingyu spoke, gazing at the other as if Seungkwan's heart wasn't about to explode out of his chest.

The bus approached and screeched as it stopped, the bus driver opened the doors as Seungkwan tried to pay as Mingyu paid instead. Seungkwan muttered a thank you to Mingyu as the bus was surprisingly not that full, pretty empty actually. Most of the passengers had earbuds or headphones on. They sat at the back, Mingyu looked at the window as Seungkwan laid his head back, closing his eyes.

"Tell me when you want to leave." Seungkwan mumbled as Mingyu hummed. After a peaceful ten minutes, the bus parked as Mingyu tapped Seungkwan's right cheek. "Let's go" Seungkwan whined and nodded, sliding off of the seat and stumbling off, Mingyu bowing at the bus driver and thanking him before running after the younger.

Seungkwan ran along the bridge, looking at the view, the river of water flowing melodically with the chirping of the birds, the clouds slowly moving along the long sea of light blue called the sky.

"Look!" Seungkan pointed and saw a park near the river, "Let's go!" He looked behind him and saw nobody. Huh? Mingyu? He tried to squint to see the taller. No way the taller left him.. Or he accidentally went too far. "Yeah let's go!" Mingyu chirped from the other side of him. "Holy shit you made me panic!" Seungkwan held his heart as he breathed slowly.

Mingyu took his hand and ran, running too fast, dor Seungkwan's sake, he just shut his eyes so he wouldn't be dizzy from the boy basically dragging him down the hill near the river. "You can open your eyes now." He grinned as Mingyu's grin with his canines were the first thing Seungkwan saw and he smiled along. Spotting flowers near the edge of the grass, dangerously close to the river.

"If you push me into the water, I'll never forgive you" Seungkwan warned as he crouched to get a closer look at the flowers. "So pretty." He mumbled and he picked a flower from the stem and showed Mingyu. "Hey Mingyu look!—" Mingyu had pulled out a camera and snapped a photo of him. Once he put his phone back in his pocket, he looked up and saw Seungkwan frowning.

"You took that photo without my permission. Delete it!" Seungkwan tackled him and Mingyu stuck out his tongue. "No way! Loser!" He teased as Seungkwan was very persistent to delete the photo. Seungkwan paused, sitting next to Mingyu and then smirked.

He then started to tickle Mingyu's stomach. "Aha!" Seungkwan exclaimed as Mingyu laughed non-stop. "Ah- Stop- Please? I'll delete it I swear! I swear!" Mingyu pleaded as Seungkwan moved onto tickling his armpits. They both rolled in the grass, giggling as Mingyu kept pleading for mercy on his life.

"You're a giant and you're still ticklish? The privilege you have of being tall means nothing!" He giggled along as he finally let go of Mingyu. "Hand me the phone now, please?" He put on puppy eyes and Mingyu's eyes softened as he handed the other his phone.

"You don't have a password? That's dangerous." Seungkwan was worried, since there's always a chance of a phone being stolen. "Why would I? Not like anybody would take my phone, I just have photos of the fam and beautiful places."

Seungkwan bursted out laughing, "The fam?"

"What's wrong?" Mingyu tilted his head like a puppy and Seungkwan wanted to ruffle his hair and so he did. "Just the way you say it is funny."

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