one. of many

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Seungkwan was exhausted, even spending a day at his new full time job. He opened the lock into his apartment with his two roommates, Soonyoung and Seokmin. Didn't help that they were usually either chatty, which is one of Seungkwan's good days, or they were unusually quiet.

Which means something was going on, something Seungkwan did not want to be in their place for. Yes, Seokmin and Soonyoung were in a relationship. Seungkwan knew by the way they would even take glances from each other and would be blushing from head to toe.

But at least when the trio hung out the couple wasn't as lovey dovey as they were in private.

Seungkwan sighed as he crashed onto the leather couch that was cold from time to time. It helped to cool Seungkwan's head.

"Hey Kwan! How was your first day at work?" The duo chirped at him with multiple questions that made his head ache.

"One at a time please" He shut his eyes to focus on the questions instead of his headache. The youngest heard the two playing rock paper scissors to figure out which order they would say the questions.

After a brief silence, the two would ask questions one at a time. "How was work today?" Soonyoung asked and patted the other's shoulder.

"Well it wasn't half as bad with the puppies today, just this headache was bothering me." Seungkwan responded. "Do you need advil?" Seokmin asked softly, already heading into the kitchen to go through the cabinets.

He nodded as Soonyoung brought water and Seokmin got the advil. "Thanks guys," He put the advil into his mouth before swallowing it down with water. "anyways, how was your day?" He gazed up at the duo as Seokmin answered first, "The kids weren't as bad as they used to be"

The two worked at a child daycare, they would describe their job back then as 'headache filled'  but 'endearing' and Seungkwan would be the one to be giving out advil to the two. Now, time probably comes with getting to know each kid, so now it's a joy and fun, as Soonyoung redescribed the job.

The trio would be in silence before Seokmin asked, "Want to play Just Dance?" The others quickly agreed, getting up and putting on the strap of the controller on their wrist as they chose a song. They all started to dance as they all laughed, out of breath by the end of ten songs.

Since it was around dinner time, the three ate ramen from a bigger pot they had lying around. Then started to watch an anime, all of them were fine with anything so Seungkwan turned on Haikyuu.

Time passed in a blink of an eye as the sleepiness passed on from person to person. As soon as the moon came up and out, the sun rose again.

Seungkwan woke up and blinked, checking his phone and sighing, he forgot to charge it so it was at 20%. Which isn't bad, but he'll probably ask the receptionist at the dog daycare if they could charge his phone. That'll make time for him to get to know the staff.

He rushed into an outfit before he ran out the door, taking an uber to his work, paying the driver and thanking them before heading into the building. Seungkwan headed to the reception as he looked, a guy with black hair and daring eyes sat at the desk.

"Hello," Seungkwan took a moment to find the tag on his shirt that said Jihoon, "Jihoon! Can you charge my phone at the outlet right there?" Jihoon raised his eyebrow before nodding and placing his phone on the desk and charging it for him. Thank goodness.

Seungkwan paced himself to the bathroom so he could put on the vest with his nametag, and look sort of presentable. He checked in the mirror to fix any sleepiness that had curled up his hair, readjusting his hair until he thought it looked okay. He felt a dark looming shadow over him so he turned around.

A scream almost escaped his mouth once he saw a taller person behind him, clearly still groggy in sleep. "Hello? I'm Boo Seungkwan, a new worker here." Seungkwan bowed and introduced himself. The other had bangs covering his eyes so he couldn't tell whether the other was angry at him or not.

It was a dreadful silence before the taller swept his bangs out of his eyes and smiled, "Welcome, I'm Kim Mingyu, I hope you can work here well!" The tone of Mingyu's voice made him feel intimidated for a minute before thanking the taller and bowing before heading out.

Seungkwan headed towards the manager, who instructed someone else to help him. The person whose supposed to help him is named Jeonghan, so he wandered until someone tapped his shoulder. "Oh hello! I'm Seungkwan, a new employee here still."

Even though it was his first day yesterday, most of it was just leading him around and driving him in circles. So this is his first time meeting most of his coworkers.

The other smiled with his lips as he nodded, Jeonghan had dark brown hair that was up, it looked really nice. "So Seungcheol told me to help you, so do you mind if we put you in a section we need more workers on?"

"No, not at all! I mean this is a job after all, so I'll take anything!" Seungkwan grinned.

He deeply regrets that. Damn his confidence in this job.

Some of the dogs are very cheerful and bark a lot, so Seungkwan tries to hold them before they run out of his hands and towards another worker. He couldn't see the other's face since the backyard area was so big and the other was far away. Seungkwan couldn't help but feel envy. Why don't the dogs like him?

Seungkwan had a few dogs near him as he plays with them, running around the grassy area outside. He clapped with them happily as he cheered, "Good job, whose such a good dog?" He cooed.

"Heads up!" His coworker warned as Seungkwan turned around. A dog tumbled into him as he fell on his ass. Ouch. He looked down at the dog in his lap, his expression of annoyance softened, the big dog was panting and smiling. He brought a hand to stroke his or her on the head.

He was so busy with the dog, which was named Luna, Seungkwan had time looking at dogtag while Luna licked his face. He was shocked when coworker approached him, "Sorry for Luna, she gets very excited when she hears that phrase." The other smiled and Seungkwan gazed up at the other, his heart beat a little faster. The other caught him staring so Seungkwan blushed, flustered as he read the other's nametag.

Mingyu. No way this was the guy in the bathroom. Seungkwan thought as Mingyu crouched, holding a hand out. "Need a hand?" Seungkwan nodded as Mingyu pulled him up. "Thank you Mingyu" He bowed before going back with the group of dogs he was playing with.

His hand was caught by Mingyu, "Hey, no need to be so fancy, we all are a family here" Seungkwan turned and saw the taller with a warm smile on his face that made his heart run. "Yeah, sure." Was all he uttered before Mingyu let go of his wrist and he headed back to his dogs. Do not encounter Mingyu, you cannot take it, Seungkwan thought.

He decided to catch his breath and sat down again for a second, playing with the small dogs at their height.

- A/N
welcome to my fanfic! boogyu is my favorite ship, obviously from my username, so you can message me anything and on my conversation tab, ask anything about the ff! also the mv or somgs i put at the top, you can listen to them while reading <3

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