twelve. found

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It was the next morning, Seungkwan yawned, lifting his head up and feeling his legs tangled with Mingyu's. "Mmhm!" Seungkwan whined as he tried to untangle their legs but Mingyu kept holding onto his legs. "Let gooo" He pouted softly as Mingyu groaned, waking up, blinking.

"Yes Kwan?" Mingyu croaked, his sleepy voice showing. That's hot. Seungkwan ogled at Mingyu. He was too busy with the sunkissed boy from heaven that he forgot about his phone. "Your phone, baby" Mingyu grunted as he sat up and pointed to the his boyfriend's phone.

Seungkwan glanced over and saw it was a groupchat that Chan made for him and Jihoon about the mini mission. "Hm?" Seungkwan quickly rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Hyungs! Are we still on the mission tomorrow?" Chan's voice belted out of Seungkwan's phone as he quickly lowered the volume. "Shush! Mingyu's still with me" Seungkwan muttered, little did he know, Mingyu's left eyebrow was raised.

"Oh sorry! Jihoon hyung?" Chan switched to talking to the older because he didn't want to distrupt the new couple.

"I'm fine with doing it tomorrow." The oldest mumbled into the phone as Jeonghan was in the back, singing. "My Hoonie's so cute! I love him, his face, his pace, and his everything!" They could also hear Jihoon trying to shush Jeonghan.

His pace? Huh? Seungkwan smirked and giggled into the phone along with Chan. "Okay, ice cream shop tomorrow? We meet up with her, and then, you know what." Seungkwan repeated their whole plan.

"Her?! Who's her?" Mingyu wore a big pout, pulling on Seungkwan's arm. His forehead was creased, Seungkwan swung in his lover's direction. He tried to smoothen out the creases, placing his phone on the bedside table and heading back to rub the puppy's forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing anything bad, it's for you actually!" Seungkwan grinned from ear to ear. That didn't reassure Mingyu at all. "Bear, I really really like you so very much." Seungkwan made kissy faces towards the other as Mingyu smiled, melting into the younger's presence.

"Hello?" Chan was heard from the desk, Seungkwan ignored the call. "Seungkwan! Why does everybody ignore me?" Chan complained to the silent phones. "Wonwoo doesn't! He always has his eyes on you" Jeonghan sing-songed as he stole Jihoon's phone and ran with it. "Han! It's really expensive! Please don't run!" The owner of the phone's voice was heard in the distance.

After the ended eventually, with Jeonghan's yelps once Jihoon caught him, it was Mingyu time all over again. Seungkwan looked at the other and just stared.

After a few minutes, "Am I that attractive?" Mingyu smirked and Seungkwan felt his heart skip a beat. "Y-yeah! But— Let's just go to work!" He'd hopped out of bed. Stomping away out of embarrassment as the taller tried to catch up to him. "Kwan-ah! My lovely boyfriend!" He chimed as he tripped on a sock that was on the middle of the floor.

He knocked into Seungkwan as the other turned around, the shorter had his arms out. "Why are you so clumsy?" The redhead laughed as Mingyu's eyes just were glued onto him. "I'm just that handsome am I?" He joked as Mingyu nodded quickly. "Very."

God Seungkwan can't help but feel his heart start flying out of his chest whenever Mingyu was like this. He felt like there were flowers blooming in time lapse in his heart, like flowers that got rain after years, and like butterflies that were flying. It felt beautiful.

The day came and went quickly as the boyfriends were stuck together the whole time, and they didn't mind. "Oooh just get married already!" Jeonghan instigated a string of complaints and whines out of the others. "No! That my idea!" Junhui grumbled with a pout as the rest looked at him weird.

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