eight. touches

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Once they headed into Mingyu's apartment together, Seungkwan laid on the couch and checked his phone. Tons of phone calls from Mingyu, his heart warmed. Also tons of phone calls and messages from his best friends.

Seungkwan dialed Seokmin's phone and called. A scream through the phone made Seungkwan put the phone farther from his ear. "Kwannnn! Are you okay? Are you hurt? How did you get your phone?" Seungkwan heard another voice, Soonyoung's gasp and foosteps going closer to the phone. "Seungkwan!! Are you safe?"

The latter giggled, "Yes hyungs I'm safe. Mingyu got me, I got my phone because I found where they were hiding it. Only a few bruises and scratches but I'm fine." Seungkwan answered and looked around Mingyu's apartment. Seeing a concerned puppy in the corner of his eyes.

Mingyu gathered around Seungkwan and started to check his legs and arms. Seungkwan jusr grinned and smiled, mouthing 'I'm fine' to the other. The way Mingyu's touches were as light as feathers makes Seungkwan's heart swell.

Does he like Mingyu? He was very confused. Seungkwan kicked up because the touches felt ticklish, accidentally knocking Mingyu in the face. "Ow!" Mingyu winced as Seungkwan's eyes widened. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Gyu!" Seungkwan put his leg down and got closer to inspect Mingyu's injury and lifted his chin.

"Hello? Gyu?" Soonyoung exclaimed on the phone. Seungkwan blushed red, "Uhh, Mingyu's with me and he just tickled my legs and I kicked him!" Seungkwan explained and heard Seokmin and Soonyoung's "Oooh"s on the other end of the phone. He felt his body heat up. "Uhh we did nothing!" I made this worst, Seungkwan thought as he hung up the phone.

Seungkwan looked around the injury, Mingyu was blushing red, tears falling already. "Oh!? Are you okay Gyu?" Seungkwan wiped away the tears and showed the taller. "It's sparkly! Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor?" He was very worried for Mingyu.

Mingyu nodded, "I scheduled an appointment already, so I'm gonna be fine dear" He smiled. Seungkwan's eyebrows were still threaded with concern as he touched Mingyu's cheek. "I'll come to the doctor's with you!"

"No Kwan, it's during work hours. You can work, I'll be okay" Mingyu leaned into Seungkwan's touch. Seungkwan nodded, "Okay then teddy bear. Just be okay." He whispered, the both of them were blushing like school girls.

"Teddy bear?" Mingyu snickered at the name as Seungkwan covered his face, "You remind me of my teddy bears. So that's what came to my head." Mingyu smiled even more, squishing Seungkwan's cheek. Seungkwan whined, "Hmmmph!" Seungkwan stuck his tongue out while his cheeks dusted pink.

"You want to cuddle?" Mingyu let go of the other's cheek and questioned. "I'm hungry."  Seungkwan jutted his bottom lip out, the corners of Mingyu's lips lifted as he got up. "I'll cook, what do you want?"

"No I'll cook! You get to critique my cooking skills!" Seungkwan cheered as he got two ramen packets out and grabbed a metal pot from the cabinets.

"That's boiling water dear," Mingyu laughed as Seungkwan frowned. "Hmph, I'll add in spice to yours!" Mingyu smirked, "Thanks darling"

Seungkwan mocked him while grabbing the ramen noodle squares, placing it in the pot and boiled the water. He poured the boiling water in and covered the pot.

"Were you worried about me?" Seungkwan teased as the other's ears turned red. "Ye-Yes.. I.. like you" Mingyu mumbled as Seungkwan's eyes opened. "You like me?" He was red.

"Yes I do! It's fine if you don't I'll just move on I guess.. I hope we can still be friends if you don't like me though" Mingyu rambled on while speaking in a lisp. Seungkwan's eyes softened at Mingyu's voice.

The ramen was now cooked as Seungkwan opened the pot, pouring ramen into two bowls and putting sriracha into Mingyu's bowl and handing it to the other. "Eat well bear.."

Mingyu blushed as he looked at the ramen noodles. "What does this say?" The taller turned his head around and around. "I like you too" Seungkwan blushed and whispered. Mingyu tilted his head, "Hmm?"

Seungkwan repeatedly said those three words as Mingyu kept being confused. "I LIKE YOU DUMBASS!" He blushed red and took his ramen and flew to the other room. Mingyu was stunned for the second time today.

He got up and stumbled to the guest bedroom and put his ear to the door. Hearing Seungkwan shouted "This is so embarrassing!" Mimgyu opened the door, "Dear?" He saw Seungkwan's face, it was red and his ears were red.

Mingyu wrapped his arms around the other. "You like me, I like you, you want to get together Seungkwan?" Mingyu asked boldly, grinning as he patted Seungkwan's back. Seungkwan looked up, seeing Mingyu's chin as he puckered his lips.

Mingyu looked down and their lips met. He blushed and looked away. "Want me to drive you back to your place?" Seungkwan nodded, "Okay bear."

Mingyu helped Seungkwan up and hugged him tight. "You can tell me the answer later." He walked Seungkwan to his car.

He drive the other to his apartment. Humming to the jazz music as Seungkwan held two teddy bears in his arms. "Where did you get those two?" Mingyu was curious.

"Uhh.. Just somebody." Seungkwan chewed his dry bottom lip as he remembered his sisters and grinned. Mingyu nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. His tears still as sparkly as before.

"Oh you don't have to say who" Mingyu interrupted the other, he felt a ping of jealousy in his chest. "Oh it's just some people very special gave it to me.." Seungkwan held Mingyu's arm and rubbed his arm with his fingers.

Mingyu hummed and parked at Seungkwan's apartment. "Goodbye Seungkwan, see you tomorrow." He gave a light smile as Seungkwan stood there, holding his bears.
"Come with me to meet Seokmin and Soonyoung!"

"I mean I already met them while trying to find you" Mingyu explained as Seungkwan pouted, "Please," He had a hand out for Mingyu. The other sighed and stopped the engine, going to Seungkwan and holding his hand. "Not like I'm meeting your parents— Well I already have but..." Mingyu bit his lip. "Sorry I've just been weird lately."

Seungkwan nodded, "Okay then, let's go meet my family! Soonyoung and Seokmin!" Mingyu was dragged by Seungkwan into the apartment complex. Seungkwan happily knocked on the door. They heard moans through the door. "Ugh gross, they're always like this!" Seungkwan complained.

He knocked on the door harder, Mingyu raised an eyebrow at Seungkwan as the other door opened. Seokmin and Soonyoung were ruffled up. "Eugh gross.." Seungkwan shuddered as he introduced the taller. "This is Mingyu!"

"Yes we know the one who tickled your... legs. Definitely." Soonyoung teased as Seungkwan and Mingyu blushed. "Glad to hear you're safe bestie." Seokmin wrapped his shoulder over Seungkwan. Mingyu bowed, "You want to come to our next dinner, you two?" He offered.

"Definitely!" The both of them responded.

surprise! next chapter will be out soon don't worry!

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