nineteen. welcome

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Seungkwan rose up from his hospital bed, feeling a weight on his arm. He peered at the weight on his arm and saw Mingyu. Was this a dream? He wondered as he used his other arm to pet the other's fluffy hair. It was real. Seungkwan couldn't believe it.

"You're here..." He mumbled under his breath as he rubbed Mingyu's hair, it was comforting, the sharp pains in his leg didn't matter if Mingyu was here.

Mingyu felt movement on his hair. What was that? He lifted his eyes and gazed up at Seungkwan's body. "Kwan, please wake up, it's been four hours." He whined and he heard a chuckle from above him. Seungkwan?

Seungkwan was looking down at him, that damned smile on his face. He loved Seungkwan's smile, well, everything about the other. The way he would watch Mingyu fiddle his finngers around, the way his eyes were glued on Mingyu, and the way he cared so much. It meant so much to Mingyu.

"Welcome Mingyu," Seungkwan murmured, mouth forming into a grin as he squished Mingyu's cheek, his leg with a cast was elevated  a bit higher than the rest of his body. "What do you mean?" Mingyu's brain was scattered everywhere, from the mission, to Seungkwan, to the accident.

"Just haven't seen you and I missed you." The younger giggled softly and Mingyu's whole being just melted. Tears were coming from his eyes faster than intended. Seungkwan was shocked to see Mingyu crying out the ocean.

"Hey, don't worry Gyu, I'm here" He lifted the other's chin and let go, going to boop his nose. Mingyu sniffled for a moment, and then he just spilled.

His tears were spilling, snot was coming from his nose, and words were flowing from his mouth. "Oh I was so scared Seungkwan, I thought you were gone, and— and I thought it was my fault and I—" He babbled until Seungkwan put a finger in front of his mouth.

"I'm here now aren't I? It's not your fault Mingyu, I decided to go along with them." Seungkwan pointed towards Chan, Junhui, and Joshua who were just watching from the comfort of the creaky hospital couch.

Mingyu forgot that his friends were even in the same room as him. He whipped his head in shock. "Oh, you guys are here?" Mingyu yawned and covered his mouth, tears prickling at his eyes from the tiredness.

"We've been here the whole time, you log, you were sleeping on Seungkwan's arm like a bump on a log." Chan mentioned and Mingyu got flustered, turning back around after sticking his tongue out. Joshua just fondly stared at his friends interacting while his boyfriend (with barely any scratches) was sleeping with his head on his lap like a cat.

"Oh I forgot! The mission went amazing!" Mingyu caught Seungkwan's eyes brighting and then sparkling at the sentence. "Really?"

"Yeah! Now they're like talking all the time now! Jihoon also helped a lot. Thanks to him." Mingyu went on and on about how well the mission went and kept talking. Seungkwan just watched.

He enjoyed having the other babble and ramble on about anything. It was calming, the sound of Mingyu was calming. Mingyu was his safe spot. "Can I get a hug?" Seungkwan blurted and blushed right after, not expecting to say it.

"Can I?" Mingyu had pleading eyes, "Is it really okay? I don't want to hurt your leg or anything—" "Oh hell Mingyu, it's my leg that was injured, not my arms, stupid." He joked and Mingyu's concerned eyes melted into adoration.

Seungkwan sat up and Mingyu scooted as close as he could to the hospital bed. Although the lights here were bland, white, flickering, and dingy, it was comfortable because his boyfriend was here.

Seungkwan was his safe place, home, heart, and life. "Just quit staring and hug me already." Seungkwan raised an eyebrow as to why Mingyu just stared into his eyes. It was cute, yeah, but it was awkward.

Mingyu nodded quickly and wrapped his arms around the smaller. He held on tight like Seungkwan would never leave. "My sweetie~" He hummed and he heard Chan say, "I'm going to go find Wonwoo."

The minutes in Mingyu's arms felt like forever, his warmth, his cologne (that was very strong, but Seungkwan didn't mind), and his heartbeat, was so comforting. Hearing his heart beat along with Mingyu made him sigh in relief. He's just relieved that the accident could've gotten way worse.

He pulled away fron the hug and Mingyu pulled him back in. After ten seconds, Seungkwan spoke, "Yes Kim Mingyu, I do love you very much, but can you let go? I'm suffocating here." Mingyu released Seungkwan and rubbed his hand on the back of nape.

"Sorry." He had a bashful smile, his teeth showing and his eyes crinkled. Seungkwan just gazed at the other.

After less than a week, Seungkwan was released from the hospital. Mingyu clung onto him whenever the younger would visit the dog daycare. He was on a short medical break, so he would sit on a chair near the dogs' playpen.

It was incredible how much Jeonghan and Minseo got along, they didn't exclude Jihoon at all. Jihoon was talking way more than usual, maybe he was warming up to Minseo a lot now. Seungkwan glanced at the receptionist's desk to find Jihoon typing on his computer and tending to a customer.

Jeonghan was wherever he was, Jun was stuck with washing the animals, even though he highly complained. "Why do I have to do it? I'm injured!" He overreacted and pretend to make his arm limp.

"It's your duty, unless you don't want your pay," Minghao responded while he was massaging a puppy's head with soap. Junhui just scoffed and mimicked Minghao as he sprayed the dogs with the hose. "Hey!" Minghao barked at Junhui as the brunette just snickered.

Joshua just watched and smiled, Seungkwan observed the way Joshua gazed at Jun. They're definitely going to get married, Seungkwan thought.

As he knocked on the door of his supposed apartment door. Seokmin opened the door, biting his finger nail. He paused as he immediately jumped into a hug with Seungkwan. "Kwannie! You're alive!" He cheered as he sniffled. Seungkwan wondered if Seokmin was really going to cry here.

"Of course I am! Nobody can kill off Boo Seungkwan that fast!" He puffed his chest as Seokmin laughed. Seungkwan held onto his crutches as he moved into the apartment, sitting on the couch. "Where's Soonyoung?" He asked and Seokmin coughed, covering his mouth.

"He's teaching the kids dancing, I'm having a sick day, so that's why I'm home. He should be coming home soon." Seokmin replied, sniffling.

"Ooh." Seungkwan nodded, the door knocked as he turned his head. Seokmin answered and it was Soonyoung. "Seungkwan-ah!" Soonyoung's eyes widened and ran over, hugging him. "You're alive!" He repeated was Seokmin said, Seungkwan laughed.

"Yeahhh!" Seungkwan smiled. "Can we sign your cast?" Soonyoung questioned as the youngest nodded. Seokmin ran to get the sharpie and signed his cast with a heart, Soonyoung doing the same, but with a tiger.

Seungkwan had hobbled out of the apartment, seeing Mingyu waiting for him. "Welcome back babe." He winked and went over to help Seungkwan get into his car. Seungkwan watched as Mingyu drove the both of them home.

Mingyu was perfect to him.

the epilogue will be soon! this story is ending :((

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