three. minutes

880 41 14

They all got out of the car, Mingyu rushing out of the car to open the door for Seungkwan. "Oh thanks Gyu" He thanked the older and Mingyu nodded, Minghao looked at them and laughed. Mingyu's ears were turning a bit red because of the nickname but Seungkwan couldn't see them red in the dark.

Vernon got out of the car and told the three by Mingyu's car to follow him to where the others were gathered. Seungkwan followed and felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned around and was shocked, becoming more serious. It was the boss, Seungcheol.

"You're the new coworker, Seungkwan, right?" He stared into Seungkwan's eyes. Seungkwan couldn't help but stare at the other's eyelashes, they were ridiculously long. "Seungkwan?" Seungcheol asked again with a straight face since Seungkwan only stared at his eyelashes. "O-oh, yes!" He quickly bowed twice.

"Welcome to our family!" Seungcheol's features lightened up and he grinned a gummy smile. Seungkwan let out a sigh of relief. "What? Did you think I'm brooding and scary? Wait until you actually see Wonwoo." He giggled, leaving to follow Joshua.

Seungkwan nodded and was now at the end of the group, jogging a little to catch up. Once he caught up with the group, Chan spotted him and approached the one with red hair. Holding something behind his back. "Hey Seungkwan! Meet Wonwoo!" He pulled his hand forward to pull a guy with bangs over his eyes and a hood over his head. Reminds him of when he first saw Mingyu.

But Wonwoo was different, he felt intimidating vibes from the other as he just gazed at Wonwoo. "Babe! Don't scare Seungkwan!" Chan pulled on Wonwoo's ear as the other whined. "A-A-Ah okay!" His hair was now in a fringe while he turned around, tying his hair up. Once he turned back, Seungkwan held in a laugh because his bangs were tied up and tucked under his hood. 

"Hey, I'm Wonwoo, nice to meet you" He greeted Seungkwan and Seungkwan reiterated the introduction he's said so many times this day and bowed with a smile. Chan wrapped his arm around Wonwoo's waist and smiled, "Let's go with the others now!"

Mingyu was heading towards Seungkwan as he patted his shoulder, "Let's go! The rest are inside now" He smiled and held Seungkwan's hand, leading him into the hotpot place. Mingyu probably held his hand as a friend thing, Seungkwan thought even while his cheeks were heating up.

They arrived with the rest sitting at a round table that was surprisingly big for all of them and even a few more people to sit with, the atmosphere felt comfortable, like eating comfort food. The hotpot arrived early, or early for Seungkwan since he just got here. Did he take that long talking with Chan and Wonwoo? He thought again.

Mingyu was sitting next to him and Jeonghan was sitting on the other side of him. Seungkwan and Mingyu's hands were still intertwined as they both sat there. Jeonghan leaned over and whispered, "Don't worry, we go here often so they know our order." Well that gave him a good explanation.

"Do you have explanations for everything?" Seungkwan joked as Jeonghan laughed. "No way, I still don't know how Hoonie fell in love with me so fast, maybe because of my charming personality" He chirped and looked at Jihoon, smirking.

Seungkwan smiled as he looked on the left side of him, seeing Mingyu pouting. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He could speak normally since the whole table was chatting with each other.

"Nothing." Mingyu replied shortly and Seungkwan shrugged. Looking at the hotpot and licking his dry lips. Most of the meat was cooking in the broth for a short period of time before being taken out and put on a plate. Seungkwan put some of the cooked thinly sliced beef and cooked shrimp on his plate before turning to Mingyu. "You want some?" The other nodded and thanked him while Seungkwan tried to grab the thin slicked beef before the rest took them.

He dropped it on Mingyu's plate and started eating. It was delicious to say the least, Mingyu started to talk, telling a story about him taking care of the dogs today. "Yeah and then Luna started running towards Seungkwan and— mmhf!" His mouth was covered by Seungkwan quickly and hummed. "Don't tell them" He pleaded quietly as Mingyu's wide eyes were sparkling as he nodded.

"It was brought to my attention not to tell the rest of the story, sorry guys, if you have complaints, tell Seungkwan." He stuck his tongue out at the red head. The rest of the table whined, Seungkwan flustered at all the attention as he sighed, nodding. "Okay fine.. But I'll tell it!" He looked at everyone and then spoke, "So I was telling the smaller dogs 'Whose a good dog?' and then Luna ran up to me and tackled me. The end!" He smiled while everybody started to laugh.

"Luna sure is an energetic big puppy" Minghao smiled and the laughter rang out of the restaurant even. The whole place was just good vibes, after a few hours, a few drinks, maybe more, the party was ending. The drivers were the only sober ones. Seungkwan's face was beet red as he downed so many shots of soju since they were playing truth or drink.

He giggled as he stumbled out of the restaurant, following Minghao to the car so he could drive them home. Seugkwan, Vernon, and Mingyu were drunkenly following the sober one in a line like ducklings. Minghao safely got them in the car and seatbelted them. Mingyu argued to sit by Seungkwan and whined until Minghao had to place Vernon in the passenger's seat and Mingyu in the back seat. Vernon was a very quiet drunk.

"So Vernon's staying at my place, and Mingyu's staying at his, Seungkwan where's your home?" Minghao asked as Seungkwan felt giggly. "Oh it's—"

"Kwan-ah!" Mingyu whined, clinging onto Seungkwan. "Come to my houseeee" He pouted. He looked adorable, his red cheeks, messy hair, and lips. "Okay" He agreed, Minghao raising his eyebrow and then nodding. Seungkwan got his phone out of his pocket to text Soonyoung, since they both share Soonyoung's phone anyways. He was texting.

i at cowlsorkers hosue 😚 nighj

okay kwan! stay safe okay?

Seungkwan's phone dropped out of his hand while Minghao stopped suddenly at a red light. "Shit! Sorry guys" He apologized, Seungkwan went to grab his phone while still sitting. Mingyu eyed the other's phone and tried to grab it as well, the two bumping their heads.

"Ow!" Both of them whined as they felt their own heads, rubbing it. Seungkwan pouted as he grabbed his phone and held it, leaning down and laying on the seat. Closing his eyes to nap.

Once he woke up, he was at an apartment, probably Mingyu's. He sat up on the couch and looked around, his mouth agape. The place was so fancy and huge. He became a little bit sober. "Woahhh fancyyy" He laughed as he got up, walking around until Mingyu held his shoulders. "How was the nap?" He asked as Seungkwan thought. "Refreshing!"

They both were sitting on the couch. Cuddling each other as Mingyu turned on Netflix on his TV and put on Avatar: The Last Airbender and started to watch. A few hours passed, the two were wrapped in a blanket and hugging each other. Seungkwan felt warmth inside, they got to the episode where the song 'Secret Tunnel' played.

"Secret Tunnel!" Seungkwan belted with the guy with the guitar. Mingyu looked at him fondly and began to laugh. "Secret Tunnel!" They both sang the song around this time and were swaying their heads.

Seungkwan yawned, he was exhausted, there was so much feelings today in one day. He cuddled into Mingyu's neck and closed his eyes. "Hey Kwan?" Mingyu asked. Seungkwan pulled out of Mingyu's neck and looked up at him, confused.

"Have you ever liked someone?" Mingyu gazed at the other, looked at the ruffled hair from sleeping in the car, and on Mingyu's lap for a matter of fact. He was just too beautiful he didn't want to move him. That caused him to sober up a bit faster.

"Hmm.." They looked at each other, Seungkwan then started looking at Mingyu's lips and then closing his eyes. Mingyu smirked as he leaned closer. The silence filled the air for three minutes, the air was soon filled a with a voice, Mingyu's, low and rough voice.

"Can I kiss you?"

aha! cliff hanger! this is a mostly a filler until near the end. ^^ hope you like it!

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