fourteen. past

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Mingyu and Minseo were at the park, awkwardly sitting on the park bench. The older anticipated his meeting with his younger long lost sister would be less awkward and more connected from the beginning. But here he was, on his phone.

He was stress/panic texting his boyfriend. 'help!!!' and 'its so awkward, babe just pick me up.' Then of course, Seungkwan would reply with a 'go bond with your sister you big baby.'

The taller looked up and saw his sister looking at the little kids running around the park. "That used to be us as kids" She smiled as Mingyu nodded.

"Then.. you know what." Minseo spoke as she just started to speak without ever ending. "Okay so it's too awkward for this so I'm probably guessing you want to know how your managar is my adoptive(?) cousin?" Mingyu nodded slowly, uncertain but he still nodded.

"Well so I got adopted by his aunt, she's a very nice woman, my adoptive mother. Also he taught me to defend myself against guys!" Her eyes beamed just thinking about how nice her adoptive family was. "What about you, Mingyu?" She tilted her head.

The other felt a strong feeling, melancholy. He'd felt like this ever since he'd been raised hy the orphanage. They were put up for adoption because their parents had died in a crash that Mingyu was in also.

Minseo was being taken care of by a babysitter at home. His parents were driving on the way to a toy shop to buy their kids some presents. Mingyu begged to come too, since he wanted a new robot toy that had come out, his friends were bragging about it.

"Okay fine our dearest gyugyu!" His mom cheered as she squished her baby's cheeks, Mingyu frowned. "My cheekies!" He whined as she just laughed. Sitting back in her seat in the passenger's seat. Seven-ish year old Mingyu was just watching from the clear window.

The blurry light seemed so magical, like an object that stays around and is appreciated when you think of the little things. Like the moon, tiny Mingyu gripped his seatbelt and kept looking at the dark sky, like a black canvas with navy blue. The moon was cut out from the canvas, a bright was glowing.

tw // car accident, death

"Why do you always do this? It's like you have problems!" His mom was all of a sudden screaming at his dad, Mingyu worriedly gazed at his arguing parents while his dad was driving. The toy shop didn't seem far from here. "Well it's because you always—"

A crash sound was made. It didn't seem real to Mingyu, like it seemed like he was playing with his toy cars and crashed them. But he was in the car.

"Mommy? Daddy!" Mingyu exclaimed, there was no response, just sirens, sirens, and a bunch of gasps. He felt sleepy, his eyes felt so heavy..

He'd passed out. The ambulance found him and thank god he was in not that bad of a condition, maybe a few scratches on his face and legs.

Mingyu laid in the hospital bed, he fluttered his eyes open, moving his head to see his surroundings. "Ouch!" He winced as his neck was aching. He then remembered. "Mommy! Daddy?!" He sat up through the pain, he held his hand into a fist, since he could handle it like a big boy.

He saw his babysitter with his baby sister in her arms. "Mingyu!" Her eyes widened as he gently placed a sleeping Minseo on the hospital couch and ran towards the sitting child. "He's awake!" She exclaimed, nurses coming in to talk about him to his babysitter.

He watched, turning his head to whoever was talking. Mingyu knew they were talking about him, it was like gibberish. He only understood, Mom, Dad, passed away.

"Mommy Daddy died?!" Mingyu looked terrified, like there was a knot in his stomach, he felt like he was going to throw up.

Mingyu snapped out of his memories once Minseo waved her hand in his face. "You okay Mingyu?" Mingyu looked at his sister in guilt, when they were in the orphanage as kids, Mingyu just blamed his parents for them being in an orphanage. He'd had nobody else to blame.

"Our parents didn't give us up Minseo.."


"They'd died from a car crash, you were asleep in the babysitter's arms when I woke up from the hospital."

Minseo's eyes widened, "No no no that can't be possible!"

Mingyu had an apologetic look. He really was sorry.

After a few hours of talking, hanging out, and eating. Mingyu decided to ask about the Jeonghan thing. "What happened with you and Jeonghan?" He tilted his head as she glanced up, like she was thinking.

"Well.. We were together, and then he found me in a compromising position.. Then he didn't want to hear me out. We both said painful words like they were shards of glass.." Minseo mumbled as Mingyu listened word for word.

"I'll help you be on good terms again. Jeonghan's not one to listen to people, even when he's in the wrong." He mentioned as she nodded. "I'm just so glad that he's with somebody that makes him happy."

"What about you Minseo?" Mingyu stuck his tongue out as she laughed. "I do have somebody, well multiple people who are special to me. Just not a boyfriend or girlfriend—" She'd cover her mouth at the last word. "Oh my god you weren't supposed to—"

"You're bisexual? You should've told me!" Mingyu gave a ruffle to her hair and smiled. "I bet Mom and Dad would be proud of the both of us."

Once the two got back, they were all laughing and making jokes while going into the dog daycare. "Did you guys have fun?" Seungkwan was the first one to run to the siblings as they both nodded. "That's good! Minseo you can take your dog now if you want! He's so cute!"

Seungkwan ran over to pick up the dog. The fluffy white dog yipped as Seungkwan held the puppy close to his face. Mingyu's heart started beating faster. Seungkwan with a dog, too much for him. Heart attack overload!

Mingyu held his chest to where his heart is, and pretended to fall back. Then he actually did by accident. "Woah! Why do these things always happen to me?!" Chan complained as he barely held the falling Mingyu up.

"Do your long ass legs not work? Please make them work, I have small legs and I can walk peffectly fine!" Chan jokingly pushed Mingyu towards Seungkwan as he laughed.

Seungkwan and Mingyu were just admiring the dog in the shorter's arms. Well. Mingyu was admiring the person who was holding the dog in his arms.

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