chapter eight (edited)

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Ariana's Pov

Listening to your best friend rant about the person you like, had to be the worst thing ever. Courtney found this amusing, since she was the only one aware of my feelings, while Alexa seemed very focused on Victoria's date. I was happy for Victoria, but she literally took the one person I had to myself. I specifically told her this in the beginning.

Maybe I did mess up my chance with her and it was all Courtney's fault. I should've just left at 7. Courtney would've had Victoria and Alexa there. Plus, there was no reason a fucking hospital should take almost 6 hours for a damn cast.

"As much as I love you guys, I have to be in the studio wit—"

"—Kai, I know she told me about it," Victoria interjected, with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and continued my sentence, "You guys should probably head home," After some negotiation, I got them to leave saying I would host us a sleepover soon.

While I was trying to sleep, it felt like every five minutes, my phone went off about some text Victoria sent about Kai. She basically stole her from me and then I had to be around her all day tomorrow, working on our secret album, which was about two fucking people in love! What made it worse, is when my phone started ringing.

At first, I thought it was Victoria doing a group Facetime call, but when I flipped over my phone to check, it was Kai. I called her back, and after a couple of rings, she answered.

"You called?"

"Yeah, did I wake you?" She asked.

"No," which was true. I barely had even been able to shut my eyes.

"What's your favorite ice cream?"

"Chocolate," I answered easily. "Wait, why?"

"I'm like five minutes away from your house,"

"At three am?"

"What better time to have a Harry Potter marathon!"

"When we don't have work in the morning...?"

"Grande, I'll literally turn around."

"No, you won't."

"That's only because Toulouse is looking at me through the window,"

"Wait wh— ohhhh. Here I come," I laughed, hanging up the phone. In a quick attempt to put my hair in a messy bun, I opened the door for Kai.

"So was this a part of some kinda plan?"

"Nah, I kinda missed you, plus, this way, you couldn't stand me up," She joked, as I invited her in. She slid off her shoes while all of my pets, including Piggy, greeted her.

"Ha ha, very funny," I rolled my eyes as I grabbed one of the many bags she had, and guided us to the kitchen.

"I'll have you know Grande, chocolate is my favorite flavor as well," She said, as she placed down her bags on the counter, and revealed three quarts of chocolate ice cream. "I figured maybe we should make Mondays our movie days,"

I smiled as I pulled out four boxes of strawberries from one of the bags. Kai blushed when she saw my reaction to the strawberries, "Oh. I heard you loved strawberries so I got some for you,"

"Thank you,!" I said with my mouth already full of a handful of strawberries that I washed. I was about to kiss her on the cheek when she stopped me. "I'm allergic as fuck to those."

"You're allergic to the good stuff," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Just that, actually." She corrected with a smile.

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