chapter thirty one

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Ariana's Pov

"Stoppp," I smiled, running down the halls of the arena as my girlfriend chased behind me. We were both full of laughter as we had been messing with each other all day, doing little pranks, scaring each other here and there, I loved it. It was like ever since she met my family, things were good between us. Not like they weren't before, but it was even better.

"No, where is my mic?" The girl called out, with a smile resting on her face still. I was running by the stage as she trailed not too far behind me, meanwhile, her mic rested under my sweatshirt, but unfortunately, the wires slid under and revealed themselves.

"I don't know," I reasoned, almost out of breath as she cornered me, once we reached the audience's chairs. I was holding onto one of the chairs, while she did another, just in case either of us made any sudden movements.


"Babe." I corrected, before looking over at her innocently. "Yes?"

She chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. "Baby, can I please have my mic? Dua needs me for a rehearsal and I can't exactly do that without it."

"Okay, so come get it from me." I shrugged, watching her face light up in amusement.

"You don't really wanna do this."

"But I do."

She inched closer, and I started to slide a bit over to my left so I wouldn't be too close to her grip. Kai stayed in the same spot for a bit, which I expected, so when she pushed past the chairs and started chasing me down, I was already making my way around the pit. I was too late though, considering she managed to grab the waistband of my sweats, pulling me closer as I tried to push away.

As soon as her grip was good enough, she pulled me in by my wrists, while I tried my best to break free from her grip, in a fit of laughter. Instead of immediately reaching for the mic, she started to tickle me, causing my arms to shoot down as I tried to protect myself. Unfortunately for me though, she found another spot, which was even worse than the spots she had already tickled, so I was on the ground barely breathing, as I tried to control my laughs. She fell down with me too, this time landing on top of me, as she was dying as well, her arms starting to wrap around her stomach in an attempt to make the pain less.

"You—you won," I breathed out, laying across the floor after a few minutes while trying to catch my breath.

"Told you." She smiled slyly, sitting up a bit more as she used her hand to pull me up as well.

My eyes met hers, watching as she wanted a kiss equally as badly as I did. I wasn't sure why neither of us pulled in right away, but when we did, and her hand rested on the back of my neck, and mine around her waist, the kiss soon became deep. I threw my let around her, beginning to straddle her waist as we sat alone in the room, while everyone else was backstage. The air was hot although Pittsburgh really wasn't, the tension we'd been creating all tour seemed to only build, and I felt it in my second heartbeat.

The doors opened quickly though. "Kai?" I heard, causing us to pull away quickly.

It was Scooter.

"We called you twenty minutes ago, we need you now."

She looked at me first, before turning to Scooter. "I was looking for my mic."

"Sure you were," The older man sighed, ushering for her to hurry up. She placed one last kiss on my lips before following him, as I decided to go finish my original task and work on some vocals in the meantime. We left Pittsburgh tonight, but considering we checked out early, we were stuck waiting until our flight.

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