chapter twenty two

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"So Dua, given your recent break up with Anwar Hadid, who can you say is your celebrity crush?"

"Oh um, well I've never met her personally but I think Kai Grey is so hot. She wouldn't happen to be backstage, would she?" Dua laughed, pretending to peer through the back curtains from her seat.

"I didn't think you'd really answer." Jimmy chuckled, as the crowd cheered. "I don't have her here, but now I have to play matchmaker with you two."

"You know, I've heard that she's actually with Ariana Grande as of recently." She pointed out, "But hey, if Kai's watching, never let your girlfriend, stop you from getting a girlfriend." Dua shrugged, winking at the camera.

"Oh my god, there you have it, Dua Lipa just shot her shot at Kai Grey. If she's watching this, you heard her!" Jimmy restated, in a fit full of laughter as he got up from his seat.

Kai's Pov

The video had been trending since it aired and everyone had been texting Ariana and me about it. We didn't make any comments, seeing as I was clearly still with Ari, but it was getting annoying now.

It had only been two days, and so many rumors were circulating just based on that video. Ariana and I didn't speak about it together, it was almost like it didn't happen between us, but I know this was kinda stressing her out too. Many people figured we broke up, I cheated, we're a PR, etc. Our labels had told us to just wait it out, so that's exactly what we were doing.

I had been trying to sleep for the past hour now as Ari and her friends were busy downstairs getting drunk, and presumably still talking about the video. Because they hadn't been over in a while, Ari had them all sleepover so they could catch up. Which was fine with me, I knew she needed a break to be with her friends anyway. I just couldn't deal with the loud ass yelling, preventing me from actually being able to go to sleep.

"Ari, you need to beat her ass."

"Right, like literally slap her. She's going after your girlfriend, it's only fair."

"Guys, maybe it was just a joke—"

"-Court, she started a war!"

And that was all I could hear from downstairs, along with lots of other things as well.

Eventually, I couldn't take the noise from the sleepover going on, since my annoyance continued to grow, concerning the whole situation. I grabbed my phone from on top of my nightstand, going to go text Mac because I knew he'd be up since Bea was out of the state and Mason was more than likely sleeping.

me: you up?
sent 1:42 a.m.

miller mac: Of course. U coming over?
received 1:42 a.m.

me: On my way!
sent 1:45 a.m.

me: fuckin autocorrect 💀
sent 1:45 a.m.

miller mac: Lmao. Doors always open for u
received 1:45 a.m.

I smiled at his text, getting up out of bed. I slid on a hoodie and some slides, grabbing my car keys out of one of my jackets since I accidentally left them there earlier.

When I got downstairs, I guess I wasn't quiet enough because I got the attention of Ari and all of her friends.

"Hey babe, where are you going?" She asked, from the living room.

"Oh, I'm gonna go with Mac for the night. Is that okay?"

"She's probably gonna go see Dua," Doug smirked, earning a couple of laughs. Of course, I didn't think it was funny, and neither did Ari.

"Dua you wanna shut your Lipas or do I have to shut them for you?" Victoria shushed, talking to Doug.

"Oh my god, that was good." Courtney laughed, dying alongside Alexa.

Ariana rolled her eyes, focusing back on me. "Just text me when you're there so I know you got there safe."

"I know, goodnight babe," I smiled, coming over to place a kiss on her lips.

She kissed back, before shortly stopping after her friends started booing at us.

"Ew stop, the rest of us are painfully single." Alexa groaned as the rest of them agreed.

"Alexa shut the fuck up," Ariana said, and I laughed before finally leaving the group of friends.

I decided on taking Ari's Range at the last minute since it was sleek and I didn't wanna be in some bright-ass white Jeep either.

LA traffic was nothing at this time, so I got to Mac's pretty easily. It was around two a.m. when I made it though, cause I had to stop for gas.

"That was probably my first time not missing a 'you up' text." He smiled, as he opened the front door. "You hungry?"

"Yeah actually, what do you have?"

"Nothing, I was gonna order something and then you texted so I decided to wait until you came. Tacos sound good?"

"Of course, you know my order. I'll Venmo you."

He shook his head, with a weird look. "Nah, you know I got you, put your phone away."

"I got next time though."

"Whatever man," Mac smiled, stepping out of the room for a few minutes to place our order. When he came back, he handed me a bottle of water, before sitting down right next to me on the couch. "So, is everything okay? You seem kinda stressed. I heard about that interview shit too, bro."

"It's getting really fucking annoying honestly, Ari's friends, some of my friends, and the world are constantly bringing it up like I know Dua personally. We've never met and Ari's been lowkey pissed about it all but she hasn't said anything to me. I feel like it was just a confession on a talk show, it literally means nothing. If I'm with her 24/7 preparing for our tour about an album based on our relationship, why does it matter if she likes me or not?"

"Yeah, I understand you completely but you have to look at her side too." He explained, sitting up. "You guys were both cheating on your partners with each other before you got together, so I'm sure that in the back of your heads, you guys think about that same thing happening to you both. And if we're being honest, Dua is very pretty. So if a well-known singer, who isn't hideous, is very publicly hitting on your girlfriend and shitting on your relationship, you'd be pissed too. I think she's just scared your head's gonna turn, I don't think that's because she doesn't trust you, she just doesn't trust her."

"Well, she doesn't have to, because my head won't."

Mac just shrugged once again, "Then talk to her about it."

"You're right," I said, sitting back in my head.

"I know I am." He smiled cockily. "But she isn't wrong for not trusting her. I been hearing from a couple of friends of mine and Dua's a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I guess she used to mess with Abel's girlfriend's brother, and they were fine until they broke up. Abel says that she's had a crush on you for a while and you're who she has her sights set on as of now."

"Wait so why didn't he say anything to Ari?"

"You want the truth?"

"No shit, Sherlock." I teased, rolling my eyes and he chuckled, continuing.

"A couple months ago, him and Ariana were working on a song together. You know how everyone says they're work husband and wife? Well, he figured that she felt the chemistry between them too (besides in music) so I guess he tried to kiss her and she rejected him. So I think that's why he never said anything."

"I feel like that's always been pretty obvious though. If all the Abel and Ariana fans found out about this, it would be bigger than this whole Dua thing."

"Yeah it would, but why don't you guys just make bigger news over that? It hasn't been announced that you're going on tour together has it?"

"Nope, not until Friday."

"You wanna pull a Tom Holland?"

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