chapter eighteen!

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Ariana's Pov

"I think this beat fits the album, we could probably write to that." I shrugged, as it played in the background of the studio.

"If not, I'm sure we can find something else then," Tommy said, leaning in his chair.

"No, this is actually kinda perfect." Kai pointed out. "It fits with 'ghostin' and I know it's more of Ari's style but I kinda came up with this." She grabbed her notebook from the table, placing it in between us.

If you take too long to hit me back,
I can't promise how I'll react,
But all I can say is at least I'll wait for you,

"Man, you had me thinking I was going home early tonight." Tommy chuckled, rubbing his eyes. "Y'all have me until two, that's it."

"Looks like we better start writing then." She said.

"It's only eleven."

"Yeah Ari, but you and your vocal layers will us here until five."

"Shut up, you're the same way."

"I think both of you ladies will have us in here late with your arguing." He smiled, earning nudges from us both. "I'll go run and get us some food. Hopefully, we can build on what Kai has already."

"Ooh, sushi sounds good as fuck right now," I said, looking between the two as they both let out groans.

"Ari, you know we hate sushi, we'll do anything but that." Kai reasoned, turning to me as Tommy agreed.


"Ari, please—" He begged, grabbing his keys from off of the couch.

"-stop acting like kids."

Kai shared a look with Tommy and whispered to him, "Bring a pizza back, please."

"You bring her that pizza and I'll—"

"-I should go before everything closes!" He said, rushing out of the room before either of us could object.

"So how are things with Tessa?" I asked the musician as she sat on the floor, scribbling words down in her notebook.

"We're fine, I guess, you and Pete?"

I shrugged, going over the beat and saying potential lyrics. "The wedding's knocking at our door."

"Have you written your vows just Mrs. Davidson?" She teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I haven't even decided on a dress."

"Ari, you realize two months isn't far from now, right?"

"No shit, I don't even wanna marry him, you know that."

"So why are you going through with this, because pretty soon, he'll be asking for kids and you'll be stuck in a life that you don't want."

"Why do you go through hell and back with Tessa? You think I didn't notice how many bruises you've tried to cover up?"


"-no." I said, holding my hand up to stop her. "I saw it yesterday during our date while we were in the bathroom, I wanted to kill her right then and there. Is she fucking putting her hands on you?"

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