chapter thirty four

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Kai's Pov (three months later)

It was an early Saturday morning in November and me and Ariana were at my brother's, while she was with Lia downstairs, I was in the nursery with Mason. Tour was on a break until after the holidays wrapped up, so we were spending a lot of time with family. Just yesterday we had dinner with Ariana's family, so it was safe to say things were going well.

Malia's birthday was only a week away, so the two parents were trying to get as much done as possible before they'd be welcoming baby number two soon. The party was supposed to be Ariel themed, but the almost three-year-old insisted on a princess party instead so "no one would be left out".

"Lia thinks it's done but I feel like I need to add just doesn't feel finished," Mason explained, his hands resting on his waist as he looked around the gender-neutral room. In only a short amount of time, things had really come together with getting the project done.

"It's probably because the walls are kinda blank, just get Mal to paint something," I replied. The walls did have pictures up, but ones that looked like they were pulled from Pinterest. The room needed something abstract and more colorful to really bring it together.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, everything else looks fine."

"Damn, Lia just used the rest of the paint to redecorate Mal's room. I'll have to run to the store for some painting stuff once Mal's done with her playdate unless you're picking her up?"

"We're building the stroller remember? Ari's picking her up."

"Oh right!" Mason realized after a few seconds, remembering the conversation we had this morning. "I see things are pretty serious between you two now, Lia and I were just talking about it. I've never seen you so happy and out of the house."

I rolled my eyes playfully, watching his smile grow bigger. "Thanks, Mason,"

"No seriously, Ariana seems amazing for you. Everyone loves you two together, even the media, and they hate pretty much everything."

"I know, I was more scared of her fanbase than meeting her parents. I remember all the hate Pete got when everyone reported their breakup."

"Same, I remember I went on for my SNL episode with Jayson Tatum and they were in the break room talking about it." He chuckled, starting to grab most of his tools to clean up the small mess we made building the crib. "Anyway, have you thought about what you're getting her for Christmas?"

"Nope," I said, leaning against the doorframe. "I mean I have a little list of stuff, but I'm still adding to it though. What are you getting Lia for her push present? She hasn't stopped talking about it."

Mason laughed, shaking his head. "She wants a soccer mom van."

"Yeah don't give Ari any ideas, she already has baby fever."

My brother looked up at me with a smirk, folding his arms as I looked at him weirdly. "Sounds like someone's gonna be ring shopping soon."


"You're gonna propose soon, right?"

"Mason, we've only been dating for nine months."

"Time is bullshit," He pointed out, grabbing his tool bag from the ground. "As soon as I saw Lia, I knew I was gonna marry her. I proposed like a month after meeting her and now we have a beautiful little girl and another baby on the way. It doesn't always take five years for someone to know whether they want to marry you or not." Mason explained, the two of us starting to walk out of the baby's room, heading downstairs to join the girls.

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