chapter sixteen (edited)

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Kai's Pov

"Tess, where is that green notebook? I left it on the counter and I can't seem to find it," I said walking into the kitchen as my girlfriend cooked herself breakfast.

"Oh, I spilled coffee on it so I threw it away," She shrugged.

"You what?! Tessa that was my music notebook! I need it for work. You can't just be so careless with my stuff, we probably could've saved it," I sighed, trying to calm myself down.

That was probably six months of music, down the drain. I hoped the version of it I kept on my phone, remained there.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so careless with your things. Leaving it in the kitchen? That was dumb anyways," She spat.

"Maybe I should've stayed home like I planned."

She stopped slicing her banana to look at me, "What are you trying to say?"

"This would've never happened at Ari's. She would've been more careful in the first place," I said.

"Well then go, no one is stopping you."

"You always ask me to be here with you, but treat me like shit always."

"I don't have time to hear you complain right now, I have a meeting to go to." Tessa bumped my shoulder as she went to grab her work suitcase.

In my head, I thanked myself for never being seen with Tessa. I was happy that the media didn't know about her, she was a devil in disguise.

As I began to pack my things, after being fed up with Tessa, I called Ari.

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked, as soon as she picked up.

"No actually, I was about to head to the store. Do you need anything?"

"I need you to come over, asap."

"I'm grabbing my keys, I'll be there in 10."

Ariana's Pov

"Babe, where are you going?" Pete asked, as soon as I hung up from the call with Kai.

"Oh, Kai wants me to come over,"

"Tell her I said hi for me, I'm probably gonna go spend the day with Colson." He yelled, from the couch.

"See you later, baby," I said back, grabbing my keys.

Honestly, I missed Kai being here. I usually had the house to myself, considering the fact Pete was rarely here too. Not that I minded, I usually had Victoria and Courtney over or something.

When she called I was honestly surprised, we didn't speak much after she'd gotten with Tessa but still, I dropped everything for her.

I was there in fifteen minutes, and although it took her a bit to come to the door, she was relatively happy to see me.

"I'm guessing this isn't a booty call," I joked, causing her to laugh.

"I wish, but I asked you here so you could help me pack." She said with a sigh, letting me in.

"Oh, you and Tessa are moving?"

"Actually, the quite opposite. I don't think I can do this much anymore."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I could tell she didn't want to talk about it now, so I started to help her pack all of her clothes. Maybe she just wanted my company, considering it took us less than three hours to pack together.

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