chapter twenty four

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Kai's Pov

Later into the night, Ari opted ongoing to go say hi to some of her old friends, so I was standing by the bar with Mac and Bea, as she was doing shots with her now-boyfriend, Damien. Damien was sweet and clearly liked Bea, plus he was good company so I liked him,

They had been at it for about a while now, but pretty much the entire party was drunk by now. Hell, I was too and you know if I was, then so was Ari.

"You know, I don't even come to these Hollywood parties and shit, but damn tonight was wild." Mac laughed, taking a sip of his beer. He motioned over to the other side of the room, where you could see Jonah Hill and Ryan Reynolds' starting a Conga line to one of Ariana's songs, BUWYG.

"You should go join them." I teased, as he shook his head, handing me my cup.

"Nah, at least until Steph and Wiz join in."

"Yeah, and first thing in the morning, you'll see on PopSugar, 'Mac Miller, Thundercat, and Wiz Khalifa wild out at Ariana Grande's and Kai Grey's PROM'," Bea added, sliding down her last shot.

"Enough with the shit-talking, I got you and Dame on the next round." He said, still holding his smile.

I laughed, at the banter between the two. "Yeah, I'm about to leave you bitches. You're trying to get me blackout and it's not even twelve yet."

"You better go before Madison comes any closer." Bea pointed out, standing back from the table a bit. "She's on your right and like 10 feet away. Don't look now, just slow retreat— ah fuck, never mind. She saw you."

"Hey, let's hide her!" Dame suggested, trying to push me under the bear.

"Aye, aye, I'm not gonna fit, we look fucking stupid," I said, letting a small laugh follow afterward.

"Let's go dance then," Mac added.

"Nah, you know why she's here, it's better not to avoid it. I'll be right back." I sighed, handing him my cup once again.

I hear him shout from behind me, "Don't say anything stupid, remember you're drunk as fuck bro."

I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit as I approached my ex. You could tell she was somewhat surprised at me coming up to her, but I chose not to point it out.

"Hey," I simply said, not knowing where to really go with this.

"Hi," Madison added, making it more awkward. "Look, it doesn't have to be weird or anything. I came to support you, plus I even brought my own 'prom' date."

"Oh really, because with the blue dress you've got going on, you look like you could be my date." I joked, but as soon as that escaped my lips, I wanted to slap myself.

She let out a laugh. "Well, you never know what the future holds." That almost sounded flirty. "Ariana looks beautiful though, I take it as you two are dating?"

"Yes, we are actually." I smiled, looking over to see my girlfriend dancing in the crowd with her friends. "Are you seeing anyone as of lately?"

"He's not my boyfriend, but you remember Jack right?"

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, the friend I wasn't supposed to worry about?"

"No, no, no, it's not like that. Absolutely nothing happened while we were together, this was a recent thing. I'm not even sure if I like him."

"Hey, you don't owe me an explanation, about anything. I'm happy you're happy, whether it's with him or whoever."

"Thank you." Madison smiled, with a slight blush covering her cheeks. "I just wanted to clear everything up, seeing as we'd be with each other for practically a year."

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