chapter three (edited)

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Kai's Pov

I left Ariana's house at around 6:00 am because Scooter called me for an early meeting. I hadn't agreed to work with him yet and instead asked for a couple of projects to preview what it was like first before contracts were pulled out.

I was able to get to his office in 40 minutes, which wasn't long at all. But I hadn't ate nor was I even fully awake yet, so I was desperate to eat and get back in bed. Luckily, hangovers were rare for me, which I was happy about, otherwise, I'd be a mess now.

Speaking of last night, I remembered everything. I wasn't sure if Ariana remembered kissing me, but I kept going back and forth in my mind on whether she meant it or not. Eventually, I decided not, considering she had just broken up with Pete.

Arriving inside the building, I walked up to the front desk, looking for Scooter. "Hey, do you happen to know where I can find—"

The young woman looked up at me with a smile. "Scooter? He told us that you'd be here, he's excited to see you." I let out a chuckle at the woman. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go on, but he's the down the hall."

"It's okay, thank you, miss." I smiled and headed to where the woman directed me.

Once I found exactly what she was talking about, I knocked on the door and he let me in. "Kai!" Scooter smiled, as I took a seat. "I'm sorry for the meeting, I just wanted to let you know about some future ideas I have planned for you. I took notice that you and Ari hit it off, so I was thinking, why not have you guys do a shoot together for Vogue? She could join possibly your upcoming tour too or do you think that's a stretch?"

"No, it sounds good, but me and Ariana are both dropping our albums on the same Friday, so how would that work out?" I pointed out.

"Joint tour maybe? I'm not sure how'd we'd create a title for Sweetener and Motive, but we can figure something out."

"Okay sure, is there anything else before I head out?" I asked, feeling my phone vibrating in my pockets.

"One last thing, your real work starts next week, so I'll have you and Ari in the studio," Scooter explained, clasping his hands together. "I like you two together a lot, music and friendship-wise, and I'm sure your fans will too. Wow actually now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I should've told Ari to come as well."

"Um yeah, probably. But thank you, I'll see you next week then," I said, giving him a small smile. And it was safe to say the meeting went well, I was happy with it, so things were looking good so far.

Once I eventually made it back to my car, I finally got to check my phone which had been buzzing every so often.


ariana🤍: u up for coffee?
received 6:26am

ariana🤍: kaiiiii
received 6:30am

ariana🤍: plus u owe me. u left me
received 6:31am

ariana🤍: please tell me im not texting the wrong number
received 6:42am

me: omw now. scooter called for a early meeting
sent 6:45am

ariana🤍: fuck that's like 40 minutes away
sent 6:45am

ariana🤍: my driver will come pick u up from ur house. send ur address
received 6:48am

me: ok, i'm 5 minutes away from my house
sent 6:50am

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