26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts

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Her thoughts was cut short when Rhian averted her eyes away and shifted her body. "Yes, noted." She says regarding to Glaiza's earlier comment.

Glaiza was suddenly made aware of their position. "Right. I'll just..." She cleared her throat and get off from Rhian's lap.

There was silence after that, and Glaiza didn't know why she suddenly felt awkward. Its not like they weren't doing anything suspicious. So why does she suddenly felt... bothered.

A knock interrupted her thoughts and the door opened with Benjamin's face peeking. "Hey, I was told you were here."

Glaiza stood up and was approached by her boyfriend, who had instantly grab her by the waist and gave her a kiss. The short-haired girl shut her eyes close, thankful for the sudden distraction from the strange feeling she had just felt towards Rhian. Benjamin gave her warming smile when they pulled away.

"I'll uhm... leave you two be." Rhian says. She stood up and walk towards the door. Passing by the short-haired girl, she gave her small hesitant smile before heading out.

Glaiza tried not to be bothered by the look Rhian has given her. It's as if the rich girl was not... feeling happy? Or was it just her?

A hand grab her wrist, distracting her thoughts. She look at Benjamin who sat at the foot of the bed and giving her a tender look. Glaiza mentally shook her thoughts away and gave her boyfriend an equally tender smile.

For the past 10 minutes, the two were all nuzzled up in the bed talking about anything in particular. Glaiza couldn't help but feel loved whenever Ben would squeeze her in a tight hold, stole kisses, and never taking his attention off of her. She was lying down on his chest when Benjamin mentioned about him going out of town for the rest of the summer.

"Why?" Glaiza frowned.

"There will be a huge family reunion with my mom's relatives, and she want me to come. Plus, there's the tennis tournament. Coach wanted to maximize every free day I have to train myself for that upcoming tournament, which will be held at a different city." Benjamin says.

"Well, when are you leaving?" Glaiza asks, now feeling dissapointment.

Ben tighten her hold on her girlfriend."Tomorrow night."

Glaiza quickly sat up. "What?! Why didn't you tell me beforehand?! Ben, you know what happens to me tomorrow. The day after that would be just equally worse for me. Who's gonna look out for me then? You know, you're the only one who knows about it. I... I can't handle this by myself Ben. No, its... I... I can't be on my own. What if... I go back to the state I was when you met me? Or worse, what if... it haunts me for the rest of my life? Oh God, no, I... I can't go back."

Benjamin immediately sat up seeing his girlfriend slightly panting and pulled her against him. "I know, I know. And I'm sorry. Mom only told me about it last night, I swear. I also don't want you to go back to that state. I tried reasoning out to mom but she didn't let me. And then there was coach. God, I'm so terrible. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Glai... But don't worry, tomorrow, I want you to call me the moment you feel its close. Anytime, okay? Promise me you'll call me." He gently raise Glaiza's chin to face him. "Hey, promise me."

"I promise." Glaiza mumbled before nuzzling on his shoulder. Benjamin stroke her back and kept whispering apology every now and then.

When they pulled away, Benjamin gave his girlfriend a guilty look saying that he can't stay long and that he and his mother have to go shopping, to buy their relatives gifts and stuffs. Although dissapointed, she hesitantly nodded. Benjamin again apologize and tilt her chin up, capturing her lips with his own.

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