Dally had been on edge ever since he came back. I think it had something to do with Sage, but he wouldn't say. I hope that girl stays out of trouble for her own good.

Dally isn't one to show any feelings besides anger and hatred, but ever since Sage came back into our lives, he's changed. Him and Darry got closer. I think it has to do with trying to raise their siblings, but Dally looked like he wasn't doing too hot.

Something has been going on with Sage ever since Two-bit brought her back beat up after that party. She has been acting more and more like her brother and I think we all noticed it. She doesn't hang out with Steve and I much anymore, let alone the rest of the gang. I just wish she would open up and trust us more. But I guess that goes against everything Winston's stand for.

Tim walked in out of nowhere and told Dally he needed him outside. We knew they have a history of fighting with each other, so we all got up to look out the window in case he needed our help.

To my surprise, Sage was standing outside our gate with a smirk on her face. I am sure she picked that up from Dally. We couldn't hear anything except Dal yelling at her on where she had been.

I could see the sass radiating off of her as she rolled her eyes at him. I knew Dally had a temper and with how he has been acting these last few hours, I knew she pushed him over the edge.

We all tensed up as we saw him slap her. But without missing a beat, she punched him in the jaw. It was almost like she was wanting it to happen.

Darry cursed under his breath and told us to stay inside. He ran out the door and stood in between the siblings as Tim held Sage back.

Two-bit let out a low whistle. "I never thought I'd see the day where Dally would lose at his own game."

I knew what he meant. Sage was the female version of Dally when she was angry. Honestly, I think she scared us more than ol' Dal did, but we would never tell him that. How she held herself showed that she was afraid of no one, not even the two toughest greasers in town.

Tim was losing his hold on her, but Darry saw it coming. He grabbed her arms so fast I thought she would tumble over from the sudden jerk.

Sage P.O.V.

Darry had a death grip on my arms, and I knew it was pointless fighting him.

Dally ran his hands through his hair and yelled, "I can't do this anymore! I didn't ask to raise a kid and you sure as hell aren't making anything easy. I'm done. Do what you want with your life just stay the hell out of mine!"

He walked away without giving me a second glance. Darry yelled at him to get back here but all he said was, "Ship her back to New York for all I care."

His words hit me to the core. I was shocked to the point where I couldn't move. Dally knew what our dad did to me. It wasn't like I ran away for the hell of it. And don't get me started on Mark. Going back to New York meant I was signing my death warrant.

Tim stood in front of me and said, "He didn't mean it kid. You know how he is. Give him a few days." And then he walked off just like my brother did.

There was a ringing in my ears, and I couldn't stop shaking. I was vaguely aware Darry was trying to talk to me, but the only thing I could hear was my brothers' words playing over and over in my head.

Once Darry realized I wasn't going to move, he picked me up and took me inside. I saw the looks of pity on all of the boys faces, but I was too numb to even care. Darry took me to his room, laid me on the bed, and closed the door. I curled up in a ball as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I need you to tell me what happened. And I'm not talking about just tonight, but since that party." I looked down at the bed and gripped the sheets as tight as I could.

My brother wants nothing to do with me. None of my family gives a damn about me. At this point why should I even care about me? This must have been how Angela felt when she said she didn't want to live anymore. When there is no one to live for, what is the point in even trying?

Darry grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Baby girl I need you to let me in. I can't help you if I don't know what happened."

I quietly said, "You can't help me. No one can." He scooped me up in his arms and placed me in his lap.

I felt the first tear fall and knew I couldn't stop it. The tears soon turned into waterfalls running down my face. Sobs escaped my mouth and Darry held me tighter. He was trying to calm me down, but I knew it was a wasted effort.

They say everyone has a breaking point and I thought I hit mine back in New York. But what was happening now showed me I was wrong. I could work my way through the hell I went through back then, but right now I wanted nothing more than for everything to simply end. 

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