darkness of the dementors

Start from the beginning

"Ron, don't!" Scowled Hermione.

The Professor stirred at her loud voice but didn't wake.

They decided to be quiet after that, which Jamie was greatful for. He was able to ignore the people who were rushing up and down the corridors and the people in the compartment with him as he gazed out the window.  He jumped, startled, when the cat sprang across Harry and onto his lap.

The cats hair was thick and fluffy, colored an ugly shade of ginger that reminded Jamie of a rotting pumpkin, his legs were bowlegged and had a naturally looking grumpy face.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione scolded.

The cat, Crookshanks, tilted his head to stare up at Jamie with golden eyes and he was hit with a feeling of recognition.

"I know this cat." He frowned, poking its forehead. The cat purred and tried to rub his head against the Slytherin's hand.

"Maybe you've seen him in the shop before." Hermione nodded.

Jamie softly shook his head, some of the curls fell in front of his eyes. He tried to remember where he knew the cat from but couldn't get anything other than a dim green light. But as a Slytherin, most things around him are green.

It was another hour before the trolley arrived and a plump witch opened their compartment door.

Jamie droned out Hermione's and Ron's conversation and ordered quite a few chocolate frogs and a cauldron cake. He took his seat and unwrapped a chocolate frog, biting the head off, and stuffed the trash into his robe pocket.

He eyed the moving picture of an older man cald in red robes and an black hood, his straight brown hair ended just below his ears that framed his pale hallowed face. He had a long pointed nose and a stern look to him, he was holding a quill and seemed to be writing in his book. Turning the card over it read;

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim
(born Sept. 14, 1486, Cologne—died Feb. 18, 1535, Grenoble, Fr.)
Court secretary to Charles V, physician to Louise of Savoy, exasperating theologian within the Catholic Church, military entrepreneur in Spain and Italy, acknowledged expert on occultism, and philosopher.

Jamie was never big on the cards, collecting them was a waste of time in his opinion. He'd rather read about the witches and wizards in full detail in his textbooks than small summaries on the back of a card.

He rolled his eyes and tossed the card to Ron, whom he heard had an impressive chocolate card collection.

"Agrippa!" Ron gasped, he turned over the card and showed his bestfriend. "Harry look!" He was grinning madly, his whole facing lighting up on joy, eyes practically glowing. "Gee, thanks!" He gave Jamie a lopsided smile, but still had a skeptical look in his crystal eyes when he stared at the Slytherin.

Jamie gave him a shrug. He told himself that he didn't give the card to Ron to make him happy, he gave Ron the card because he didn't care for them.

Late in the afternoon, when the rain outside was beating violently against the window glass and blurred Jamie's view of the passing hills Draco and his lackeys, Vincent and Gregory, arrived at their compartment door.

"Jamie." He greated with a tone of shock.

"Dray-Dray." Jamie nodded back smoothly making the white haired boy blush madly at the childish nickname.

He cleared his throat and turned to Harry, who was snickering. "Look who it is." His tone was now lower and had a lazy drawl to it. "Potty and the Weasle."

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