I took a moment to think about that. "What are you thinking?"

She grabbed my hands squeezing them gently as she looked into my eyes. "What if we say it's mine?"

I gasped eyes wide open. Hot-damn that could work. "But what if he caught a scent in my room?"

"That is a good question. How about we say it was my boyfriend that accidently walked into your room thinking it was mine?"

Mmm maybe. "How would he accidently walk in? Shouldn't he know where your room is?"

"What? His a new boyfriend from another pack and his never been here." She shrugged.

"Do you really have one?" I asked intrigued.

She gives me a smirk full of mischief. "Maybe, maybe not."

I roll my eyes chuckling. "Oh I see."


After our talk I go back to my room to take a quick shower and get rid of the smells from the today and the night before. Finally, I was ready or as ready as I was ever going to be for what's to come.

I grab my phone and text Zayn that we needed to talk. I close my door and head back to Suzanna's room with a purpose. As I near it I see her texting on her phone.

She looks up once I get close with a sympathetic smile. "There you are! I was just about to send you a message to hurry your ass up."

Even though I was nervous I stick my tongue out at her for the comment.

"I can't help wanting to take my time considering."

She looks at me sheepishly. "I know babe, but the sooner you get it done the better so let's get a move on." We loop our arms and walk down stairs with the mission to find Zayn and clear the air. We greet our pack members on the way and ask them where the alpha is which they point outside. Thanking them I take a deep breath and release it. It didn't solve anything, but it did help.

Once we walk outside to where it was a nice sunny day we spot Zayn sitting outside by himself looking thoughtfully into the forest.

"Hey Zayn." We greet him together. He looks up surprised to see Suzanna.

"Not to be rude, but what is she doing here?" He raises an eyebrow.

"She's here to help me clear the air, so to speak, about what you think you found in my room." I reply. I pull my arm from Suzanna's and clasp my hands in wait.

He smirks. "Is that so? Care to explain then?"

Suzanna and I looked back and forth. She bumped my hip giving me the go.

I sighed dramatically as if to say fine. I straightened my shoulders.

"The button you found is from Suzy." I said quickly. Smooth June why not just say you're guilty. I felt a hand on my shoulders and looked at Suzanna with hope to dig me out of this mess.

She gave me nod and continued for me. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was changing in her room and it popped out of my shirt. I couldn't find it after looking where I thought it went and just decided it wasn't worth it, since I had plenty of other things to wear." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Damn she was good.

Zayn had his eyes squinted as if he didn't quite believe the explanation. "Is that so? If that's true where did you think it was?" He looked at her pointedly.

"Honestly can't remember right now." She replied.

Nice save I mentally applauded her.

"Interesting." He said. I crossed my fingers behind me hoping he would buy it.

"Since when did you guys become such great friends? I don't see you hanging around with the other girls we've fucked together." He crossed his bulky tanned arms as he looked us.

I felt a ping of hurt at his statement but decided to ignore it.

"It just happened." I shrugged crossing my arms defensively.

He looked at Suzanna. "Thanks for the information, you can leave." He dismissed her. She gave me a wink as she bowed to him.

"Yes alpha." She said leaving.

"Then why did you hang up the phone?" He continued with the questions as he assessed me. "Why not tell me that?"

Thinking off my feet I decided to go with the flow. "My phone died and I was too tired to charge it." I shrugged my shoulders.

'Points for your quick thinking.' My wolf mused impressed.

'Gotta do what you gotta do.' I smiled giving her a hi-five, even though it was paws to hand. The Luna bless her spirit, had a sense of humor when she made us separate but one soul with our wolves. It would have been easier to just have a voice in our heads, but we actually spoke to our wolves each time trading shifts between human and wolf. Right now she was a wolf as I stayed human, but she takes on my form while sustaining her mind and vise versa.

'Just be careful to play with fire, our mate is not someone to play with.' She said with a serious tone.

'I know, trust me I do.' This was a dangerous game I was playing for sure.

I cut our link and went back to what Zayn was saying.

"I guess that makes sense." He said still looking at me unsure. "Just make sure that doesn't happen again."

I give him a nod. "Of course alpha."

He gives me a small smile at that. "I know we've had our differences, but maybe we can give us a chance?"

That caught me completely off guard. What in the actual fuck?

"What?" I blurted out surprised. Who is this and what have they done to my mate?

He chuckled with his eyes sparkling. When he looked at me like that he was the most beautiful thing to me. I loved his wavy hair that moved in waves whenever the wind blew. The big sea green eyes that adorned leg lashes that seemed unfair. His roman nose and sharp jawline. So lick-able.

I mentally fanned myself.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it, and why not get to know each other more outside of the bedroom?"

"Um I don't know what to say?" I run my hands through my black curls.

He shrugged. "The answer yes would surpass." His eyes still held laugh lines.

Did I really want to give us a chance anymore or was this a lost cause? Before I could think the answer my mouth already made up its mind.

"Yes, I would love that."

His face lit up like a kid on Christmas and this made me giggle. "What?" I asked curious.

He shakes his head smiling big to reveal is straight teeth.

Okay this is weird. I can't remember the last time he was this happy about an answer I gave.

"Nothing." He replies. "Okay sweet! How about tonight?" He asked looking hopeful.

"I'm free." He unexpectedly pulls me in a hug and I could feel our forgotten sparks intensified.

I sigh already missing his touch when he pulls away.

"Wear something nice." He smiled waving as he walked away.

Okay then. What did I get myself into.

Shit! What I'm I going to tell Jackson


(Wipes forehead) Nice save right! Guess the secret is safe for now!

Who's excited for June and Zayns date?? Maybe things will get cleared out!

Suzy is becoming friend goals for sure!

Soooo many things to come and I can't wait for you guys to read more and this rocky series!


She Will Be Mine (2nd in Rejected Souls Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora