22. Ash has a crush

Start from the beginning

"Did it go any further with your boy?",Kyla asks curiously.

I frown and say,"Um... no and it never will because we are friends."

And because he likes someone else.

"Oh my god, the teenage dilemma. I swear we act so dumb when we are in high school." Angela grimaces.

My frown deepens and I  look away not bothering to answer her. I'm not in a dilemma, I know what I feel but I don't know what I'm going to do about it.

My thoughts are interrupted by the opening of the front door. I strain my neck backwards to take a look at the person who comes in and smile when I see Lina making her way towards me.

I jump from my seat and exclaime not allowing her a word to speak,"I have to talk to you about something."

She looks confused but nods her head nonetheless. I walk upstairs with her following behind. We enter our room and I sit down on my bed. She comes and sits beside me with curiosity adorning her face.

I blow out a breath and speak,"Blake's birthday is on Friday and everyone has decided to spend the weekend at Wes' lake house. Also, there's a surprise party on the same night and we have to go there right after school. So,........I wanted to ask if I can.......?"

Lina stares at me for a moment and then looks away,"Lee, that's..... I don't know what to say. I mean it may not be safe, I can't let you go to some other place to stay for a whole weekend. I don't even know them probably-"

"But I do." I cut her and plead,"I trust them Lina. I swear they won't do anything which would hurt me. Please believe me, I really wanna go."

I give her my best puppy dog eyes and she sighs,"Okay but I have rules. First you have to call me like every fucking hour and you have to take care of yourself. If anything and I mean anything happens, you will call me. Also give me Ash's number so I can tell him to keep it in his pants."

My widen with a gasp,"Lina! You won't say anything like that."

She rolls her eyes,"Okay, but give it to me incase your phone dies or something."

I just shake my head and then smile,"Thank you so much Lina I'm really excited for this."

She smiles back but then her smile flatters,"What about the tracks? And if Declan......"

"Declan is out of town for two weeks and I'll work all three remaining days so I'll get next two days off. I'm ready to take the risk," I say with a shrug.

She nods with a slight smile,"Yeah, have fun. Oh and I have to ask you to please tell Blake to stop spamming me with insta requests, it's annoying."

I laugh,"I can't do that, he would feel bad."

She just waves it off and then grins excitedly,"You didn't tell me what happend on Saturday."

At the mention of it, I blush and look away. Lina holds my chin and makes me look at her,"Fuck, did you guys kiss?"

I furiously shake my head and she urges me to talk. I sigh and speak,"I like Asher, romantically."

"No shit." She shrugs and says defensively,"What? It was there the whole time, you just did not realise it."

I nibble on my lower lip,"When you put it that way..... but it doesn't matter. Ash already has a crush."

"And why would you think it's not you?" she asks raising her eyebrows.

"Because Blake told me this, why would he snitch on his own best friend?" She looks down and thinks about it.

I shrug and assure her,"It doesn't matter, I like him, I care about him. I'll always care about him and then the liking part will go away eventually. I won't hold onto that."

She looks dejected when she says,"You won't even try?"

I look away and chuckle humourlessly,"I'm not allowed to try for so many reasons. One, I don't even know what being more than friends means. Two, I can't be with someone to whom I have lied about my entire life. Three, my boss is his dad if that even makes sense."

I huff and look at my hands, fiddling with the fingers. She sighs and speaks,"There are millions of guys on this earth and I'm sure you'll find someone. But I want you to promise me that if there is even a 1% chance of you both having a relationship, you won't give up on your happiness."

She takes my hands and I look up at her,"This feeling of being someone's special is very rare and I don't want you to let that go just beacuse of some jackassses. Promise me Lee. If there is a chance you will hold on."

I hold her hands tighter and whisper,"I understand, I promise I will."

I won't let go Lina. I won't if there's even a lose thread to catch on.


"Okay, hurry up, there's only two hours left," Eve says looking Amaya and me.

We are hanging on the last bits of decoration for the party and I feel like Eve is going to have a heart attack any minute. We came straight from school to Blake's house and started doing all the preparation. It's not a typical high school party rather it's a sweet birthday party where only his close family members and friends are invited.

"Yeah, we are done." Amaya sticks the last balloon on the wall and descends the ladder.

"Girls, go get ready I'll look after the food prep." Mrs. Easton says coming towards us.

"Thank you Cam, guys let's go." Eve starts running up the stairs and we both follow after her.

We walk into the room where our weekend bags are kept and start getting ready. When we came here I got to know that Blake and Eve are neighbours since they were seven. Blake has always lived here while Eve and Evan's parents shifted here when they were seven. Their parents became good friends and so did they, also their parents treat each other's children as their own. They are so lucky to have not one but two parents.

"Okay, all good?" Eve questions looking at us after getting ready.

We both nod and then all of us walk down the stairs. Its seven, Blake and the boys will be here at seven thirty. They went to some place to eat as an excuse to keep Blake away. They said Blake is always down for free food. He asked why weren't we coming but Amaya just said that girls have a lot to pack for three days.

"Everything is perfect. Now we just wait for Blake." Mrs Easton says as we step down the last step.

We wait for another ten minutes and then hear a car pulling up in the driveway. One of Blake's cousin looks out the window and,"It's them guys be ready."

The lights are turned off and we wait for them to walk into the house. As soon as the door creaks open and their footsteps echo, the lights are turned on and everyone shouts  "Happy Birthday Blake!"

"What the fuck!" Blake screams in surprise placing his hand on his chest.

"Blake language!" Mrs Easton says sternly making all of us laugh.


I know there is so much happening in this chapter but nothing is exciting. But I have to build the plot for the upcoming major things😉

So stay tuned......

What was the best part of the chapter for you?

I actually had an idea to write Asher's POV but then I decided against it. Would you guys like his POV later in the story?

If you liked the chapter please vote!! You know it means a lot!

- Love❤

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