35. Strength

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Zara was falling for Bir!

She could have assumed it to be a normal likeness but she knew that she would be lying.

She is indeed falling for him and he does not have any idea.

Dear Lord!

This room suddenly felt claustrophobic and so she got up from the table.

He looked at her curiously.

"I'm done with dinner. I just remembered some urgent work I have at my home. I need to leave now. Thank you so much for dinner. I'm sorry for leaving like this but I just realised that it's too late now. I need to go."

Zara hurriedly said and hoped that he wouldn't mind her.

"Sure Sunshine. It is late. I'm also finished. I will drop you and walk back." Kabir said and Zara immediately shook her head.

"No need for that Dr. Kabir. My house is near only. I will message you once I reach home." Zara said and turned around to take her bag, not realising that she called him Dr. Kabir in her panic attack. Whenever she is anxious, she gets scared and becomes guarded around people.

She reached the door and could hear his footsteps behind her.

"Sunshine." She heard as she reached elevator.

"Yes." She asked while scratching her wrist behind her back.

"You will pick me up tomorrow for the hospital right? It won't be too much for you? You can take it?"

He asked and she didn't know why she felt as if he was talking about something else and not just lift.

She turned around and smiled hiding her anxiety.

"Yes I can." She said in somewhat strong voice.

"Be ready around eight. I will message you before leaving my place. Good night." She said and entered the elevator.

"Good night Sunshine. Don't forget to message me after you reach home." She heard before the elevator door closed.

As soon as it started moving she leaned on the wall and took deep breaths.

Why? Why do things have to be so complicated? Why does she have to start falling for someone who is completely unaware of the havoc that he is creating inside her?

She thought and reached her apartment still immersed in her thoughts. She messaged him that she has reached safely and suddenly felt like crying.

Never had she felt so alone, in need for some guidance. She needed some advice on how to handle such feelings. Someone to talk about them but she has no one. No family, no close friend with whom she can have these conversations.

She missed her father but more than that today she missed a mother with whom she could freely talk. Her father didn't let her feel the absence of her mother who had left them when she was just a child.

But today she wanted someone, anyone to hug her and take her out of this anxiety that she was feeling. Her eyes automatically started watering and she hugged herself to calm her. She knew that it will help. Dr. Seema, her childhood psychiatrist had taught her that.

So she did that; sat on the floor of her bedroom, hugging herself and with her eyes watering.

She knew that it was not a big deal but it was her first time ever developing so deep feelings for anyone and the fact that she knew that he didn't have any idea nor was thinking in this direction made her feel scared of her impending heart ache.

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