True Ending 2

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"Ah, I guess I haven't explained it to you yet." You huffed, putting your blade into your back pocket.

You walked over to your larger weapons that were hanging on the wall, glancing over at the chainsaw that had a little rust growing in the corners of the blade. You made a mental note of spraying it down with anti-rust later, alongside the sharp machete that was beside it. It's been long since you used it, no blood on either of the weapons.

"Well, to make a long story short," You started. "Your son has betrayed me in the worst way possible, and I'm only getting my rightful revenge." You spoke loud enough so she can hear, voice deadly monotone as your hand reached the ropes.

"The way we were supposed to be a happy young couple, buying hanboks and eating traditional foods- I even learned Korean for him." The shorter, brown ropes were a little tethered, due to Lucas' futile attempts at escaping. In the beginning, he somehow got his hands on a piece of glass and tried cutting his way out. Good thing you came in just before he broke loose, knocking him unconscious before tying him up tighter and making escape nearly impossible.

"We were supposed to say "I love you" to each other, grow old and create a happy environment with each other." There was a little more emotion in your voice when you spoke of the happy ending that you deserved. The fairy tale ending that only princesses get. Growing up with such discipline, it was only right you lived happily ever after.

And yet, you were robbed from it.

Your body froze when thinking about your next sentence, hands dangerously close to the spare Christmas lights that had a little bit of red splattered all over it.

The red splatters reminded you of her.

"And just at that moment when everything was going well, she enters the frame." Thinking about her made every fibre of your being shrivel up in disgust, you wished she was still alive so you could kill her once more.

"Kim Sooyoung, Mark's assistant who knew nothing but sitting there and looking pretty. Mark liked her in a romantic sense, and naturally, I had to take her out. She didn't fit the narrative." A small chuckle escaped your pink lips, remember the utter fear that was in that girl's eyed when you stabbed her over and over again with all your heart, her disgusting body spewing her blood everywhere.

If killing Sooyoung meant you'll be with Mark forever, you'd do it ten times over.

"Stabbed her, dismembered her body and put the remains on fire at the back. I'd probably do the same for you," your hands grabbed the Christmas lights, a sudden burst of adrenaline gushing through your body as you visualized how helpless Mark's mom would look if you strangled her. It would truly be a sight to see...

"But stabbing is a little too basic for you, isn't it?" Without hesitation, you snatched the lights off the wall, a few bulbs cracking as they hit the ground hard. You went up to the woman in the chair, seeing her face run pale when she saw the lights in your hands. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she was scared anyway.

"Plus, I need something that will make Mark run for his money..." Killing his mom right off the bat wouldn't do, he'd just cry and not put up a fight and you didn't want that. You wanted to install fear, horror, pain as to make this revenge as sweet as possible; to teach him a lesson on why they say "snitches get stitches".

And with that in mind, your eyes wandered to the drawers that held your smaller tools, a small buff coming out the nose and a dark grin plastered on your face.

A couple of broken fingers and missing toenails have never hurt anyone, right?

You dropped the lights for a second, quickly grabbed the necessary pliers and turning on the camera to capture some good memories. You whipped out a chair, placing it in front of the older woman and started to get to work. Her entire body started to tremble violently, tears falling down heavily and small whimpers escaping her lips.

"Oops, one more thing-" You jumped out of your seat to grab a ball gag from the drawers, playing it over her mouth just in case. "Can't be screaming out loud now, can we?" You took her hands from the ropes, tying them down to the board that has a few blood stains on them. And before you took a seat, you turned up the volume to the radio, grinning when it played Just the Two of Us.

"And maybe after this, we'll call Mark to see how he's doing, hm?" You said, bringing the hammer down to completely smash her right pink finger. Mark's mom screamed into the red gag, her face and eyes coloured red by the amount of pain that took over.

The loud cries immediately replenished your energy, adrenaline surging through your veins like it was blood. You couldn't hold back your smirk when you repeated the same action to all her fingers, smashing them with the hammer and breaking a few joints. You took out the pliers, gripping the fingertips where the joint was broken and pulling with ease, Mark's mom roaring in agony.

The older woman's head was visibly light on her shoulders, her head swaying back and forth like she was about to pass out. You quickly put your hand in the air, snapping a few times to get her attention. Once she regained focus, her face went up in flames, coloured red from top to bottom and the tears never stopped running.

She struggled against the restraints, screaming "stop" and "let me go" through the gag and making a mess with her bloody hand. She tossed and turned, eventually getting blood all over your outfit.

And you weren't even wearing your apron.

You stood back for a second, analyzing your entire body and there were a few stains on your shirt. That was a few too many.

You clicked your tounge, grabbing a towel to wipe it off before returning to the woman. She was still pleading for help and it started to annoy you. You took out your switchblade, plunging it into the woman's thigh, another hurling cry escaping her lips.

"How annoying." You got back to your seat, forcing her to sit still while you finished your job. You quickly ran through her right hand, breaking and removing all her fingertips and swiftly moved onto the next, going over the same procedure but this time, humming to the song that played from the radio.

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