Chapter 42

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"Hey since when did you-" Mark's mom tried to look back at me as I was suddenly standing right behind her, switchblade held tightly in my hand. I could only laugh at her ignorance, her not even caring that she let someone as dangerous as me inside her house. I guess I really won her emotions over, but before I could celebrate, I had to finish the duty and show Mark that I wasn't a person to play with.

Constantly pushing me off to the side when I've given him nothing but my love? I pour hours upon hours loving him, caring for him and treating him like royalty so he can go around and say he loves some office bitch? Did he really forget I'm a human with feelings, or did he not care at all and was just messing with my feelings? Maybe it's because I came off a little aggressive in the beginning, but if that was the case, we could have just talked it out like any normal couple.

Either way, he broke my heart, and now it's time to break his. His mom is the closest thing to him, and it would be a shame if something happened to her, right? Hurting her will bring nothing but pure devastation in that small heart of his, no?

"Since you're standing, can you please-" Before she could look over her shoulder and instruct me to do something, I wrapped my elbow around the elder's neck, pulling her downwards so that she could fumble her footing and lose power. I placed my blade near her neck in a heartbeat right after. It was an oldie, but it worked perfectly. She was startled at first, her heart basically pumping out of her chest and she began to sweat, but then she chuckled, which caught me off guard.

"What is this stunt of yours, Ms. (Y/N)?" The older woman laughed, trying her best to regain power, but I quickly overpowered her, holding the knife closer to her neck.

"I will not hesitate to cut you. Do not play with me." I spoke in my usual monotone voice, struggling to hold Mark's mom close because she was putting up a good fight. I fumbled backwards a little but quickly regained my posture, folding my elbow into her neck so that her head would jerk upwards. It was liked she was experienced in a combat fight like this, but that would be weird, consider she literally has a son. And compared to her skill, Mark is nowhere in her league.

"I'm just asking you a question, relax." She said, holding onto my arm as I slowly started to restrict her breathing. With my arm around her neck and her constant panicking, it's not shocking that she was getting tired easily. "And as my in-law, you gotta respond to me. What's the point of this?" She tried to yank my arm off, doing whatever she can to get me off of her, but her efforts were in vain. I stuck to her like glue and there was no way of getting me off. I smirked, getting ready to explain myself to her. I had to spill every minute information for her as this would be the only time she would hear it. I have no intentions on keeping her alive after this.

"Well, to put it bluntly," I pulled at her neck once again when she tried to stand up. Mark's mom was becoming restless and the panic in her eyes made me smile. I always enjoyed the look of horror and panic that filled my victim's eyes, they filled me with an adrenaline that I can't find anywhere else. "Your son has done the unspeakable. And you're paying for his actions because I simply cant hurt my hubby."

"We're supposed to go and buy hanboks together, and eat traditional foods together and..." I sighed, lowering the switchblade a little while the moments replaying through my head vividly. Even though they have yet to happen, I know for sure that I'll enjoy every single moment with the one I love. After all, we're in a relationship, right? This is how couples work.

"And we were supposed to say I love you to each other because we really do, but then he brings a new contender to the ring." My pale hand jerked the knife towards the woman's neck, and she started sweating.

"Sooyoung Kim. An office assistant who knew nothing but throwing her body around for everyone to see. Mark took a liking to her, and naturally, I removed her. She didn't fit the narrative so she had no reason to be here." A small chuckle escaped my pink lips, remember the utter fear that was in that girl's eyed when I stabbed her time and time again with my life, her disgusting body spewing her blood everywhere. If killing Sooyoung meant I'll be with Mark forever, I'll do it ten times over.

"Fun fact: I stabbed her then but her body. I'll probably do it to you if you don't-" I whispered into the woman's ear, but she jerked in the middle of my sentence again. She was very determined in getting out, but I was also determined on getting her son to be mine. It's his only choice after all. "Act accordingly."

"(Y/N), I'm giving you this option to let me go. This isn't funny anymore." Mark's mom spoke, her voice was hoarse as tears started to brim in the corners of her hazel brown eyes. She had lost a tremendous amount of hope and her entire body was trembling in terror.

"Oh, you thought I was joking? Then why did I give you that necklace and was so nice to you when I first entered the house, hm?" I asked, pulling the knife closer to her neck.

"Because Mark never listens!" Anyone could tell I started to freak. It was like when I was talking to Sooyoung. The adrenaline pumping through me was too much for my small body to handle to the point where I started to lose my composure. I started laughing frantically, eyes wide open and twitching slightly while my heart was jumping out of my chest. The whole experience was truly amazing, I've never experienced anything like this before, not even with Lucas!

"He went to the police and that's why there's a search for Sooyoung. He ran his mouth to the officials when I told him to stay quiet! But poor him, she's dead!" I screamed, pulling Mark's mom by her neck, laughing loudly as I saw her struggle to breathe.

"Since he wanted to rat me out, you have to pay for his actions because I know he's a mama's boy." I stopped for a second to tell her what her part is, whispering close to her ear. Obviously, had things gone a certain way, she wouldn't have been involved. But...

"His small little heart would break into a million pieces if he found out that his mom was dead. You're the closest one to him, right? That means your death would leave the biggest impact on him, bigger than Sooyoung's!"

"(Y/N), I-I asking you again to please let me go..." Hot tears ran down the elder's face and fell down to my hand, and I was genuinely disgusted. Her single tear made me stop laughing and tighten my grip around her neck.

"Keep begging bitch. That's all you can do now. Blame your dog of a son Mark." My monotone voice returned as violently as possible. I was sick to my core by the nerve of her, crying onto my hand. Someone should teach her respect before she dies.

But that anger was soon suppressed once my mind returned to the bigger picture. The one of me killing Mark's mom in revenge. I didn't care about the small teardrop on my arm, I cared about eliminating my next rival, who was quivering in my hands. I had started to laugh when she started to sob, taking my words to heart. Might as well install more fear into her.

"Sooyoung is dead! Burnt to a crisp in a small bin at the back of my house!" And maybe..." I said, pulling her around the house again just in case she wanted to see it before she died.

"I should do the same for you!" I stopped in the middle of the hallway, finally ready to end this woman's life. After all, there's no other reason to keep her alive. After spilling my secret, there's no need for her to live anymore. The information that I just gave to her was confidential, and confidential stuff is always well kept with a dead body.

I twirled my blade once in my hand, careful not to cut my fingers before gripping it tightly in my palm. I kicked Mark's mom from the back, making her drop to her bum and grabbing onto her dark brown, long and silky hair. It was very soft in my rigid hands, I wondered what shampoo she used.

I violently tiled the woman's head up, bringing the switchblade closer to her neck, ready to slice and-

"Mom, I'm home. Sorry for not calling you back earlier-"

Mark suddenly walked through the front door of the house, dropping his suitcase and jacket on the floor to the side before freezing at the horrid sight in front of him.

Man Down (Markiplier x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant