True Ending 1

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*Continued from Chapter 42...*

"Hey since when did you-" Mark's mom tried to look back at me as I was suddenly standing right behind her, switchblade held tightly in my hand. I could only laugh at her ignorance, her not even caring that she let someone as dangerous as me inside her house. I guess I really won her emotions over, but before I could celebrate, I had to finish the duty and show Mark that I wasn't a person to play with.

Constantly pushing me off to the side when I've given him nothing but my love? I pour hours upon hours loving him, caring for him and treating him like royalty so he can go around and say he loves some office bitch? Did he really forget I'm a human with feelings, or did he not care at all and was just messing with my feelings? Maybe it's because I came off a little aggressive in the beginning, but if that was the case, we could have just talked it out like any normal couple.

Either way, he broke my heart, and now it's time to break his. His mom is the closest thing to him, and it would be a shame if something happened to her, right? Hurting her will bring nothing but pure devastation in that small heart of his, no?

"Since you're standing, can you please-" Before she could look over her shoulder and instruct me to do something, I wrapped my elbow around the elder's neck, pulling her downwards so that she could fumble her footing and lose power. I placed my blade near her neck in a heartbeat right after. It was an oldie, but it worked perfectly. She was startled at first, her heart basically pumping out of her chest and she began to sweat, but then she chuckled, which caught me off guard.


"Nothing will happen to you if you just follow my instructions." You spoke in a calm voice, keeping your elbow firm around her neck when she tried to move. She was weak against you and she even started to freak out, her heart beating hard against her ribcage and sweat building up on her forehead when she saw you weren't kidding.

Your calm demeanour threw her off, from sweet to chaotic, the sudden atmosphere change was making her enter a haze - a small panic attack, giving you a lot of power in the situation. She forced out a chuckle as if everything was gonna be alright.

It was, at least not for her.

"You're going to do everything I say and no one gets hurt, right?" You said, tightening your grip around the blade and your elbow around her neck as to push her further into the haze.

"Y-yes! Just...please d-don't hurt me." She screamed, a heavy waterfall of tears running down her cheeks. It was cute how she wriggled helplessly in your grip, silently praying and begging for mercy as if anything could stop you now. Mark did the unthinkable, went behind your back and betrayed you, and now it was time for your revenge.

Your (E/C) eyes scanned the room, and almost immediately did they lock with a pretty red scarf on the sofa in the living room. With your arm still around the older lady's neck, the two of you made your way to the living room, where you tied her arms behind her back tightly with the red one.

"You're going to come with me to my house, and we'll talk about it there, okay?" You said and she nodded through small whimpers. It was dark outside, so you didn't have to worry about people seeing and walking by, so you went ahead and lead the older woman out the door and to your house, a small, but extremely sinister grin plastered on your face.


Surprisingly, you got home in peace and quiet. The soft song you were humming filled up the silence and it felt like time went by faster when you sang. Mark's mom had no choice but to stay quiet, walking closely beside you while hot tears ran down the side of her face.

Because of how cowardly, but yet obedient she was being back in her lovely home, you decided it was unnecessary to keep her in a headlock while walking - it would have only caused more difficulty that you really don't need.

So, the brown-haired woman walked beside you, forcefully picking up the pace when you nipped her arm with the switchblade. Her cries were muffled by a black scarf that was pushed into her mouth. By the time you reached home, a small waterfall of dark red blood was trailing down her pale arm.

You pushed her into the house and once the door locked, you got into action immediately. Pulling out your switchable again, you crouched and plugged the sharp piece of metal into the older woman's calf, making her fall to the ground instantly with a loud cry. You stood, staring at the helpless lady with icy, cold eyes, your insides churning with how disgusting she looked, crying her eyes out in the middle of your doorway.

"Pathetic." You muttered, throwing the black scarf off to the side as it fell out her mouth. With a huff, you got Mark's mom onto your back, bringing her downstairs to the cold basement. You pulled her arms out of the red scarf and tied her to the wooden chair, Lucas chilling in the back corner like usual.

There was no doubt that her brown eyes caught a glimpse of the scrawny boy when coming down, her face lightening up with horror and fright when you finished tying her and stood right in front of her chair.

"P-please (Y/N)..." she whimpered. "D-don't hurt me, I do w-whatever you want just please...please don't hurt me!" She said with her entire chest, letting the tears fall with ease when she saw your expressionless face stare back at her.

It was clear that from this point you weren't showing any mercy, just staring at her while she cried her heart out, threatening to scream out for help only to realize that the room was soundproof. But, that didn't stop her from begging for mercy.

"You think this is how Mark is gonna react when he comes here?" You said in a quiet voice while examining your switchblade, and her eyes opened wide, as if her heart started beating, her bottom lip trembling with fear.

"Please! Don't hurt Mark!" She wailed, coughing between breaths. "(Y/N) please t-that's my son- your friend! can't hurt him!" The last line name your eyes snap towards the brown-haired woman, your eyebrows knotted.

"But he can hurt me?"


"Ah, I haven't explained it to you yet." You huffed, putting your blade into your back pocket.

(Imma just keep this entire thing in third person because it's pretty awkward using "I" when describing a kidnapping. So don't freak out when you see "you" instead of "i")

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