Chapter 35

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It's been a few days since Aciel and I have officially started dating, and well, it's basically the best thing that has ever happened to me. He has kept such a close eye on me and has cared for me like I'm some sort of precious jewel, and I couldn't ask for more. His affection for me started to make me doubt why I liked Mark in the first place. After all, he was your typical jockey who loved no one but himself and his mom. I was so lucky I settled for someone like Aciel, and I wish I couldn't have it any other way.

"Good morning, Amy..." The same, deep voice that I was used to greeted me as I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms outwards. The smell of freshly brewed hot chocolate and French toast also welcomed itself, and by the time my eyes fully opened, I remembered where I was. I spent the night over at Aciel's house, we did the devil's tango and now it was suddenly morning.

The (E/C) eyed boy stood at the foot of the bed with a cup and plate in his hands, a white towel wrapped around his small waist that complimented his glistening abs. His (H/C) hair was dripping wet, and he was breathing pretty heavily as if he had some sort of fight with his shower. He walked closer to my side of the bed, placing a kiss on my forehead and putting the food right in front of me, the drink on the white dresser.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," I spoke sarcastically before digging right in while Aciel sat beside me, looking on with a small smile. "Mmm, it's delicious. Thank you." I properly said, taking another bite as soon as I swallowed the piece in my mouth. His food was so good, it tasted like it was straight from La Rouge. "Where's your food?"

"I don't eat solids in the morning," He laughed."My breakfast is a protein shake mixed with banana. I don't eat until lunch." Ah, that would explain why he's so ripped... I can't lie, it looks like he works out every day. But the fact that he had a basic 9-5 job, and goes home late most of the time, it's impossible for him to work out regularly.

Everything about Aciel was up to perfection. His entire apartment room was neat and tidy - he was the minimalistic type so that made things even cleaner. Most of the things thaT he owned were white like his bedsheets and towels, and it was perfectly aligned with calm and collected personality. But watch how he has some dark secret like he hides bodies in his basement or something...

"Hm.." The (H/C) boy suddenly frowned as he looked at the clock. It was getting closer to 10:30.

"What's wrong?" I asked, inhaling the hot chocolate.

"It's going to 10:30, shouldn't you be exfoliating your face right about now?" He basically mumbled, getting up from the side of the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing where he suddenly got that information.

"And may I ask you where you got that information from?"

"You told me, remember?" He looked back at me, equally confused. "I asked you why your skin was so clean and you told me it was because you exfoliate at a certain time?" I don't remember vividly telling him as I've never been open about my skincare routine with anyone, but if he said that I told him, then I must have told him.

Aciel soon changed into some grey sweatpants and a white tee, placing a pair of my clothes on the side of my feet-

Hold on...

"Where did you get those?" I furrowed my eyebrows even harder this time, this time growing with much more suspicion than usual. Those exact clothes came from the hidden space in the trunk of my car, and if I remember correctly, we came here in his car. I don't remember the part where I told him my hidden compartment. You know, it's not every day that your boyfriend pulls out some of your clothes from a hidden place that you never told anyone.

"Your trunk? Last night you asked me to get them for you before we left the office." He rolled his eyes at me, huffing at my clumsiness. He threw the clothes in my direction, running his big hand through his hair. "Jeez, are you really that forgetful?" My facial expression eased as I realized the possibility. I mean, I was overworked yesterday, I didn't know what was left and what was right. I could have easily told him and forgot afterwards. It does happen, I guess...

"C'mon and finish, your favourite cooking show is coming on in a few minutes." He grinned at me, closing the door behind him as he left the room. I followed his instructions since I had no reason not to-



For the majority of the day, I stayed in on Aciel's arms, wrapping in another one of his white blankets. Whenever I was hungry, he'd cook me some of my favourite dishes without me even telling him. He'd fix up some of my favourite drinks and make sure that I was satisfied before sitting down, my favourite reality show on in the background. It was like he knew me without me telling him anything. Is this what they call true love?

Like any other day, it started to get dark outside pretty fast and I didn't have my car with me. I thought it would have been better to leave earlier than later as I didn't want to get caught in the moon's eye. It was fun staying here with him on my day off, but as a wise man once said: all great things have to come to an end.

After scrolling through my phone, I placed it down and started to fold the blanket I was using. Aciel looked confused once he saw my movements.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, leaning back in the chair. I looked at him, placed the folded blanket on him and smiled.

"Home, dummy. Tomorrow is another workday." I turned around to head for upstairs, but before I could go, my thin wrist was grabbed and I was pulled into his arms. He tickled my side and showered me with kisses, making me laugh like a schoolgirl.

"Home my ass. You're staying with me forever, Amy." He spoke jokingly, chuckling afterwards. I tried getting out of his grip, but he quickly overpowered me, wrapping one of his arms around my waist to hold me more comfortably.

"C'mon, don't be delusional. I have bills to pay, and so do you. Now, go!" I struggled against him, laughing as his grip only became tighter and tighter. I even tried biting him, but he still wouldn't let go of me. "C'mon Aciel, I'm serious this time." The smile on my face soon left, but his arm wrapped around me even tighter. It was like he was a snake, wrapping around his prey before eating it.

"I'm serious too." He spoke, but the tone in his voice changed drastically. I looked back at him, suddenly scared of what he was talking about. I've never heard him talk like that, but the smile on his face spoke otherwise.

"You're staying with me forever, Amy."

(hello again. i don't think you understand my excitement with this chapter. i love when I thicken my own plot, it's so refreshing and exciting. it only makes me want to write more lol)

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