Chapter 21 - Holiday Speical

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GORE WARNING: hey, this might be too dark for those with weak stomachs, but it's not like you're missing anything major if you skip this part. Viewer discretion is advised :)

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

"Woah..." I gasped when I entered the warm house after suffering outside in the cold for nearly thirty minutes, waiting for a bus to come. It was a cold hell, with snow and wind hitting an unprotected body late at night, the only thing that was on my mind was sitting in front of a heater with twenty thick blankets over my trembling body. I took off my thin sweater and gloves, placing the wrapped gifts I held in my ice cold hands that were covered in snow on the floor near the couch. 

I was ever so grateful to be inside at this time of year, my heart went out to those who are unfortunate to have such opportunity. I actually helped a homeless woman and her children who were shivering in a alleyway to a near by shelter before I came home. I gave the smallest one my jacket and the mother my large scarf, and told them to keep it when they arrived at the shelter, which made me feel a little more good about myself. It made me realize how important it is for us to watch other those who are in a time of need, especially during the holiday season.

"Speaking of being in need..." I mumbled while I waddled over towards the kitchen, starting up the kettle for a nice cup of hot chocolate. It's only right to drink such drink on the eve of Christmas, it's practically a sin if you don't. While that was going, I went back over to my Christmas tree and turned on the bright yellow lights that shined against the green leaves and red ornaments. 

I sighed happily, remembering the holidays when I was younger. Christmas was such a thrill when I was a kid. School was out, Santa was real and ate the cookies I left for him, the entire family got together and exchanged gifts, everything was just perfectly imperfect. Back then when everything was easy, when being happy was the norm, it was just a good time. It's still a good time now, except it's missing all the key components. 

At that moment, the kettle went off, and I rushed over to tend to my drink. I grabbed the biggest cup I had and small, white marshmallows from the cupboards, and started to prepare the drink. First, I filled the cup with the brown power, added a half a spoon of sugar, stirred the two ingredients with cold milk, then added the boiling hot water to the mix. I topped everything off with a handful of marshmallows, but I didn't drink it immediately. Something still felt off about the drink.

"Ah..." I climbed the counter to reach the very top of the cupboard to get two mini candy canes. I have to keep them up there so that I don't become an animal and eat them all in one sitting. Crushing the candy, I scattered the dust onto the drink and finally took a hearty sip. Nothing screams Christmas more than a cup of candy cane hot chocolate. That one sip awoken my soul and I've never felt more alive. I went back into the living room, taking another sip from the cup. I sat down on the couch, turning on the T.V. that played Christmas movies non-stop. I checked my phone and realized that it was going to 12:00 A.M. I had to do my thing before the clock reached twelve, so I got up from the couch, took one more sip of my drink and placed it down on the coffee table, heading back into the kitchen for my black apron.

I put on the apron, adjusting the sleeves to my black turtle neck and putting on white disposable gloves. I grinned happily, taking the two Christmas gifts downstairs with me. My set up was already completed beforehand, so I had to prepare very little. I placed the gift near the foot of the man that was tied to the grey metal chair that he was sitting in, pressing record on the camera that was straight across from him. It was a shame he couldn't see it because of the cloth that covered his eyes, but that didn't bother me too much. He was deprived of all his senses, the only thing he had left was his hearing, which I think gave him too much of an advantage. But since it was the Christmas season, I thought I would be generous and give him at least one of his senses.

"Wow, long time no see, huh?" I circled the man whose tears stained his bruised up face. It made me laugh by the way he would quiver, begging for forgiveness. "Still helpless as usual." I arched my back downwards in front of him so I could be face to face with him. He trembled violently, his bloody blue and black face backing far away from mine. That didn't stop me from getting even closer. 

"But still so handsome...." I pressed my lips on the right side of the red gag that was in his mouth, feeling the mutual love between us. "You wanna know what happened to me today?" He didn't respond, and the smile on my face vanished. 

"Hey," I took the switch blade that stayed in my back pocket and couched down, stabbing the sharp knife into his already blue and purple calf. He screamed into the gag while his dark red blood dripped onto the floor and onto my white gloves. "I asked you a simple question. There's no need for me to get violent off the bat." I instantly became more blunt, cocking my head to the side. The man nodded violently while sniffling and I smiled once again. I pulled out the blade and threw it to the side since now it had to be washed.

"So I was coming home from work, and there was this homeless woman with her children who were basically suffering from hypothermia. I gave them my jacket and my scarf and guided them to the nearest shelter and..." I looked back at him, and he was crying louder than before. His whimpers were basically cutting off my sentences. My smile disappeared once again, and now I was getting angry. I clicked my tongue, getting the pliers from my tool drawer and setting up a board extension to his chair. I untied one of his hands and tied it down to the board, separating his five fingers. Three of his fingers were missing their nails, bleeding profusely because of our previous session.

"What's wrong with you today, babe? Crying when-" I placed the pliers between a joint and pressed down hard until I heard that satisfying crack. "I'm speaking?" The man shrieked into the gag once again, and there was no end to his tears. I placed down the pliers, and came closer to his right ear. "Don't make me do this, okay? It's Christmas, remember? I have to be kind for once." I whispered lightly into his ear, and placed a light kiss on the side of his face. Ever since then, he remained quiet like the good boy he was, and I got to finish my story.

"Oh, what's this?" I asked after I placed one of the gifts into his lap, acting like a complete  airhead. "A present? For me?" I took the box and eyed it, waiting for him to deliver his line. I took off the gag just for this moment, but the line did not come. All that left his shaky lips was quiet whimpers. To no one's surprise, I stopped smiling again and this time, the punishment will be near lethal. "Come on bro, you had one job!" I went back over to my tool box, and chose carefully between my weapons. Glancing over to my bigger weapons, I found something I like that will inflict pain, but not much to kill him. I can't kill him just yet, I love him too much for that. Instead, I took the extra Christmas lights from my collection, and snuck up behind him, pulling tightly when I made sure it was secure around his neck.

"Say the line!" I yelled with dark eyes, laughing like an idiot when I saw in struggle to get out. The yellow lights only made the affair more beautiful. "Say the fucking line, bitch!"

"M-m-merry... chri-Christmas, ba-ba-baby.." I let go of the Christmas lights and began to smile once again, walking closer to him to drape my arms over his shoulder and kissing the top of his head after we unwrapped our presents. My present from him was a new large scarf since I gave my old one away, and his was a new torture method, rat poison. 

"That's the spirit, my love~" I waved to the camera to conclude our session.

(AN: Happy holidays everyone! I know this is very dark and unsettling, especially during this type of season where it's supposed to be happy and bright, but I'm not really in the Christmas mood. I don't know, maybe it's because I have to do school over the winter break, or maybe I'm just a sad bitch by nature, we don't know. But at least you guys now have a general feeling on what the rest of the book is going to look like hehe. Nevertheless, keep in mind what I said the previous author's note: rest, spend time with your family and stay healthy!!)

Man Down (Markiplier x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें