Chapter 7

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Next morning, I did nothing but take care of Amy, although she went back to working like robot, asking me to not bother her for the rest of the morning as she eyed her MacBook carefully, typing at the speed of light. Did I obey? Of course not - I made her morning a living hell so she would have a hard time to work because I went though the trouble of calling the both of us in last night, and it would be a waste if she started working on her day off. I grabbed her MacBook and the charger, locking it in my bedroom as she threatened to knock down the door if I didn't get it back. I didn't listen, acting like she didn't say anything and going down to the kitchen to finish making French toast for breakfast.

As if she'll get the hint, she continued working on her phone, typing vigorously mumbling "you're unbelievable" under her breath. I cleaned my hands on a piece of paper towel, snatching her phone as well and throwing it in my room as well. The brown eyed girl huffed, sitting on the island with a pout, and I served her a plate of food. She took a cup of coffee and started to eat.

"So..." I started once I sat my food on the table across from her. She raised one of her eyebrows while chewing on a slide of bread. "You feeling better?" She nodded her head. It even looks like her health made a big improvement last night - her skin regained color, and her lips wasn't as pale as before. Her eyes started to sparkle again, and the sneezing quickly left. "Good, that's what I like to hear."

"You know, I don't know why you care for me so much when I'm just nothing but your co-worker." Amy spoke, breaking a long pause. She looked down, playing with her food with the fork in her hands. I grinned, intrigued on what she had to say. "Like I do nothing but cause you trouble. You'd think by now you'll cut me off." I finished drinking my coffee before talking.

"You really are an idiot, huh?" I chuckled. "I care for you because I love you." Her eyes looked up from her food, and they were big, filled with shock. "You're my sister, how can I not care and love for my family?" And suddenly, there was a dimmer on her eyes. Her facial expression hardened into a monotone expression. I sensed that I said something wrong, so I stayed quiet.

After breakfast, Amy almost broke down my bedroom door to get her belongings. I opened the door and handed her the laptop and phone, as she started to put on her shoes. She said she needed to go home to freshen up, and that she'll talk to me later, but she lacked enthusiasm in her voice. I hugged her as a goodbye and she went walking home. What the hell did I say?


Through the afternoon, I worked on many details that needed fixing so the project can be as flawless as possible. Although I said I was going to relax, I was at my desk, crunching numbers, sorting out different deigns and working on bugs in the project all at the same time - I was so glued onto my computer screen, I didn't even realize how much time went by. It was reaching closer to 6, and I need to make sure my date with (Y/N) is official. And if it is, I need to start getting ready.

"Oh, shoot." I mumbled to myself when I finally looked up at the clock. The day had gone by faster than I thought, I forgot it was my day off. "Gotta call (Y/N)." I searched the room frantically, looking for my phone. Can my phone get lost any other time? I placed my hands on my head, feeling something cold and hard come in contact with my skull. It was my phone - I had it in my hands this whole time. This project is making me go insane. I quickly dialed in the girl's number.

"Hello?" She picked up on the last ring, panting like a dog. Am I calling too early? Was she still working?

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Why'd you call? Is....everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just making sure you didn't forget about our date. 6:30, right?" She hummed in response. I did a double check on the clock on the wall, realizing I had 45 minutes to get ready, and I haven't even brushed my teeth. "Nice. I can't wait to see you tonight."

"You too-" She paused for a second, and came back on the phone out of breath. "Mark, l-let me call you right b-back, I have something to with." I chuckled, wondering what bull she got herself into now. It left me smiling like an idiot with my arms crossed.

"Uh, okay-" And she hanged up. (Y/N) never fails to amuse me at times, it's like being caught in shit is apart of her personality trait. It's cute.


"A-and like, I'm trying to manage the whole party and-" (Y/N) bursts into tears laughing, unable to finish the story on why she was so out of breath earlier. I couldn't help myself but giggle alongside her as her laugh is contagious. "This kid comes a-round and his mom asks him what do you have in your hands..." She used her hand to cover her mouth while she laughed out loud like a maniac. It's gotten so bad where the (H/C) haired girl started wheezing, wiping away the tears that keep on returning while her face became a light shade of pink.

"An-and the kid said... this kid said a k-knife-" She gasped for air, but continued to laugh. (Y/N) started to squirm in her seat, saying her side hurts, but it didn't stop the (E/C) eyed girl from hitting the side of the car as she cackled like a school girl. "He said it so happily and p-proud too and-" I couldn't pay attention to what the girl was saying, I was too busy looking at her beautiful smile. I can't even lie, when she first started talking and laughing, my heart skipped a beat. I felt myself pause and stare, taking in all her beauty while she continued to ramble on how difficult her day was. She was that beautiful.

"And in another corner, th-there was a bunch a teenagers and they were h-having some sort of meeting while drinking Pepsi with a straw and one of them was like 'there's only one thing worse then a rapist' and another said.... they said 'a child' and I lost my shit." I laughed alongside with her as I was caught off guard by the joke. (Y/N) let out one last giggle before finally calming down, but went at it again once she saw me laughing.

"M-Mark, we n-need to go..." She pleaded through her laughs.

"I can't drive when I'm l-laughing..."

"Then stop!" She yelled and tried to maintain a straight face like looking at me. Her posture broke once again when I blinked, and we stayed in the parking lot for an extra two minutes until the both of us calmed down. We finally pulled out of the parking lot to the restaurant, and started driving. Not even five seconds later, we both burst out laughing and I had to pull over since my glasses were getting clogged up by tears. This is going to be a very long night.


By the time we got home, we've finally cooled down, moving on to different topics while throwing in the jokes from the previous conversation in. (Y/N) and I were having the time of our lives and that was all that mattered.

At some point during the car ride, the conversation took a wide right turn. It got pretty heated. We went from talking about favourite body part on the opposite sex, to talking about how dominate/submissive the other can get. It got very hot in the car when the topic of favorite sex position came up, even though the A/C was on blast. Everything went by so fast, we got to my house faster than anticipated.

"If that's so," We walked into the house, and it was dark as usual. I locked the door behind me, and before (Y/N) could go far, I grabbed onto her wrist, pinning her against the front door. I held both of her hands high above her head, leaning in and whispering into her ear.

"Maybe I can try that position on you tonight." I snickered, leaning in for a kiss. The (H/C) haired girl didn't resist, and let her hands come down and wrap around my neck. I picked her up, and her legs wrapped around my waist easily, and went upstairs and lay her down gently on the bed. Surprisingly, our kiss didn't break. Her lips were soft and plump, and it was easy for me to gain access to her bare torso as she was wearing nothing but a black shirt. I bit her bottom lip, and was given access for me to deepen the kiss, our tounges dancing in unison.

"Your skin..." I said between heavy pants, holding the hem of her shirt and bring her shirt above her head. "Is very soft..." I trailed kisses down her neck to her cleavage as she tried to take my shirt off. One of my hands flew to her breast, and her body jolted in shock. I chuckled evilly. "You like that?" I said through sloppy kisses.

"M-Mark, please stop wasting time..." She begged like a needful child, panting heavily with a flustered face while her hands grabbed a good handful of my hair. Her lips were slightly parted, and I went back to kiss them. "Please..." I grinned.

"You'll regret it, but who am I to deny you of my services?"

Man Down (Markiplier x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя