Chapter 18

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I eyed the two men with a keen eye as I walked closer to them. Everything about them tells me that they're up to no good. Their facial expressions, their laugh, all of it was a gigantic red flag. Even Sooyoung herself looked very uncomfortable when the men came closer to her on either side. She only laughed them with them, but her light brown eyes were in distress. I sped up my walking and tried to remain cool, but inside, I was overflowing with anger.

"I see you made friends, Ms. Kim." I spoke once I reached the trio. I saw the black haired girl sigh heavily as if I was her saviour. Meanwhile, the two men in black beside her looked at me scarily, acting all defensive to Sooyoung when I glared at them.

"So you're the stingy boss our Sooyoung is stuck with." The one with slick backed hair on Mrs. Kim's right commented, and I saw that they weren't interested in small talk. I raised an eyebrow when he turned to whisper in her ear. "It's a shame he's an old, miserable dog. He looks like he hates fun."

"It's a shame you have nothing better to do with your life but harass women." I crossed my arms over my chest and started to tap my foot lightly. "Don't think I didn't see you try and flirt with Marzia, a married woman." They both stood up and I moved back a step. The other man growled while cracking his knuckles, trying to look as scary as possible, but it didn't work. These guys are real funny.

"I don't even know your name, but let me tell you something," They came closer to me and I only huffed. I looked off to the side to see Sooyoung fleeing the scene to call security as they could get a little out of hand. I'm never violent, but little do these guys know, when I'm in the mood, there's no way of stopping me.

"You don't know us," they took a step forward, and I stayed in place, looking at them dead in the eyes. "You don't know where we come from. And frankly,"  They took another step closer to me, and we were finally chest to chest. It was funny because they were shorter than me, and I had to look down. "You wouldn't like us when we're angry." I pretended to be surprised. They tried so hard to intimidate me, but it was only a waste of their energy. "So I'd advise you walk away now, then walk away with a broken nose."

"Fucking crybabies..." I undid a button of my shirt, finally acting serious because they were now getting on my nerves. It was funny at first, but now they're hanging onto me and waiting for a reaction like leeches. I looked behind me and Sooyoung finally came back with three security officers. I grinned because whatever happens now, they'll be at fault simply because they'e guests to my building. "Then do something, you pigs. Cause right now you're all talk." They growled, and the man with the slick hair tried to throw a punch. I grabbed his wrist, pulled him forward, and struck his stomach with my knee so hard he went falling to the ground. For a split second, my eyes went dark, and my harsh breathing became more violent.

"And look at your sidekick, walking in your shadow. He can't do shit either." I smirked sinfully as the second guy quivered in fear. I walked closer to him, but he took a step backwards. I finally reached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Tell your friend to keep his mouth shut when he has nothing nice to say." My facial expressions suddenly lightened up, and I smiled shined bright like the sun. The man only nodded violently and followed the security guards with tears in his eyes, while the guards dragged his friend out the room. I sighed, running my hands through my dark brown locks while Ms. Kim jogged towards me. The worried expression on her face made me laugh as she analyzed every nook and cranny of my body to see if I was injured.

"Oh my, are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything, right?" Her warm eyes looked up to me, and once we made eye contact, I got lost in that galaxy. I took in how close we were and felt my face go up in flames. I finally realized what she said and chuckled, reaching for her warm hand that was on my cheek. 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I should be asking you that question. They were surrounding you like hyenas." The woman in front of me didn't look pleased, her furrowed eyebrows looking as serious as ever. I held her hand softly as she ranted on about how I need to be safe at all times, no matter if she's in danger while we left the room.

"But that's besides the point. You can't be getting into fights like that. I am ever so thankful for your help because they were sure something else, but still-"

"And that's where you stop your sentence. No need to go on after that thanks." I smiled at her when we returned to the room. When we came back, the party was finally bumping. Music was loud, people were drinking and some were even dancing. It's like the "friendly" encounter didn't even happen. "See? It's like nothing happen. There's no need to worry about it no more." I placed my hands on either of her shoulders and led her to the bar. The woman with dark brown hair sighed.

"I guess you're right..." She grabbed a drink for the both of us.

"All we need to do now is chill and celebrate our deal, right?" I took my cup and we chilled after she nodded in agreement.  After a few minutes, it looked she finally relaxed. Her tense shoulders dropped and she was finally grinning again. She started to feel bubbly again after taking a few sips of her drink, which lead me to believe she's in a good mood again. All of a sudden, representatives from the other company came up to us, asking if we'd like to take a picture with them for reaching a huge deal. Ms. Kim and I had no reason why we shouldn't, so we quickly took our spots in front the cameraman, and smiled happily.

"Hey, hey, wait.." I took my phone out of my pocket as I wanted to take a picture too, but just of me and Sooyoung.

"Since when did you become so photogenic?" The dark haired woman giggled, fixing her brown pencil skirt and white blouse before flashing her beautiful, bright smile towards my camera. I took the picture, and congratulated the both of us once again for achieving such big deal that will help in the development of our big project. My part obviously couldn't have taken place without her, she's had such a big influence of me even though she only started a few days ago. It's truly crazy. I'm grateful to have Ms. Kim on my side, and I was also grateful to post the picture on my social media for everyone to see how far we have come.

"Oh wow..." I exclaimed when I looked at my phone as the picture uploaded. Only now did I realize how stunning Sooyoung's smile was. Her smiling eyes were warm like the sun and the small pink blush that scattered across her pale cheek made her look even more cute. I knew I liked her smile, but damn. That can put someone in a comma...

"What?" The same woman who I was admiring appeared over my shoulder, looking at my phone with greedy eyes. All of a sudden, my heart started to beat faster and it was a no brainier that my face was turning red. Keep it together, Mark. Keep it-

"I'm just shocked by how b-b-beautiful you are..." I stumbled over my words and mentally slapped myself for acting like a fool. You can't be acting like an idiot right now mate. Sooyoung laughed, and I swear, I've never felt my face get so hot before.

"You're cute too, you know that?" She said before getting up to dance to the music that played. I avoided eye contact with her, and tried my best to steady my heart beat but I was out of luck. Shit...

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