Chapter 16

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Sam's P.O.V.

   You were worried about Cas. The last time you had heard from him was almost two weeks ago. He said that he would be in touch soon. He also said that he was going to heaven, which wasn't the best idea you had heard. Even though he was no longer being hunted, some angels still didn't like the idea of him being around. Especially since he was the one that got them all thrown out of heaven not too long ago. But niether you or Dean told any of this to Y/N. She had enough to woory about.

   "What if that demon that killed my paretns got him? He said that he would be keeping an eye on it. What if it found out and killed him." You could see the terror in her eyes as she thought about the possibility. "Then it would be all my fault. He wouldn't be hunting it if it weren't for me." Suddenly her eyes filled with tears.

   "Hey, I'm sure everything's fine." You say for about the twentieth time in four days. "He's probably killing that thing right now. Any minute he will probably be back here telling you that you don't have to worry about that thing anymore." You can't even convince yourself but that seems to be enough for Y/N to calm down.

   "Yeah!" Dean has a big smile on his face but you can see the fear behind his eyes. You of all people should be able to pick up on that. Luckily, though, Y/N can't. "He's a tough guy. Or... angel. He'll be back before you know it."

   Days passed like this. Eventually, Y/N stopped believing you and Dean's attempts to cheer her up. Now she just sat on her bed, staring at her phone or laptop, ignoring the world. Lately, she wouldn't even come out with you and Dean to get dinner.

   "She blames herself. She thinks that she got him killed." You and Dean were on your way to pick up food at the local diner.

   "I know. But I don't see what we can do about it. We already tried summoning him and nothing happened. I don't see what more we can do." Dean has a grim look on his face that you have only seen a couple of times, when his family was in danger.


   You and Dean get home about a half an hour later. Y/N is still laying on her bed where you had left her.

   "I told you guys you coiuld eat at the diner." She says as soon as you open the door.

   "Yeah well, we didn't want to leave you alone. Plus we would rather eat with you. Believe it or not, we actually enjoy your company." You say, teasing her.

   "Yeah. So get off your laptop and come join us. We got you your favorite!" Dean piles all of the food bags onto the table and starts shifting through them, sorting them by who got what.

   You go over and close Y/N's laptop and carry her over your shoulder, setting her down in a chair around the table while she yells in protest.

   "Put me down!" She screams as you carry her to her chair.

   For once, dinner seemed normal. Y/N didn't seem to be worrying about Cas as much and you were able to laugh and have have fun at the dinner table again. Just like old times. Until you heard the knock at the door.

Reader's P.O.V.

   It was your fault. You didn't need anybody to tell you either. But that night, while Sam and Dean had gone off to get your dinner, you decided not to sulk anymore. At least, not in front of the boys. You actually thought you could pull it off to. And then you heard someone knock on the door.

   You heart leapt. Maybe it was Cas! You rushed to the door, ignoring the worried looks Sam and Dean were giving eachother. But when you opened the door, it wasn't Cas that you found. It was a boy, looking like he was about to collaps. He had dirty blonde hair, and gentle, blue eyes. His clothes were torn, a large rip across the front of the boys shirt, exposing a large cut across his chest. He looked to be about your age.

  You absorbed all of this in secounds before the boy collapsed onto you. Sam and Dean are instantly at your side, pulling the boy off of you. They carry the boy over to thier bed and lay him down. Dean instantly shouts at Sam but you can't understand what he's saying. All that you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears as yu suddenly feel dizzy, because you notice something now that you missed before. You recognize the boy now. From before everything with your parents happened. You don't know how you could have missed this before. You were only best friends back when you were a normal 13 year old going to middle school. 

   You let out a small shriek before stumbling backwards into the still open door. You spin on your heals and run out the door, not bothering to close it, as you run to the one spot you know of in this unfamiliar town where you can be alone. You know that Sam is probably following you since Dean was usually the "medical" guy. But when you reach the park, finding it deserted, you figure that if they followed you, they had enough sence to stay back. 

   You look around, wondering why why you had thought this would help. Then, in the corner, you find a small, padded wall. Without thinking you run over, puching and kicking it untill your knuckles start to bleed. You crumple to the ground, pulling your knees to you chest, burrying your head into them, letting out a sob. Suddenly you feels a hand on your shoulder. 

   "Look Sam, I know what your gonna say. Your gonna try to make me feels better, but this isn't something easily fixed. Okay? So save it." You feel bad for snaping at him. It just comes out.

   "It's a good thing that I'm not Sam then, isn't it?" Dean. You burry your head in his shuolder.

   "I know him, Dean. He went to my school. He was my best friend, along with Y/B/F/N. I don't understand. That was NOT normal, back there. And how he just showed up on our doorstep... What did I do wrong? Everybody that I care about..." You can't finish that thought.

   "I don't know,Y/N. Nobody deserves this. Especially not you. You only care about others, even if it means sacraficing alittle bit for your self and giving it to others. If anybody deserves this, it's me. I've done alot of crap that I'm not proud of. But instead.. I'm so sorry Y/N. I wish that this was me instead of you." His voice carcks as he pulls your face out of hid shoulder, cupping his hands around it, holding it inches from his. 

   You think of what it was like before your parents died. Joking around with your parents at the dinner time, or in the evening while watching t.v. before bed. You think of how supportive they were of you no matter what you chose to do in life. " I wanna go home." Tears flood from your eyes, blurring you vision. It clears just enough to see that Dean's eyes were filled with tears as well, before blurring again.

   "I know. I know you do." His voice catches at the end, and you know that the tears are now falling down his face as well. "Me to."

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