Chapter 14

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I just want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my story. It really means alot. Okay I'll shut up now so that you can continue reading the story now. Love you guys!! ~bparmer1513

Sam's P.O.V.

   You can't explain the feeling, and to be honest, you don't wanna try. One second you were in Crowley's trap, the next you were three miles away where you had parked the car. At least Cas had gotten your message though. Without having to focus on distracting Crowley, you were reminded that Dean and Y/N were still in danger. You get into the car that you "borrowed" from an old man at the motel you're staying at. You don't know how, but Cas was able to convince the poor old man to lend you his car.

   You start the engine and pull out of the parking lot of a Stop 'N Sip the moment Cas is in the car. He holds onto the dashboard, clearly unhappy that you are well above the speed limit, but knowing that you are in a rush to save Dean and Y/N, he chooses to keep his mouth shut. You weave in and out of cars, turning onto Y/B/F/N's street. It doesn't take long before you notice the black Impala sitting out front ofone of the houses that could only be Dean's. You pull in right in behind the Impala and shut off the car. As you walk upto the door you stomache fills with dread as you realise just how quiet it is inside, but you open the door anyways.

Reader's P.O.V.

   You can't believe that only five months ago, you were living a normal life. But now, looking down at your uncocious best friend, you can't remember a time when you weren't training to hunt demons. Suddenly you hear the front door open. You look over and see that Dean heard it to. In one look, you understand eachother and both pick up your weapons, each going a different way to get to the front room. As you round the corner, your confidence crumbles as you drop you weapons and run into the warm embrace of your big brother. You look over and see Dean let out a sigh of relief as he too drops his weapon and comes over to where you and Sam stand.

    Suddenly Cas appears next to you. You don't know when it happened but sometime between when you first arrived at the boys motel door, and now, these three people have become the only family you needed. You coulden't imagine a life without them and would never want to imagine it. Sure you still missed your parents, but hearing that "demon" earlie, you realised something. These three people right here felt the same way for you as you do for them, and you wouldn't want it anyother way. Even if you could get your parnets back now, you weren't sure if you would want them back. It would be nice to see them again, but you would have to leave Dean, and Sam, and Cas behind.

   Suddenly Sam cuts through your thoughts. "What happened?"

   You tell Sam the whole story, with a few interuptions from Dean when you passed out. At the end you hear a moan from the living room where you had left Y/B/F/N. Without even thinking, you run into the room to find her waking up, holding her head. You kneel next to her. "Wow. Take it easy"

   Her eyes focus on you and she manages a smile. "Y/N. Your here. It wasn't just a dream. That means... my family?" Her eyes lock on you as they begin to fill with tears. Suddenly you can't hold it back anymore. The family that you have known since you were about 7... gone. The only safe place you have ever known when you jest had to get away from your parents... everything that you have ever known was gone. First your parents and now... The tears came spilling over your cheeks.

   "Y/B/F/N... they... kitchen..." That's all you manage to get out between sobs as your throat begins to close. You just sit on the floor of the living room huging eachother for a while, crying onto eachother's shoulders. You knew that behind you Dean and Sam were watching. Cas had flashed out after you ran off. You didn't care.

   You don't know how long it was before you finally let go of each other. Dean and Sam had "disposed" of the bodies... you didn't wanna know how.

   "So... who's the hotties?" Y/B/F/N asks when you finally pull yourselfs together.

Dean's P.O.V.

   You couldn't stand it. Y/N and Y/B/F/N were just sitting on the floor crying, and there was nothing that you could do about it. Your chest tightened as you watched you little sister crying there, cuddled up next to Y/B/F/N. Finally they stoped crying, and stood up. You and Sam had gotten Cas to flash the bodies into the morge and "alter" thier memories.

   The first thing that you ever heard Y/B/F/N say (being in-controll of her body) was, "So... who's the hotties?" She gestured in you and Sam's direction and there was nobody else in the hou8se so she must have meant you two.

   "Ew!" Y/N says with a look of disgust. Then, catching her self, she turned to you. "No offense." Then turning to Y/N, "Those are my brothers. Well kind of. Im assuming that you heard about what happened to my parents?"

   "Yeah. I'm sorry Y/N." Y/B/F/N's eyes seem to fill with tears again and you get the feeling that you don't know Y/N and Y/B/F/N's backstory very well.

   "Don't be. I'm sorry about your parents to. But Sam and Dean's parents are my god-parents. After what happened with my parents... I went to them. Thier parents passed away too so they knew what I was going through and they said that I could stay with them. I'm assuming you know about them."

   "Sam and Dean Winchester... yeah. Sarah knew lots about you two. She didn't fancy you very much. But I think that she was more afraid of you than anything." She looks between the two of you, seemingly wondering whether she too should be afraid.

   "Anyways... If you want you can stay with us for a little while. I mean I'm pretty sure it would be fine. We could take you to your grandma's or..."

   "No. It's fine. My godparents live right around here. I'm just gonna pack my stuff once you leave and head over there. "

   Suddenly Sam speaks up. "Are you sure? We can drive you there. Or, if you want, you could always stay with us."

   "No. It's fine." Y/B/F/N didn't seem like much but she was persistant. You looked at your watch and saw that it was about six-thirty.

   "Well, If your sure that you don't need us anymore, we should get going." You look over and see Y/N's eyes filling with tears for about the tenth time today and feel a knot form in your stomach.

   "Okay..." Y/N says, turning to face Y/B/F/N. For a secound they just stand there looking at eachother, having a silent conversation. Then, with tears flooding out of both of their eyes, they hug eachother. They whisper to eachother for a moment, before pulling away. Y/N comes over to where you stand with Sam, and hugs your arm.

   "Thank you, Sam and Dean Winchester. I owe you my life. That is something that I can never repay."

   "Awe, it's nothing. Just stay safe, okay?" Sam always had a way with kids, his light voice surprises you.

   "Yeah." You say. "But if anything happens, just give us a call."

   "Okay... " She replies, her gaze staying on the floor.

   "Bye chica." Y/N says, her gaze also locked on the ground. Without waiting for anyresponse she walks out the front door. You only wait a second to follow her out, Sam close behind.

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