Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Sorry for the heart wrenching ending last time! Just wanted to let you guys know that this is going to be a pretty short chapter. And it'll probably be pretty sad too. I thought I'd give you a warning this time. 

A couple days later...

Reader's P.O.V.

   You look down at the new head stone. In any other circumstances, it would have been a gorgeous day. But nobody wanted to admire it. On any other day, you and Will might go swimming in a stream. Or go on a hike in the woods. Instead, yourr at a cemetary, burrying your big brother. Sam's headstone wasn't any different from the other's in the cemetary. Name, birth date, death date, and a small memior. beside you, Dean stood, crying, as he finished patting down the soil on Sam's grave. He looks at you and opens his arms. You allow yourself to collaps in his arms, crying.

   "I'm so sorry Dean. It's my fault. It's all my fault."

   "No. It's not. He made that decision on his own. He would have done the same thing if any of us we in that situation."

   "He wouldn't have had to make that decision if I had never come here. I never should Have come here. Nothing good came out of it. Crowley's right. I should have died that day with my parents."

   "Y/N, don't you ever say that. Not to me. I love you. Your my little sister. Sam loved you too. That's why he made that decision. I'm glad that you came here Y/N."

   You release Dean and sink down to your knee's at Sam's grave. You hear a flutter of wings behind you and suddenly Castiel is kneeing there next to you. He takes off his trenchcoat anddrapes it around your shoulders as a cool breeze blows past, making you shiver.


    You go back to the motel after about twenty minutes. You and Will are sitting in the back of the Impala, Dean's driving. Cas meets you at the motel, he still hates car rides. You get back and see a bunch of Sam's stuff laying around. His clothes, his laptop, his phone... It's all too much. You walk out. You keep walking, not even sure of where your going. You don't stop for cars, you don't try to swerve around people, you just walk.

   Eventually you find yourself at the spot on the highway where you had found the trenchcoat. You look out, over the hill, to the ocean. And you scream. You let out all the pain and suffering flow out that you had been holding in for almost a year. You only pause to breath before releasing another ear-splitting scream. Then you crumple to the ground. Dean's arms close around you before you hit the hard packed earth. Will is right next to him. He puts his hand on your head as you sit on the ground enveloped in Dean's arms. Nobody tries to talk to you. Nobody asks what's wrong, they all know.

   You think about that night. You rewatch his body hit the ground over and over again. Replay his final words. They wouldn't have been his final words if it hadn't been for you. He wouldn't have had to even say them. You take a gulp of air as you realise that you're crying again.

   "Shhh. It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Dean rocks you back and forth slightly, trying to comfort you. The last time he probably had to do this was when he and Sam were children. Trying to calm a scared child, because that's what you were. You were only a child, and you were terrified.

   "If it make you feel any better," Cas is suddenly there too. You didn't even hear the wings flutter. "... I looked into Sam's heaven. He's happy there. He believes that his with all of us again."

   "Thanks Cas." You look up at Dean and see the rims of his eyes shinning with tears. 

   "Come on." Dean says, lifting you to your feet. "Let's go. It's times like these where I wish we had a cozy little home to return to."

   "I am home." You see the look of confussion pass over his face. You motion to your three companions. "You guys are my home."

   Dean smiles. "And what a great home it is."

   And that's when you realised that, it may not be right away, but everything would be alright.

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