Chapter 6

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Castiel's P.O.V.

   You had been searching all night. You had talked to the neighbor, the cops, the mortitions, everyone you could think of talking to, but nobody could explain it. And of course, the neighbor didn't remember anything. So you searched for any sign that this demon had been anywhere else but nothing. You had to find it for Y/N though, you had to.

   It was gonna be a long day.

Reader's P.O.V.

   When you woke up, both the boys were already awake, drinking coffee and going over their notes for the hunt. Typical. You stretch and get out of bed, stretching once more before walking over to the table that the boys are sitting at and take a seat next to Dean. Both boys look up at you before saying good morning. You can't help but smile as you remember what today is. The day you start your first hunt!

   "Did you sleep well Y/N?" Dean asks, returning to his work.

   "Yes I did." You reply witha smile, although you know that he can't see it.

   "Now aren't you glad that I didn't let you sleep on the sofa?" He asks jokingly, looking at you only to lift an eyebrow mockingly before returning to his work once again.

   "Yeah instead I had to sleep on it. Thanks by the way." Sam says both annoyed and jokingly.

   "Well at least you were able to get a good nights sleep too." You say to Dean, ignoring Sam's comment.

   "You're right about one thing, I did sleep pretty well last night." He says, getting up to refill his cup for probably the fourth or fifth time. Along with being a slight alcholic, the oldest of the Winchester brothers also happens to be a coffeholic, as you've notice over the past month.

   "Yeah, yeah. You both slept fabulously! Now can we please get back to work?" Sam say, definitely annoyed now. You get up and stand right next to him, crouching down so you can put your head on his shoulder.

   "Aw! Did little Sammy not sleep very well?" You say mockingly in your best little kid voice.

   "Whatever!" He says, pushing back his chair to join Dean in refilling his mug. You laugh to yourself and highfive Dean quietly when he gets back to the table.

   Today was gonna be a good day!

Sam's P.O.V.

   After reviewing your notes with Dean and going over the plan once more with Y/N, everybody gets ready. It's around noon by the time everybody's ready which is okay. You need it to be towards the afternoon to make sure all the vamps are back to the nest and everybody it asleep, hopefully. Dean suggests going out to lunch, which you figure is to lengthen the time until we start the hunt with Y/N. Nobody argues so you stop at a nice little caffe and grab some lunch.

   "So after this we'll head to the nest, tie up the loose ends to our plan, and gank these blood suckers. Do you remember how to kill them?" Dean asks Y/N for the billionth time. I remember him doing the same thing to me before every hunt I went out my first year as a hunter.

   "Cut off there heads. If they start to stir, shoot 'em up with some dead mans blood." She recites the answer just as Dean had told her.

   "Good. Or escape out in to the sunlight. If they try to follow you they will be blinded and burned by it and will then become vunerable." Dean says this as if he's lecturing her but I don't blame him. He just wants to make sure that everything goes well.


   After lunch, you head to the vamps nest. You go over the plan once more, and head out. Dean and Y/N will go around the back while you go in the side door. You locate all of the vamps, and kill them all off. Then you meet back outside. Sounds flawless, but things never go the way you plan.

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