Chapter 4

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Sam's P.O.V.

   As Y/N drifts off to sleep she puts her head on your shoulder. You move your arm to where you are protectively holding her closer to you. When she seems to be fully asleep, you finally look up at Dean. For a moment he doesn't say anything, which can't be good. Not with Dean.

   "That was nice, what you said to her." He says, gesturing towards Y/N.

   "Well given what she's been through..."You decide not to finish that thought. Dean pulls the impala over, off to the side of the road and looks at you before getting out of the car, closing the door softly to make sure he didn't wake up Y/N. You gently move her off you shoulder and follow Dean. You stand in silence for a minute.

   "Look, she's been through a lot. Maybe we shoulden't let her tag along on this hunt. Maybe we should just give her some time."

   "I don't want her coming either, she's too young and she could get hurt. But she's really looking forward to coming. Plus, I know you and you wouldn't let anything bad happen to her."

   "I guess your right. It wouldn't be right to take this away from her when she looking forward to it so much." Dean looks over his shoulder to see Y/N still sleeping in between the drivers seat and the passengers seat. She looks so peaceful in her sleep, you're almost jealous of her. "We should get going." And with that, you head back to the car.

Dean's P.O.V.

  You really didn't want Y/N tagging along on this hunt. You and Sam don't even know what it is that your hunting, how can you keep her safe? You don't know what you would do if she got hurt and it was on you....


   After about 4 hours you finally arrive in Lower Merrion. You pick a motel and check in. By then Y/N has waken up so you decide to go grab some dinner. You find a nice diner and sit down down to a meal, as usual, you order a bacon burger.

   After dinner Y/N surprises you, she takes the check. "You guys do everything for me, I wanna help repay some of that." She says with a smile, looking between you and Sam.

   "That's ok Y/N. How would you even pay for it?" You ask.

   "My parents left me some money. Please let me do this!" She gives you a puppy-dog look and you melt into your shoes.

   "Fine!" You say, giving her an exasperated look. You turn to Sam who is giving you a questioning look, but quickly looks away.

   After dinner, you head back to the motel to do some research. Sam pulls out his laptop to try to figure out what this thing is, Y/N hits the books, and you pop open a beer before joining Y/N.

   "You know that drinking to much ruins your liver, right?" Y/N asks you.

   "Yeah but wiht our job, there are much worse things that could happen."You regret what you said as soon as it comes out of your mouth. Y/N's usually happy expression turns dark as she continues reading. "Hey look-"

   "No it's fine. I know what you meant." She says, still not looking up.

   "Hey!" You say as you get an idea. "I have someone that I want you to meet!" Sam gives you a questioning look that you ignore and stand up. "Cas? Castiel! Cas?" Suddenly you hear a flutter of wings and Y/N gasps. You turn around and Castiel is standing right behind you.

   "Dean? Whats going on?" Y/N asks. You can clearly hear the fear in her voice but you just smile as Sam smiles.

   "Cas, where have you been? We have a new addition to our team." Sam exclaims. Cas barely registers him.

   "Everywhere." Then to you, "Who is that?" He gestures towards Y/N.

   "Oh! That's Y/N Y/L/N. She's..." But Cas cuts you off with a flick of his hand and walks towards Y/N who instinctively backs away.

   "It's okay. You do not have to fear me for I am an an angel of the lord." She looks to you for clarification, you nod. "I know what happened to your parents. But do not worry, they are in heaven now."

   "Cas that's kind of a delicate subject." You say looking to Y/N to see how she reacts. You notice Sam doing the same.

   "No Dean, it's ok. Are they really in heaven? Are they ok?" She looks at Cas as if he were the answer to her prayers, and maybe he is. Maybe all that she wants is to know how her parents are.

   "Yes. They are fine. They miss you but they want you to know that they are looking over you everyday." Y/N smiles and Cas comes over to you.

   "I thought only angels can watch over people." You whisper quietly to Cas.

   "She does not know that and she needed to hear that. Believe me, I know." Cas says smiling.

Castiels P.O.V.

   Y/N was 16. She was about 5'5'' with Y/E/C eyes and Y/H/C hair. But thats not what made her special. It's that she could hang around the Winchesters and never questioned anything. Dean and Sam Winchester always questioned themselves, always had doubts. But Y/N, she believed in them. And even though inside she was broken, the Winchesters were, somehow, putting her back together. Even if they coulden't do the same for themselves, you were happy that they could help Y/N.

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