Chapter 20

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Reader's P.O.V.

   Nobody went back to sleep after your big freak out, but nobody complained. Sam and Dean got ready and started to make breakfast. Sam worked on scrambled eggs, while Dean made the bacon. Will made the toast. You tired to help, but they wouldn't let you, it being your birthday. After breakfast Sam disappeaed, saying that he was going to the store to get supplies, he returned with a cake and a three big boxes, all wrapped up in wrapping paper.

   "What did you guys do?" You can't help but laugh. All three boxes have your name written on them, so you know that they are all for you.

   "You only turn 17 once. And we want to help you do it right." Sam has a big smile on his face. Dean moves from where he was sitting and yhelps Sam carry it all in, putting the boxes on your bed and putting the cake in the minifridge.

   "You guys didnt have to do this."

   Dean laughs. " We know. We wanted to. But no presents or cake until after dinner. Deal?"

   "Deal." You laugh at the look on Will's face.

   "I wish my grandparents celebrated birthdays like this."

  "This is nothing." Sam smiles, walking over and giving you a hug. "Happy Birthday, shortie."

   "Ok it's not my fault that your a freaking giant." You try to make your best hurt face, but you can't stop laughing.

   "What does that make me?" Dean asks, laughing.

   In unison you and Sam say, "A smaller giant." You fall off the bed laughing so hard, throwing you into a bigger fit of laughter.


   For dinner, all four of you go out to a nice itallian resturaunt, your favorite. Then you convince the boys to try ice skating. There was a rink near by that you had seen the other day and you had really been wanting to go. All you could think about the entire time was when you, Will, and Y/B/F/N would go when you were little.

   Naturally, having gone many times before, you and Will managed not to fall. Dean and Sam on the other hand...

   "This is stupid." Dean sai after falling for the thirtieth time in the past two minutes.

   You reach down to help him up. "You need to center yourself better. Leaning backwards will only cause you to fall backwards."

   You laugh as you watch them fall and struggle to get up. Eventually they give up, saying that they will watch you skate from the viewing area, leaving you and Will alone for the second time that day. The two of you race, weaving through people as you try to beat the other persons speed, laughing when you would fall, helping eachother up. Around 8, though, the two of you agree to head out. You return you skates and meet up with Sam and Dean in the veiwing area.

   "Ready to head home?" Dean asks you, patting your head.

   "Yeah, let's go. I've been dying to eat that cake since you brought it back earlier."

   You head back to the motel, heading to the minifridge as soon as you get through the door. Dean pulls out a lighter and a match, sticking the match in the cake and lighting it.

   "It's not as good as a candle but..."

   "It's perfect."

   They sing the Happy Birthday song and you blow out the match, wishing this moment could never end. The only thing that could make it better would be if Cas were here...

   "What did you wish for?" Sam asks, interupting your thoughts.

   "Well if I told you, it wouldn't come true." You say, laughing.

   Dean cuts the cake, revealing your favorite, chocolate, and serves it. You eat until you think your gonna explode, and help Sam do the dishes.

   "Okay." Sam says when you finally finish doing the dishes. "Time for presents. Will gave you his yesterday. Now it's our turn."

   You walk over to the bed and rip the wrapping paper from the first box. You open it, revealing old pictures of you when you were little. your parents, and a lot of other momentoes from your childhood. You breath catches in your throat as you shift through everything in the box. Without looking up you go to the next box. Inside you find lots of things from your room at your old house. Your favorite books, jewlery, clothes, makeup, more pictures, etc. You let a tear escape, rolling down your cheek as you pick up the dress you were going to wear to eighth grade promotion. Moving on to the third box, you let out a sob. Inside are contents from your parents room. Wedding photos, your dads watch, your moms ring, small things that meant the world to you... that you thought you had lost forever.

   You look up for the first time since opening the first box, three sets of eyes watching your every move. " Thank you." Your voice barely above a whisper. "This is amazing." You get up and hug both of your brothers, thankfull that you had found them. Then you walk back over to the boxes, taking out one of your dads big shirts and your moms leggings and went into the bathroom. You change out of your jeans and pull on your moms soft leggings. Then you pull off your top, exchanging it for your dads oversized one, pulling off a hairtie from your wrist and tying it in the back to fit you better. It still smelled like your dads cologne.

   You walk back out into the room, only to find all three boys digging into the cake again. Without a word you join them, taking another huge chunk of chocolate cake, smiling as Will starts sharing another embarassing story of you when you were little.

Castiel's P.O.V.

   You bite back another cry of pain as the demon slashes another cut into your skin with the angel blade. You think of Y/N. You promised her that you would help her kill the demon that killed her family. Now you will never get the chance. You think of the night when Sam and Dean left her behind to clear out the vampire nest after she got hurt, and her telling you about her parents. You think of her making you promise to be safe before you left, telling her that you would keep an eyes on the demon to be sure it was the one.

   The demon takes off your cuffs keeping you tied to the chair, carrying you back to your cell, chaining you back to the wall. How long had you been here? A day? A week? Surely it had been longer than that.

   "I'm goona make you squeal like a pig tomorrow. You can look forward to that, Castiel." He said that everytime he finished torturing you.

   "You can try." You reply, spitting in the demons face.

   Unaffected, the demon walks to the door, locking it behind him. You sigh as you stare into total darkness, only your thoughts to keep you company now.

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