Chapter 9

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Reader's P.O.V.

   You don't remember falling asleep but when you open your eyes again, sunlight is streaming through the window. Your head rests on Castiel's shoulder. You lift you head up and rub all the sleep out of your eyes before getting up to start breakfast.

   "Good Morning Y/N." The angel says, smiling as he watches you crack eggs into a pan.

   "Good Morning Cas." You reply.

   "Did you sleep well? I didn't want to move you, I was afraid of waking you."

   "Yes I did. I slept amazingly, actually." You smile at Castiel before returning your attention to your eggs. "Did you hear anything from the boys yet?" You can't help but ask. Those vamps already had their scent. There would be no surprise attacks this time. That made you nervous.

   "Not yet. But I'm sure that they are fine." You want to believe Cas, but the fact that he won't look at you worries you. Just then your phone blasts ACDC's Highway to Hell, your ring tone for Dean.

    "Hello? Dean? Are you okay?" You stammer, so overwhelmed with relief.

   "Y/N, we're fine! Calm down.  We just finished the hunt and will be home in about an hour. "

   "Oh thank god!! Okay. I'll have breakfast ready for you." You reply. You can't help but smile. You didn't realize how nervous you were until now.

   You hear Dean laugh on the other end. "You bettter! See ya in an hour."

   "Okay. See ya in an hour." You reply before hanging up.

   "So I'm assuming it was good news?" Cas says smiling.


   You were teaching Cas how to play Go Fish when you heard the beat up engine if the impala pull up outside. You jump up and rush out the door. Dean is the first one out of the impala, so that's who you run to first.

   You throw your arms around his middle section, memorizing his familiar sent, only pulling away when Sam walks over. You turn around and do the same thing to him before grabbing both of their arms and leading them into the motel room. You warm up the breakfast you had made them and fixed both of them a plate.  They both smile when they see what you have fixed.

   "What's the special occasion?" Dean asks smiling down at you.

   Maybe you went a little overboard but you wanted to give them a good breakfast. After all they saved you life and went back to kill the vamp who almost took your life.

   "What? Can't a girl make her older brothers a fabulous breakfast?" Sam gives up on the conversation and digs right into the French Toast and omlete.

   Dean's breakfast is the same but with his you added a side if bacon. If there was one thing that you and your older brother had in common it was your love for bacon. 

   "Well okay then." Dean replies joining his brother at the table.

Dean's P.O.V

   You and Sam had been on hunts before while Y/N was here, but you knew that this time was a lot more personal for her, which probably terrified her even more than usual. That's why, your guessing, she made you your favorite breakfast.

   While you and Sam were eating breakfast,  Y/N went to go take a shower. That gave you the perfect opportunity to talk to Cas about her.

   "I still haven't heard anything about her parents or the demon." Cas says, sadly. 

   "Well thanks for watching her last night."

   "It's okay. I actually enjoyed myself. Y/N has a different perspective on things. She always looks for the good in things, which is strange."

   That catches Sam's attention. "What do you mean? Why's that so strange?"

   "Well, with what happened to her family, you'd think that her ability to do that would have been, at the very least, compromised. But it seems to be fine."

   Just then the water turned off in the bathroom, your cue to change the subject. By the time Y/N came out of the bathroom you were already on the subject of vamps. You were telling Cas about the hunt when she finally came out. She looked horrified.

   "What's wrong?" You notice that she has her phone in her hand.

   "Dean, can I talk to you privately?" She walks out the front door not waiting for you to respond.

Crowley's P.O.V

   You knew that the Winchester's little brat would come with the right motivation. That's why you sent Sarah into the meat suit of her best friend. Then, because your so impatient, you just had to have Sarah call up the little brat and tell her.

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