Chapter 2

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Dean's P.O.V. 

  It had been 3 weeks since Y/N had shown up and to be honest, you kinda liked her. Granted she was 16, but she kinda reminded you of Sammy. It wasn't your idea to train her but if she was gonna tag along, she was gonna have to know how to defend herself.

   You pull into the gym's parking lot with Y/N riding shotgun. Sam decided to stay at the motel room and do some research on a possible case. You both walk into the gym and head for one of the private rooms to work on some fighting techniques. The private room isn't necessary, but it keeps too many people from asking questions about teaching a sixteen year old girl how to fight and kill things.  Y/N practices on a practice dummy for a while before you decide it's time to fight.

   You circle each other for a minute before Y/N lunges at you. You move aside, barely missing her. She lunges again, this time tackling and pinning you to the ground. She laughs as she sits on you, pinning your arms down with her knees. You finally pull one of your arms free and lightly push her off you before jumping up, anticipating the next attack.

   You fight like this for at least an hour before heading back to the motel. You walk in to find Sam on his laptop. He looks up when you and Y/N enter the room. He looks almost as exhausted as you feel.

   "I'm gonna go take a shower so neither of you come in." Y/N announces looking between you and Sam for a second before walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. You hear the water turn on a moment later.

   You walk over to where Sam is sitting at his laptop and sit down across from from him.

   "How did it go?" Sam asks, shutting his laptop and getting up to grab you both a beer.

   "Great. Y/N's doing really good. She actually pinned me a couple times." Sam looks stunned for a moment.

   "Wow. Maybe, uh, soon, she'll be ready to.." He trails off looking at you.

   "Yeah..." Suddenly you feel like you need air. "Hey, uh, Sammy, I'll be right back okay?"

Sam's P.O.V.

   You knew it probably wasn't a good idea to bring up Y/N hunting but you really felt like she was ready. She was getting really good, really fast. Of course there was always the possibility that she could get hurt, but you and Dean would be there. You know better than anyone that Dean wouldn't let anything bad happen to the people he loves. Both of you were starting to think of Y/N as a little sister, and you would never let anyone touch your family. But you also knew that Dean was really gonna have to adjust to the idea that Y/N would be hunting at 16. Maybe she was a little young, but you and Dean had started younger.

   After about 15 minutes, Y/N comes out of the bathroom.

   "Hey, where did Dean go? I wanted to ask him about learning to shoot." She says this with a twinkle in her eye, and suddenly you know that she wants to learn everything she can so that Dean will see that she's ready to hunt. You know cause that's the same look you had in your eye when you wanted to join Dad and Dean on your first hunt.

   " He went out on a walk." You answer, not wanting to tell her the truth. That Dean didn't think she was ready.

   " Oh. Well ask him to bring back some tacos." Y/N answers smiling before flopping down on her bed, her wet hair causing water droplets to go flying everywhere.

   "Sure. Anything else?"

   She smiles. "Yes. I would also like a new iPhone, the complete Twilight series on DVD, and a panda."

   "Twilight?" You ask, laughing.

   "That's what you ask about? Not the panda?" Y/N asks, laughing, which causes you to lose it.


   About a half an hour later, Dean comes back with a bag of tacos in one had and some chips and salsa in the other. Y/N happily laughs, taking the tacos from Dean, setting them down on the table and getting some napkins for everyone. Then you all sit down to dinner together, constantly teasing each other and unable to stop laughing.

  Just for a moment, everything is perfect.

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